Chapter 842 Conceited

Not to mention that Shaveza and Kinho, who have already fought together, are in the starry sky several galaxies away from the planet Namik.

Frieza and Kvera, these two giants in the universe meet!

“Kvela!? Why don’t you stay on your site and run to my site!?” Frieza stared at Kvela, her sharp voice looked a little worried. In any case, Kevira’s combat effectiveness is higher than his.

“My dear brother, we haven’t seen each other for a few Ten Thousand Years. Would you like to welcome your brother like this?” Kevela pretended to be sad and said.

“Huh! Let’s talk, what is your purpose?” Frieza asked bluntly.

Ephrisa’s understanding of Kvera. If there is no purpose, Kevlar will never appear in front of him. Last time I met with Kevela, Kevela had to leave five hundred planets of life. Thinking of this, Frieza was upset.

“Don’t worry, I won’t want the planet of life this time. After all, the universe under my jurisdiction is much richer than this universe.” Kevela said nonchalantly, “I just heard that it is on the Namik planet. There is a magical bead that can realize any wish. Then I want to come over and see it.”

Frieza was shocked when he heard Kevlar’s words.

“How do you know!?” Frieza asked sharply. His face was extremely ugly. The existence of Dragon Ball on Namik’s planet was that he asked Dodalia to listen to the information that Vegeta’s probe had heard, and then he ordered the Kinuite team to rush to Namik’s planet. Although it was not an extremely concealed action, it was not publicized. It was only the high-level Frieza Legion who knew that there were traitors in it? !

Or does Kevlar learn from other sources of information? !

In either case. Frieza was prepared to wait for the Namik planet’s incident to subside, and then a thorough cleanup of the Frieza legion.

I would rather kill eight thousand by mistake, and never let a suspicious person go.

“Haha…;” Kvera didn’t answer Frieza’s question. Instead, he said, “There is such a magical thing on the planet Namik. Do you want to tell my father? Think about it, he will definitely be very interested in his father’s character.”

“Kevilla! Come on, what do you want?!” Frieza said in anger.

Frieza was full of anger at the moment. At the same time, I also regretted that if I could practice for a period of time with my talent, I would still be afraid of Kevela. Anyone who dared to scream in front of him can directly kill him into a scum with absolute strength.

“I don’t want anything, I just want to use the Dragon Ball to make a wish.” Kevlar’s voice just fell.

Frieza immediately jumped up in anger.

Roared: “No! Absolutely not, Dragon Ball belongs to me, mine! Kevlar! If you want to take it away. Believe it or not, I will definitely kill you, I will definitely! Glory oath!”

For individuals of the Frozen Clan, the most important thing is the glory of the Frozen Clan.

Hear Frieza’s words. In the depths of Kevera’s eyes, a trace of murderous intent flashed through. Wait, wait until your wish is fulfilled, and you have won your body, and see what capital you have rampant in front of me. Even though he had such a thought in his mind, Kevela still did not show the slightest anger on his face. In terms of mentality, Kevela wanted Beverlysa to bear it.

“Hehe…my dear brother, don’t get excited, just listen to me and finish.” Kevela said lightly with a smile.

“Then just say it.” Frieza said coldly.

Kevela continued: “According to what I know about the Dragon Ball on Namico, summoning the dragon once can achieve three wishes. And after a period of time, the Dragon Ball can be used again. And my request is to allow me to Make a wish. I don’t want the remaining two wishes and the right to use Dragon Ball afterwards. How about it, can it?!”

After listening to Kevlar’s words, the anger in Frieza’s eyes dissipated a little. If what Kevera said is true, then Frieza can still accept it. So he said: “But what if Dragon Ball makes a wish not three times, but only once?!”

“Then I will give up this opportunity to make a wish for the Dragon Ball.” Kevela said.

Frieza gave Kevera a deep look. Suddenly he asked, “Kevilla, what kind of wishes do you want to make with Dragon Ball!?”

“Of course it’s an eternal life! Is there anything else worthy of our Frozen family’s conspiracy?” Kevlar asked Frieza back.

“Huh! Yes, I agree to your request. If there are three opportunities to make a wish, then one of them will be given to you.” Frieza said coldly. There is no doubt about the wish Kevila made, because it is also the wish Frieza desires most. In Frieza’s view, Kevlar must be the same.

If Frieza had known it, Kevera’s real wish was to seize his body. I am afraid it will go straight away, even if it destroys the entire planet Namik, it will not hesitate! And Kevera’s words just played the role of paralyzing Frieza. It can only be said that Frieza, the king of the universe, is a bit too immature compared to Kevela. If Kevela had the talent of Frieza when he was born, he would have already completed the golden form of the Frozen Clan and would dominate the universe.

Although Frieza promised Kevlar, his heart had already been murdered.

Ephrisa’s character, how can his own things be allowed to be tainted by others! ? Frieza had already planned to take the opportunity to explode when Kevela made a wish to the Shenlong, directly beheading Kevela! How can the eternal and immortal life be owned by others? !

Including the Dragon Ball, I will destroy it after I make a wish.


Author’s words: The latest one is really a crime. There was something wrong with Lao Na’s body. His feet seemed to explode. He tried his best to cultivate, and now he is much better. Tomorrow, the fifth shift will start, and then the third shift will resume, and today I will allow Lao Na to have a good night’s sleep. Brothers, okay.

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