Chapter 845 Stimulate potential

The world king god is too far away from Mukuro. It is estimated that the world king god will never be born before the time of Demon Buu. Not to mention the Old World King God who was sealed in the World King God Star Divine Sword, it was a character that Mukuro couldn’t see.

So at this stage, Mukuro can only see the abilities of the Great Elder.

After all, in the original plot, the abilities of the Great Elder are very peculiar. Whether it was Gohan or Klin, they had only a few thousand combat power when they came to the planet Namik. However, after being guided by the Great Elder, they all suddenly increased tenfold, reaching a combat effectiveness of tens of thousands. There is no reason at all, it is like a plug-in.

“There is no problem.” The Great Elder did not hesitate at all.

For the elders, they agreed to their own requirements. Mukuro was not surprised at all, after all, planet Namik still needs to save it by himself.

After hearing the words of the great elder, Nelu, who was standing by, hesitated. After gritting his teeth, he finally said: “Elder, but your body…”

“Neru, no need to say more.”

Before Neru finished speaking, he was interrupted by the elder. After smiling, the elder said: “It’s okay, it’s just to stimulate the potential. It won’t affect my lifespan.” It is true that guiding the potential will not cost the life of the elder. Because this is the talent of the great elder, but it will consume the spirit of the great elder. And the life of the great elder is now on the verge of exhaustion, and it is completely supported by his spiritual will at this moment.

If you develop the potential for a strong like Mukuro, I am afraid that you will be exhausted and die!

Nelu opened his mouth and did not refute the great elder.

Seeing the look on Neru’s face, Mukuro was slightly enlightened. Only then took a closer look at the body of the great elder. Sure enough, the breath of life was faint and imperceptible. At this moment, it is already a miracle that the Great Elder can live and talk to himself soberly. If it were placed on ordinary people, I am afraid that he would have already gone to see the King of Hades.

Mukuro smiled, raised his hand, and the power of Yang Yun merged into the body of the elder.

Although Mukuro didn’t infuse the great elder with much power to escape. But to ensure that the Great Elder can live another five or six years, there is no problem at all.

And the great elder naturally felt the changes in his body for the first time. This is a change in the essence of life, as if one’s body has reversed time. Restored to the same state as five or six years ago. Although for the great elder, he is still very old. But compared with the previous words, it is undoubtedly much better.

“Thank you, honorable guest.” The Grand Elder bowed to Mukuro again.

Nei Lu, who was on the side, was also completely dumbfounded. As the close guard of the great elder, Neru knows the physical state of the great elder better than anyone. Even if it is placed in the best convalescence cabin, it is absolutely impossible to hold on for three more days. But now, the body of the great elder seems to have recovered to the level it was a few years ago. What happened just now! ? However, when he saw the grand elder thanking Mukuro, Neru also understood.

Looking at Mukuro’s gaze again, there was nothing but gratitude left.

For Neru, the elder is his father and the god he believes in. Watching the gods he believes in slowly stepping into death, and he is powerless, the torture suffered in Neilu’s mind is beyond the comprehension of others.

But at this moment, someone suddenly appeared and saved the great elder!

How can Neru not be grateful! ? I am afraid, this will let Neru help him to collect the Dragon Ball of Namik planet, and Neru will not refuse.

“It’s nothing, just a simple effort.” Mukuro smiled faintly.

Having lived for hundreds of years, the great elder had already regarded life and death very lightly, and he was not too surprised by the recovery of his body. Then he said: “The distinguished guest, then we will start to stimulate the potential. I will put my hand on your head. Besides, you don’t have to worry. If you don’t open up your heart, I won’t be able to look at it. Your memory. And the process of stimulating potential will not be the slightest pain.”

“Well, let’s start then.” Mukuro said without worry.

With the strength of the Great Elder’s level, even if there were another 100, Mukuro wouldn’t be scared at all. Moreover, the method of the Great Elder to pry into memory is a bit low-end compared to Mukuro’s Observation Haki. There is absolutely no need to do any precautions.

The elder nodded, then put his right hand on top of Mukuro’s head. In terms of body size, the elder is three meters tall, which is much taller than Mukuro. Putting your hand on Mukuro’s head is very natural, without any sense of disobedience.

Holding his breath, the grand elder’s complexion became serious.

“Hey ha!” yelled with the great elder. From the palm of the elder’s hand, a peculiar energy flowed into Mukuro’s body and his limbs, following Mukuro’s heavenly spirit cover. It seemed that he wanted to pull something out of Mukuro’s body. The whole process lasted for five minutes, and Wukong looked a little bored from the sidelines. But Neru was full of nervousness. You must know that the Great Elder had developed potential before, but no matter who it was, it was only a moment of time. Where does it take such a long time? Is it possible that something went wrong? !

At this moment, the development of potential is over.

But the elder slumped directly in the seat behind him.

Looking at Mukuro, his face was full of wonder. He opened his mouth and said: “It’s incredible! In the detection of my superpowers, the potential contained in your body is like this endless starry sky. Even if I try my best, I can’t detect its edge… It’s incredible. Ah. Honorable guest, forgive me for my incompetence. I can’t fully guide your potential, and now your potential guided by me is just the tip of the iceberg of your body.”

“Oh, isn’t it? It doesn’t matter.” Mukuro smiled, not paying too much attention.

Mukuro knows his potential better than anyone else. But it contains the background of the five dimensional worlds that I have experienced. If it is so easily guided by the great elder, it proves that Mukuro’s potential is very scumbag, then Mukuro really has no place to cry.

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