Chapter 850 Tit for tat

And the complete eighteenth hell pupil technique has withstood, the time limit of the sufferer’s suffering, but has reached a terrifying value of more than 260,000 years! Moreover, even if someone has undergone a round of eighteen-layer hell pupil art with extremely pervert mental will, don’t think it’s over. The subject will be thrown into the tongue hell again and begin a new round of suffering. And this time the pain will be twice as much as the previous one, and then it will be infinite reincarnation.

In other words, as long as you fall into eighteen layers of hell.

I can’t break free! This pupil technique is the ultimate phantom pupil technique developed by Mukuro based on the ability of Rinnegan’s Tsukuyomi and Tenseigan to create phantom space, plus the foundations of the five dimensional worlds experienced by Mukuro!

It is also the pupil technique that Mukuro is most satisfied with at this stage.

To deal with Kinho, he used eighteen layers of hell, which is simply an overkill. However, Mukuro was only to test pupil surgery. Even Frieza and Mukuro would not use such a terrifying pupil technique. This pupil technique can definitely be regarded as a killer by Mukuro.

The super killer only second to the Demon Eye of Straight Death! As for why it can’t be regarded as a killer that is comparable to the Eye of Straight Death! ? Sorry… the ability to reach the Demon Eye. At this stage, Mukuro has not been able to find a comparable ability! Up to now, Mukuro still believes that the Demon Eye of Straight Death is definitely the best thing he has extracted using the system.

One that does not exist, the absolute best!

The importance of Mukuro is second only to the system itself!

Among the eighteen layers of hell, Kinho didn’t even survive the first layer of tongue-out hell, and the soul had completely fallen into dementia. Mukuro couldn’t help but strongly despise Keanu. It was really weak enough, but he was also very satisfied with the effect of the eighteen-layer hell of the pupil technique. You must know that Jinyue is a strong soul of Dragon Ball Spirit Summoning. After all, the exchange of super powers is to use the soul to forcibly invade the opponent’s body. Even Jinu, who is proficient in this way, can’t survive the first layer of tongue-out hell, let alone these empty fighting brutal men in the Dragon Ball world.

Pupil skills such as illusion arts are definitely a terrifying weapon in the Dragon Ball world!

After Kinho’s soul dementia, Mukuro withdrew to eighteen levels of hell.

Since then, Frieza’s strongest Admiral, Kinho, was completely killed by Mukuro. The other members of the Kinuite team were killed by members of the Kevila Mecha Corps just now. In other words, the Kinuit team has been completely destroyed.

“Mukuro, didn’t you say that there are great characters? Where are you!? I didn’t perceive anyone better than me on this planet.” Goku scratched his head, wondering.

“I will show up soon,” Mukuro said lightly. At the same time, he looked up at the blue sky. Just as Mukuro’s words fell, two large disc-shaped spaceships landed slowly.

The hatches of the two spaceships opened almost at the same time. Then one person walked out of the two spaceships. The two look similar, except that one’s skin is pink, while the other’s skin is purplish red.

The King of the Universe-Frieza! ! !

The King of the Universe-Kevela! ! !

The two brothers rule the seventh universe of the entire Dragon Ball world.

After confirming the identity of Xaviza, Mukuro knew that he was going to face the enemy, not only Frieza, but also Kevilla, who was stronger than Frieza. Although I don’t know why Kevela suddenly slammed into it, was it because of the butterfly effect caused by his little butterfly? Anyway, Mukuro didn’t have too many worries.

I have seen the theater version of Mukuro, and I know the exact combat power value of Kevira very well.

470 million! ! !

Although Beverlysa is too much stronger. But you must know that based on Mukuro’s current benchmark combat power value, it has reached 90 million. Turning on twenty times the Realm King Fist, the combat power value exceeded 500 million in every minute, it was not easy to abuse Kevlar.

It happened to deal with Kevlar by himself.

Frieza left it to Goku to solve it.

I just don’t know, without Klin’s death…Would Goku be angry enough to start the Super Saiyan state. You know, the most critical factor to start the Super Saiyan state is to maintain endless anger!

Then use anger to stimulate potential and turn on the state of Super Saiyan.

Frieza stepped off the spaceship with some doubts. Because he didn’t see Keanu coming to greet him with weird movements. Frowning, looking around for a while, Frieza was even more puzzled, as if he had just experienced a very fierce battle around him.

“Goku, did you see it? The pink-skinned dwarf, I’ll leave it to you to solve it.” At this time, Mukuro’s voice reached Frieza’s ears.

Dwarf with pink skin? Who is it, Dodalia! ?

Frieza hadn’t reacted at all. Then I heard another voice sounded: “No! Mukuro, you are so cunning, it’s the purple-skinned guy who looks more powerful. I’m going to compete with the powerful guy. The pink guy, leave it to Mukuro. Solve it.”

“Idiot, can you beat it!?” Mukuro was completely helpless to Goku. “In this way, if you can defeat Frieza before I can solve Kvilla. I will give you Kvilla to fight, how about it? Oh… by the way. The pink-skinned guy is called Frieza. Lisa, and the fuchsia-skinned guy named Kvera, is not a good thing.”

Frieza is not a fool.

Mukuro has already said it clearly, how could he not understand? !

The pink-skinned guy actually refers to himself? !

Frieza reacted with endless rage. Actually… Actually, he called himself a guy with pink skin. Damn it, damn, I am the most noble cosmic king in the entire universe. Who dares to despise himself with such insults? !

No matter who it is… I must dismember your body.

When Frieza looked over at the sound, she was stunned. Because he saw a face that he could not forget for life, a face that brought shame to himself!

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