Chapter 848 The destruction of the Kevlar mech forces

In other words, in this universe except for the frozen people. How could there be living entities with a combat power of more than 500,000? ! Immediately, tyranny appeared on Shaveza’s face, and he felt as if he was being teased again.

“You… all die for me!” Shaveza yelled angrily.

As soon as the voice fell, the whole person blasted towards Mukuro like a cannonball. The figure disappeared directly in place, and in the next moment, he appeared in front of Mukuro. The clenched fist blasted directly towards Mukuro’s front door. Shaveza showed a cruel look in his eyes, and he wanted to use his fist to kill the guy in front of him who dared to yell in front of him!

However, in the next moment, the expression on Xaviza’s face became stiff, and the cold sweat couldn’t help streaming down from his forehead, and it was even harder to swallow.

Because the guy in front of him actually touched his fist with a finger!

How can it be! ?

How can this be! ?

Even King Kevela is not so powerful, right.

Like Frieza, Kevera has not shown his final form in front of his subordinates. So in Shaveza’s or Kinho’s cognition, although Kevela and Frieza are very strong, they are only considered to be millions of combat power.

Although, Mukuro blocked Shaveza’s fist.

But there was no direct backhand attack. After Shaveza reacted, he immediately stepped back. At the same time shouted loudly: “Nez, Drey, the opponents are very strong, the fighting power is far more than 200,000! Don’t keep your hands. Let’s attack together.” While speaking, raising his right hand, index finger shot out a dumpling-like hole. The beam is the same as the cave wave, but it is much more powerful than the cave wave. This is Shaveza’s stunt-finger light.

Although it is not very destructive, it has a terrifying penetrating power. Under Shaveza’s full urging, it can even easily penetrate the entire planet!

At the same time, the other two members of the Kevlar Mecha Unit, Nez and Dre, also launched their own attacks on Mukuro. Neither Nez nor Dre are weak. Nez’s combat effectiveness reached 163,000 points, only 7,000 points less than Shaveza. Drey’s battle has reached a terrifying level of 185,000, which is 15,000 points higher than the captain of Shaveza. If it is not too savage to be a little stupid, I am afraid that the captain of the Kevlar mech combat unit will not have anything to do with Shaveza. After all, Dre is stronger.

Kevela’s mechs are Kevela’s most elite combat squad, which is similar to Frieza’s Kinyut team, but has a smaller number than Kinyut’s team, with only three people.

The captain is Shaveza, so there is no need to say more about this.

Nez, the number two character in the Kevlar mecha unit, has a combat power of 163,000 points. It is the life form born on the sixth planet of Kevela. Because the entire planet is full of water and no land exists, Nez belongs to an evolutionary race of amphibians. The skin and bones are extremely soft, the head can be retracted into the chest, and the hands and feet can also be stretched. There are power-generating organs in the body that can emit super high-voltage currents.

His stunt is to use the high-voltage current he generates to attack.

Dre, possesses the strongest combat effectiveness of the Kevlar mecha unit! It is a life form born on the 256th planet of Kevela. With a very strong body, Dre once relied on his strong physique to participate in the Cosmic Wrestling League. He is the king who has won three hundred games in a row, without a single defeat, and his opponents will be brutally killed by him, extremely bloodthirsty. Due to its special body shape, his combat power detector is designed to be integrated with the helmet!

His stunt is to blast a simple and rude golden shock wave!

Finger light, electric current attack, golden shock wave!

The three strongest moves in the Kevlar mecha units all poured out to Mukuro!

However, Mukuro didn’t mean to dodge at all, his expression was indifferent. You know, this is an attack from three strong men with a combat power value close to 200,000!

Even if he was as strong as King Kvera, when facing the attack of the three of his own, he chose to avoid instead of resisting.

Who do you think you are! ?

There is no intention to dodge in the slightest! ?

snort! Then die for me! !

In Shaveza’s heart, there was a frantic roar…

However, at the moment when the trio’s attack was about to touch Mukuro’s body. Suddenly a black barrier covered Mukuro in it. But just as Mukuro thought about it, the Truth-Seeking Ball appeared, and then stretched into a dark barrier to protect Mukuro. Whether it is a finger light, an electric current attack, or a golden shock wave, the moment it touches the dark barrier, it disappears.

“This… how is this possible!? Blame… a monster!?” Shaveza murmured.

At this time, Shaveza’s expression looked a little sluggish.

In this universe, there are such terrifying human beings. How can it be! ? But then…Viza’s heart gave birth to great fear!

At the same time, he couldn’t help moving slowly behind him!

This kind of enemy is definitely not something you can deal with.

Since it is a formidable enemy, leave it to King Kevela to deal with it. Yes… I’ll leave it to King Kevela! Hmph…Although you are very strong, compared to King Kevela, there must be a difference between Tenten.

“Where do you… want to escape!?”

The voice of Mukuro’s playful abusiveness passed into Shaweza’s ears, and Shaweza’s body suddenly stiffened. 5.6

I also know that his little actions were discovered by Mukuro. Angrily said: “Huh! What do you want to do!? I am the subordinate of Lord Kevela, the emperor of the universe. If you dare to touch me, Lord Kevela will definitely not let you go, and will definitely kill you. ”

Realizing that he can’t beat Mukuro, Shaveza can only threaten with words.

Like a defeated dog, only knows how to bark.

And Mukuro, looking at Shaveza is like looking at a funny clown. After Shaveza finished speaking, he slowly said, “Okay, are you finished?”

“If you finish saying… then, you can die for me.”

After Mukuro finished speaking, he raised his hand. He didn’t mean to listen to Shaveza any more nonsense. The golden shock wave directly blasted in the direction of the three.

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