Chapter 849 Eighteen layers of hell

The golden light bloomed on the planet Namik. In the shock wave of Mukuro, the three members of the Kevlar mech did not even survive for an instant, and turned into dust in the universe. It was at this moment that an abrupt voice suddenly sounded:

“Ahaha… such a powerful body will be mine soon.”


Subconsciously, Mukuro turned his head and looked over.

I saw a purple light hitting myself. In an instant, Mukuro had already noticed who had attacked him.

It’s Kinho. As the strongest under Frieza. Kinho has a combat power value of 120,000, which is enough to disregard the entire Frieza Legion! However, what Jinou is most proud of is not his six-figure combat power value, but his special superpower. As a race rarer than the Frozen race in the universe, Kinyu possesses the super power to exchange bodies with others. The conditions for exchanging bodies are also very simple, as long as they stand opposite their opponents. 16 Then yell “swap” to complete the whole process of the change.

So for Jinyu, I never knew what cultivation was.

If the body encounters an irreparable injury, just change it. When you encounter a stronger opponent than yourself, you can just grab his body.

Therefore, the lavender appearance of Keanu is not his original appearance at all.

Jinu exchanges bodies. If the two are far apart, it takes a few seconds to invade. Although it is not very long, it is also a very simple matter for the powerhouse who moves to destroy the planet, wanting to dodge the past. That’s why, in the original plot, Wukong throws a toad, which prevents Kinho and Vegeta from swapping their bodies. Otherwise, Kinho is not an idiot. If there is no limit to the super power of the change, he would have swapped bodies with Frieza long ago. Although Kinho respected Frieza very much, it could not be compared with the temptation to become the emperor of the universe.

But Mukuro didn’t mean to dodge at all.

Not because Mukuro didn’t care, but because Mukuro completely ignored Kinho.

In the Dragon Ball world, there are definitely many people who are stronger than Mukuro in terms of combat effectiveness. But in terms of the level of the spiritual level, perhaps there is only the existence of the angel family, or the god-tier officials and the whole kings can be stronger than Mukuro.

And Jinou saw that Mukuro didn’t mean to dodge at all, and he was immediately overjoyed.

Originally, Jinou was still afraid, in case the strong man in front of him reacted quickly and avoided. Then his own transformation will fall short. Jinou couldn’t believe that facing such a strong man, he could find such a good opportunity to exchange his body for the second time. Ahahaha… Such a powerful body is immediately his own. How terrifying his combat effectiveness would be if he could easily smash the three of the Kevila mecha unit. Listening to what Shaveza just said, the combat power has broken 500,000! ? How much will that be! ? Seven hundred thousand! ? Eight hundred thousand! ?

Will it… more than one million! ?

Ahahaha… I didn’t expect my Kinho to become so strong. Such a powerful body has never been seen before. It’s decided…you must use this body well, otherwise, if it breaks, where can you find such a powerful body. At this moment, Jinou had already begun to imagine what would happen after taking Mukuro’s body away.

In an instant, Kinho’s soul invaded Mukuro’s body.

However, the familiar sensation of seizing the body in the past was not felt by Keinu this time. He can perceive that he is still in the form of the soul. After the dazzling moment came, Jinyu found himself in a very strange place. The blood-red earth, blood-red sky, and even the big sun hanging in the sky are strange blood-red.

Everything around, looking at Jinyu can’t help but feel frizzy.

“Where is this!? Who are you… come out! Quickly let me go, or wait for King Frieza to come to Nami Nemesis, he will definitely kill you.” Kinho roared hoarsely. In such an environment, only roaring can give Kinyu courage.

“Keanu, are you looking for me?”

The blood-red air around, gathered together, and a figure appeared.

It is Mukuro.

And here, it is Tsukuyomi’s space.

After Mukuro’s eyes evolved into reincarnation pupils, the pupil skills originally possessed by the reincarnation Tenseigan were strengthened. What’s more, as Mukuro’s strength increased, the power of the reincarnation pupil became more and more terrifying. For comparison, the Tsukuyomi that Mukuro now displays at will is stronger than Infinite Tsukuyomi, which Uchiha Madara uses both the sacred tree and the moon. As soon as the reincarnation pupil shoots down a normal Tsukuyomi, a world like Naruto and Pirates will immediately fall into the illusion created by Mukuro.

“Who are you!? Where are you here!?” Mukuro looked at the blood-red figure, but I don’t know why, Ke 413 Newy felt a sense of fear in the depths of his heart.

“Who am I!? I don’t have the habit of telling the dying person the name.” Looking at Keinu, Mukuro said lightly, “As for what place is this!? Of course there is no problem telling you, because here is… …Hell. Next, Jinyu, you will come and taste the suffering of hell. It’s an honor that you are the first. First of all… Tongue Hell!”

Pupil Art: Eighteen Hells! It is the pupil technique developed by Mukuro based on Tsukuyomi. As long as the mental will is not as strong as Mukuro, look at each other with Mukuro. Then Mukuro can be drawn into the world of eighteen hells. In the eighteen hells, the subject will experience eighteen different kinds of torture. Tongue Hell, Scissor Hell, Iron Tree Hell, Evil Mirror Hell, Steamer Hell… Eighteen layers of hell are eighteen different kinds of torture. In the first level of hell, the duration of the victim’s suffering is one year, while in the second level of hell, the duration of the victim’s suffering is two years.

In the subsequent hells, they were successively stacked and increased. By the time of the last layer of Saw Hell, the time limit of the suffering suffered by the subject had increased to an unimaginable value, 1311,072 years. Such a long sentence is simply unimaginable!

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