Chapter 843 Prophecy of the Great Elder

For other wishes, Frieza didn’t care. As long as you have eternal life, you can plunder everything else! Destroying the Dragon Ball will be able to ensure nothing is wrong. No one but himself can have an eternal life.

“Then it’s so decided, let’s go to Nami Nemesis. I believe that Shaveza and the three of them have collected all the Dragon Balls.” Kevela said.

Frieza’s face turned ugly again when he heard Kevlar’s words. Not only his own strength is inferior to Kevlar, even his most elite team, Kinut, is also inferior to Kevlar’s Kevlar mech. snort! Wait, Kevela! After killing you, all your subordinates and all forces will be my Frieza.

“Let’s go,” Frieza said coldly, then turned and walked aside.

Kevera followed Frieza. In this way, two people who are both conceiving ghosts rush to Nami Nemesis. The two of them won’t know what kind of enemy they will face in Nami Nemesis. Because at this moment, the spaceship carrying Mukuro and Goku has quietly landed on the land of Nami Nemesis.

The diameter of the planet Namik is more than ten times that of the earth.

That is, it is very huge, the surface of the planet is close to two hundred times of the earth. And it is very special. There are three small stars around Nami Nemesis, so there will never be a dark night on Nami Nemesis.

The residence of the Great Elder on the planet Namik.

As the supreme ruler on the planet Namik, the Grand Elder is the only Nami nemesis who survived the last time Nami Nemesis was on the brink of extinction. After the disaster, the birth of 108 children brought Nami Nemesis back to a state of vitality. He is knowledgeable, loves peace, possesses a lot of super powers, and is also the creator of Nami Nemesis Dragon Ball. And good at triggering hidden potential in the human body.

“I saw it, I saw it…” The Great Elder was suddenly full of excitement.

Seeing the great elder’s gaffe, Neilu, who was in charge of guarding the work of the great elder, panicked. He hurriedly asked, “Elder, what happened?!” As the strongest Nami nemesis guarding the Great Elder, Neru is a combat Nami nemesis. However, the combat power is only more than 40,000, which is still a world apart compared to Frieza.

“I saw…cough cough cough… the dawn of Nami Nemesis!” The elder couldn’t hide his excitement. With the ability to predict, he had already seen Frieza invade the Nami Nemesis and plunder Dragon Ball. But the great elders can’t do anything about it. In his prediction, Nami Nemesis will usher in an end to destruction. This is inevitable, just like the terrifying natural disaster that Nami Nemesis suffered hundreds of years ago, and even Shenlong can’t reverse it. For this reason, the great elder, whose life is nearing the end, is in endless despair.

However, today… he foresaw the dawn of Nami Nemesis! ! !

And it’s not a glimmer of light…

It is the dawn that can shine on the entire planet! ! !

In the grand elder’s foresight, after the dawn… it can completely drive away the darkness brought by Frieza and save the entire Nami Nemesis. Such a prediction is tantamount to the most exciting thing for the great elder before his death.

“Dawn!? Could it be…Can it save our Nemesis?!”

Hearing what the Great Elder said, Neru couldn’t calm down either. As the close guard of the Great Elder, Neru naturally knows what kind of enemy Nami Nemesis will face. As the strongest combat power on the planet Namek, he is powerless to do anything about it, and Neru also hates his weakness. So now I heard the prophecy of the great elder, and I was very excited.

“Yes, I can feel…Dawn is approaching here. Neilu, go out to meet him.” The elder closed his eyes and suddenly said.

“Yes, Grand Elder.” Neilu replied without any hesitation.

Neru didn’t have any doubts about the prediction of the great elder. Because in the eyes of the Nami nemesis, the great elders are like gods. The prophecy of the Great Elder saved Namek several times, and it was the same in the past, and this time it will definitely not go wrong.

“It’s so light here. Mukuro… Look, I can fly.” Goku stepped on the land of Namik. No qi was used, but the two arms couldn’t help swinging up and down, and the body was already tens of centimeters away from the ground.

After seeing Goku, Mukuro was a little speechless: “Idiot, the gravity on the planet Namik is similar to that of the earth. And you have adapted to a hundred times the gravity in the spacecraft. Just out of the supergravity environment, it will naturally appear here now. Kind of situation.”

“Oh, that’s it.” Wukong’s face was suddenly enlightened.

To say that Wukong is really a pervert cultivator. During the six days of the spacecraft, he practiced day and night. In just six days, not only did he adapt to a hundred times the gravity, but his combat power soared crazy to nearly 400,000 points. In the Bibi story, Wukong is more than ten times more tyrannical when he arrives at Namek.

“By the way, Mukuro. 4.6 Where are we going now?” Wukong scratched his head and asked.

Mukuro just told Goku that he can find a lot of powerful opponents to compete with Nami Nemesis. So Goku followed, but he didn’t know why Mukuro came to Nami Nemesis. Anyway, Goku knew that Mukuro would definitely not harm him.

Mukuro just wanted to speak, but suddenly he thought and cast his eyes to the southwest. “Goku, it looks like someone is coming to greet us.” Mukuro said with a smile.

“Huh!?” Wukong looked dumbfounded.

At this moment, Neilu, who was instructed by the great elder, rushed over.

When I saw Neru’s face. Before Mukuro could speak, Goku jumped up. Shouted in surprise: “Piccolo!? Why are you here too.”

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