Chapter 838 Go to Namek

“Kinho? Okay. No problem, King Kevera.” A smile appeared on the corner of Shaveza’s mouth. As the captain of the Kevlar mecha unit, Shaveza’s strength is beyond doubt. Although he is short in stature, this is because the planet where Shaveza was born-Kvira 98 has a very large gravity, ten times that of Vegeta!

In other words, it is a hundred times that of the earth, so the figure is not tall. But in contrast, actions on other planets are very agile. And very smart, with a pervert brain that can speak seven thousand cosmic languages. Once competed with Keanu for the throne of the captain of the Kevlar mecha team, and then won with a crushing posture. He is also one of the few people who knows what Kinho really looks like. It is a super warrior selected by Kevela from the elite warriors of the universe. Guise was born in the same double star galaxy and was considered a fellow countryman.

Shaveza was naturally dismissive of his defeated opponents.

The northern galaxy, the earth.

“Mukuro, let’s have a contest.”

At Sidubuma’s house, Mukuro started to have a headache again. Because after the battle with Vegeta, Goku saw his strength for the first time. For a few days after that, I pestered myself all day, wanting to compete with him. Even Bouma couldn’t distract Goku’s attention. Mukuro regretted that he would have killed Vegeta if he knew he would be killed.

And even if he shot Wukong semi-crippled.

But Wukong became alive and kicking again when he fell down with a fairy bean.

By the way, because of Mukuro’s reminder. So Karin immortal began to pay attention to the consumption of fairy beans a few years ago. He also stopped letting Yakilobe eat more, and increased the planting scale of fairy beans. Although there are not as many fairy beans as there are in the early Dragon Ball, it is not so pitiful that a fairy bean in the late Dragon Ball can even be broken into two pieces to eat. Basically, every Dragon Ball fighter will have more than a dozen fairy beans on his body.

This caused Wukong to continue to challenge himself after jumping around.

I can’t kill Wukong directly.

Finally, Mukuro was really annoyed by Goku: “Okay, Goku. Let’s go to a planet with me. I promise you can find a lot of strong opponents. How about it!? But, you have to make sure During this time, don’t bother me.”

“A lot of strong opponents!? Are they better than Mukuro!?” Goku asked excitedly.

Mukuro waved his hand impatiently, and said, “Don’t compare it with me. But I can be sure that there are definitely a lot of them stronger than Vegeta.” Sure enough, the three words Vegeta are absolutely absolute. It’s Wukong’s dead end.

Wukong’s eyes lit up suddenly, and then he nodded hurriedly:

“Yes, yes, I promise.”

“All right, come with me.” With Goku, Mukuro went to the backyard of Bouma’s house. Boomer is busy with Dr. Breff at the moment. And the object they are busy with is a spacecraft that looks weird and looks like a house.

This is the Namek star spacecraft that Mukuro acquired in Yunzebit Heights.

That is, the gods are riding on the spaceship that arrives on the earth. Namek once was a planet with extremely advanced technology. The most advanced spacecraft developed by the Nami Nemesis can even travel through the entire universe in less than a year. However, due to the extreme development of science and technology, the environment of Namek was destroyed, resulting in a terrible natural disaster that even Namik could not reverse. Moreover, the Nami nemesis was almost annihilated, and only the great elders of the name Nemesis and the gods on earth survived.

After this, the Nami nemesis who were asexually reproduced by the Great Elder Namek, in order to protect the ecological balance that Namek has finally restored, no longer develop any technological civilization. That is to say, the Namek star spacecraft on the earth.

It is the only thing left, the technological crystallization of Namek from the last era.

“Boomer, Dr. Breff…How is this spacecraft’s research going!? Can we continue its long-distance cosmic voyage?” Mukuro asked.

“Didn’t you see that I am studying? Don’t bother me!” At this time, Dr. Breff had no intention of answering Mukuro’s question…

“Um.” Mukuro was rather helpless.

Boomer smiled, and said empathetically, “It will be fixed soon. And my dad and I have optimized its power system. It is estimated that the speed of this spacecraft can be doubled. , How is it? I’m great, right.”

Speaking of the last, Bouma even showed off to Mukuro to ask for credit.

Mukuro can only express speechlessness. How awesome is this… it’s just pervert! It is the highest embodiment of the technology of the development of Ten Thousand Years by Namekstar. In your hands, it took a few days to fully understand and optimize it.

If you use one word to describe it.

That can only be described as horrible.

The reason why Mukuro found out the spaceship of Namek was to go to the planet Namik. Although Mukuro can move instantaneously, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice. There is no Qi that Mukuro can capture on the planet Namek.

As a result, there is no way to teleport at all.

There is no other way but to use spaceships.

Suddenly, Bouma hesitated. He said, “Mukuro, I want to go with you too. Don’t forget that Goku is not even my opponent. I’ll go with you and I’ll definitely be able to help you. Just let me go with you. Good 3.8.”

Speaking of last, Bouma even used coquetry on Mukuro.

However, this was an unfavorable secret technique used with Mukuro in the past, but this time it failed. Mukuro directly refused and said: “No. Boomer…Although your combat power has reached 300,000, you can’t really display half of it. Besides, this time opponent Frieza is not a simple small character. . Be obedient, don’t make trouble.”

“Then why take Wukong, he is obviously weaker than me.” Bummer said in annoyance.


I rely on, this weather, Tenten has a cold.

Spring is the season of frequent flu. Brothers take care of your health and don’t be like old Na.

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