Chapter 856 Goku’s Attempt

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Kevera’s brain went blank. It was the first time that he heard someone describe himself as weak. Although Frieza’s talent is more than a million times stronger than himself. However, when Frieza was born, he had a combat power of 200 million. In other words, Kevela has never seen an existence stronger than himself.

And today, someone actually describes the strongest self in the universe…

It’s too weak.

Is… really too weak?

Kevera is caught in a cycle of self-denial. However, Mukuro is not so kind. Will give Kevela time to think twice. Stepping forward, directly using God Pro, appeared in front of Kevela, with his index finger pressed against Kevela’s forehead.

He said lightly: “Farewell…Kevilla.”

At the fingertips, a golden light suddenly rose, drowning Kevlar in it.

There was no sound, waiting for the golden light to fade away gradually. Kevlar’s figure has completely disappeared. Very strange, Frieza who was watching couldn’t help swallowing deeply. Because from Frieza’s point of view, killing Kvera by Mukuro is definitely not much more difficult than crushing an ant, so what about facing him who is weaker than Kvera? ! Friesha was desperate, he couldn’t imagine any possibility of surviving 330.

Sure enough, Mukuro, who eliminated Kevlar, turned his attention to himself.

At this moment, Frieza’s heart could not help but only the ashes left.

talent! ? This kind of thing.

In the face of absolute strength, it was just an extremely ridiculous object.

In this cruel universe, the survival of the fittest and the survival of the fittest are the only iron rules. In the eyes of the strong, talent is just a reason for the weak to find reasons for their weakness. At this moment, the proud Frieza finally understood this truth.

“The King of the Universe-Frieza. We… meet again.” Looking at Frieza, Mukuro said lightly, “Let’s get to know Frieza again. My name is Mitarashi Mukuro. You won’t forget this name, right? . Twenty years ago, you cut off your tail. Um… Now the tail shouldn’t grow again. By the way… I forgot to tell you. What was cut off by my eyes is absolutely impossible to recreate It’s recovered, even if it’s the use of Shenlong to make a wish. Even if it’s me, there is nothing to do, so I’m sorry.”

With that said, Mukuro shrugged and seemed to express his apologies.

“Mitarashi Mukuro!!” Frieza gritted his teeth, staring at Mukuro with both eyes. How could he have forgotten this name? He has hated Mukuro for twenty years: “Hey…but it’s a pity. The lowly Saiyans, together with your planet. They have been destroyed by me, this is Things you can’t change at all!”

Frieza knew that he would never survive today, so naturally he had no fear at all.

“Um… Planet Vegeta? What does it have to do with me!? Saiyan family, sorry, although I have Saiyan blood. But I don’t admit that I belong to Saiyan family, so you won’t destroy it. Planet Vegeta has nothing to do with me.” Mukuro said lightly, “Besides, don’t you know that there is something like Dragon Ball? If I want it, make a wish. Planet Vegeta can’t be restored. Are you stupid? Frieza.”

“En!?” Frieza looked dumbfounded.

“Then why are you, why are you aiming at me like this!?” Frieza said hysterically. Even the dead Frieza wanted to figure out why.

“Well, I’m sure you are a stupid.” Mukuro looked up forty-five degrees and said silently: “From beginning to end, I didn’t pay attention to you. It seems that you stupid has been provoking me. Okay, and stupid. Talking will lower my IQ. So… now you can die for me. Universe King Frieza.” As he said, Mukuro’s fingertips gathered an energy bomb.

“Mukuro, you are too cunning.”

Suddenly, an angry voice came into Mukuro’s ears. Mukuro was taken aback and followed the prestige. It was Goku, who saw Wukong whispering: “Mukuro, you are too interesting. Obviously he is my opponent. It should be left to me to solve it.”

“Um…” For Goku, Mukuro really had no choice.

I had no choice but to say: “Are you sure…I can defeat Frieza!? I watched the entire battle between you and Frieza just now. Even if you used twenty times the Realm King Fist. It’s not Frieza’s opponent at all. What’s more, with your current physical condition, there is simply no way to unlock twenty times the Realm King Fist.”

Without the bonus of the King’s Fist, Goku will not be Frieza’s opponent at all.

Wukong scratched his head in embarrassment, and said, “That… Twenty-fold Realm King Fist, I can’t open it now. But… your situation. I feel… I can try it. “Speaking, Goku pointed at Mukuro.

My situation! ?

Mukuro was a little puzzled, but then his pupils shrank suddenly.

Because Mukuro knew what Goku was referring to. My own situation at the moment-it is the state of Super Saiyan! ! Could it be…Would Goku be able to transform into a Super Saiyan? In the original plot, when Goku opens Super Saiyan, he is fighting Frieza.

“Then you give it a try. If you can turn on the Super Saiyan state. Then I won’t compete with you.” Mukuro said with a smile.

“Well, what you say is what you say.” Wukong said eagerly.

At the same time, the aura of the whole body was gradually improving. Soon, Mukuro could feel that Wukong’s aura had risen to a critical value. In other words, Wukong was able to step into the realm of Super Saiyan with just one shot. However, this approach is as difficult as climbing to the sky.

“Goku, stay angry!”

Mukuro suddenly said, “Anger is the source of Saiyan power.”

“Angry!?” Goku, struggling to hold his anger, suddenly flashed upon hearing Mukuro’s words. There is also a little understanding in my heart. Although he is an idiot in other respects, Wukong is definitely gifted in martial arts. Just ask, Guipai Qigong can be learned at a glance. In Dragon Ball, who else has this kind of talent besides Majin Buu and Goku! ?

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