Chapter 844 Dialogue with the Great Elder

When Goku said that, Mukuro really felt it. There is really no difference in appearance between Neru and Piccolo. Or maybe the fighting type Nami nemesis is like this! ? But then again, the appearance of the Nami Nemesis doesn’t seem to be very different.

“Who is Piccolo!? Sorry, I am not him.” Neru said with a frown.

Mukuro smiled and looked at Goku and said, “Piccolo is also a Nami nemesis, so you will feel that he is very similar to Piccolo.”

“Oh.” Wukong scratched his head as if he didn’t understand.

Mukuro immediately looked at Neru and said: “You are Neru. Let me guess… You come to us, it should be the instruction of the elder on Nami Nemesis. Um… prophecy?! What a bug-like ability.”

“Okay, take me to meet your great elder.” Mukuro said lightly.

“How do you know!?” Neru looked at Mukuro’s 16 eyes with alertness.

The body is also in a state of ready to go.

The Great Elder is too important to Nami Nemesis. As long as Mukuro shows the slightest hostility. Even if he knows he is invincible, Neru will make a bold move.

“Why!? Is there a rule in the universe… Only the great elders of Namek are allowed to have the ability to foresee, and others can’t have it?” Mukuro asked rhetorically.

“You can also predict the future!?” Nei Luman was surprised.

“Of course. In my foreknowledge… Nami Nemesis will usher in the catastrophe. It is also because of this incident that I came to the planet Namik. In my opinion, the Nami Nemesis is one of the few peace-loving people in the universe. The group of people. It would be a shame if Frieza was destroyed. I want to come and help you.” Mukuro said lightly. But suddenly the conversation changed: “However, looking at you like this, I don’t need our help if you want to come to the Mecca. In this case, I won’t be nosy, I will leave first.”

With that said, Mukuro greeted Goku on the side and made a gesture of going away.

Neru was panicked now.

The Grand Elder is letting himself come to meet the dawn of Nami Nemesis. As soon as we met, because of my own sake, the dawn of Nami Nemesis was about to leave? !

In other words, he will become the sinner of the entire Nami nemesis? !

“Dear guest… this… that…” Neru sweated nervously. But after holding back for a long time, he couldn’t express his meaning.

“Mukuro, are we leaving now?! Didn’t you say that there will be a lot of strong opponents?” Goku said with a puzzled face.

But when he heard Wukong’s words, Neiru, who was already in despair, his eyes brightened instantly. He nodded madly and said: “Yes, yes, there will be many strong opponents! As long as you can stay. And for the offense just now, I am very sorry.” He looked at Mukuro, like a prisoner waiting to be sentenced.

“There will be many strong opponents!?” Wukong’s eyes lit up instantly. Then he looked at Mukuro and said, “Mukuro, let’s stay.”

“Okay, then.” Mukuro thought for a while before speaking.

Originally, Mukuro didn’t really want to leave, just wanted to scare Neru.

Hearing Mukuro’s answer, Neru was also relieved. This time it was a good student. Before Mukuro could speak, he hurriedly said: “Two respected guests, I was sent by the elder to greet you two, please come with me.”

“Lead the way,” Mukuro said lightly.

Neru didn’t dare to hesitate this time, and was busy flying to lead the way.

“Great Elder, people have already been brought.” Neilu looked at the Great Elder and said respectfully.

The great elder nodded and did not speak. Then he supported his body with difficulty and bowed deeply and respectfully towards Mukuro. And solemnly said: “Respect, guests from afar. I sincerely apologize for Neru’s offense to you just now. And thank you for being able to come to the planet Namik.”

In the prediction of the great elder, Mukuro will save the planet Namik.

For Mukuro, it is impossible for the Great Elder to disrespect.

“You’re welcome, Your Excellency. Frieza and I had old feuds. We came to Nami Nemesis more for revenge.” Mukuro didn’t hide anything from the Elder. Because Mukuro knows that the Grand Elder is a wise man.

And a wise man can see more than just the appearance.

Sure enough, I heard Mukuro say so. The great elder not only did not slack in the slightest, but was even more respectful. He opened his mouth and said: “Whatever the cause, it is an unchangeable fact that you will save the entire Namek. So please allow me to thank you again.” With that, the elder bowed deeply to Mukuro again.

Mukuro didn’t say anything, but accepted it with a smile.

Waiting for the great elder to stand up straight. Mukuro said: “It seems that the Great Elder trusts me very much. The Great Elder does not know. This time the enemy of Nami Nemesis 173, but the universe king who rules over 70% of the entire universe-Foley Sah. Seriously, twenty years ago, I fought against Frieza once, and Kancan escaped his life.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, the great elder smiled. Slowly said: “Dear guest, you can say that. I trust you more. I have played against Frieza. It shows that you know Frieza’s power very well. I also believe that you have excellent wisdom. Since this If you dare to come the next time, you must have a certainty of victory.”

The meaning of the great elder is very simple: you are not an idiot, and you will certainly not act recklessly.

Mukuro smiled, and did not continue discussing Frieza’s issue with the Grand Elder. Because for Mukuro, Frieza is really not a threat.

Instead, he asked: “Grand Elder, I heard that you have a very strange superpower. It can trigger the potential in the human body. I don’t know if I have the luck to try it?” Regarding the elder’s ability, Mukuro is very interested. It should be understood that in the entire Dragon Ball world, only the great elders of Namik and the old world king gods before the tenth fifth generation have the ability to trigger the hidden potential in the human body, which is very peculiar.

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