Chapter 837 Kvila

Seeing that Mukuro had concealed his killing intent, Vegeta was also relieved. As long as one does not die, there will always be a comeback day! By then, I must make a comeback! Tremblingly, he took out the controller from his arms and summoned the aircraft.

Climbing in with difficulty, the aircraft carried Vegeta and left the earth.


In the depths of the Milky Way, a giant cosmic fortress.

Countless space warships shuttled around.

This is the lair of the universe emperor Frieza, and the source of fear for the entire universe.

“King Frieza, according to the information sent by Vegeta’s Saiyan Monkey Probe. He is now on a planet called Earth. He has discovered a magical prop that can realize any wish. It seems that he and The legend among the Namekians is the same.” Dodalia, who was all pink, reported to Frieza respectfully.

“Any props that can realize any wish?”

Frieza murmured, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

Although the life of the Frozen Clan is very long, the life span can even reach 100 Ten Thousand Years. But this is still too short for the entire universe. After a hundred Ten Thousand Years, he will die like those ants. How can this work! He is King Frieza, the emperor of the entire universe! The entire universe is surrendered to the feet of this emperor. If this period is only one hundred Ten Thousand Years, it would be too short.

If you can have eternal life.

Thinking of this, Frieza could no longer suppress his inner excitement. Stand up directly from the throne. Looking at Dodoria, he commanded: “Dodoria, order the Kinyut team to go to the planet Namek immediately. Before I get there, be sure to collect all these props for me. At the same time, prepare the spaceship, and I will rush to it myself. Namek.”

“Yes, Lord Frieza.” Dodalia said respectfully.

Just as Dodonia was about to retreat, he seemed to think of something suddenly, and asked, “Lord Frieza. The wild monkey of Vegeta wanted to conceal this item even though he knew it had such an item. Didn’t kill him.”

“Vegeta?” Frieza was taken aback, then a cold expression appeared on his face.

“Don’t bother with him. It took nearly twenty years to increase the combat power to 18,000. Like his father, King Vegeta, it is a waste. The golden arrogant Saiyan…Super Saiyan!? There is no legend. After I realize my wish for immortality, I will come back to clean up Vegeta.” Frieza said coldly.

“Yes, Lord Frieza.” Dodalia replied respectfully.

Neither Frieza nor Dodoria noticed that a strange color suddenly flashed in the eyes of an attendant standing behind him. Then after Frieza and Dodoria left, they hid in a secret place, and a message came out.

In another area of ​​the universe.

That is 30% of the universe that Frieza hasn’t set foot in.

There is another universe emperor.

Although it is only 30% of the universe, there are more life planets in this universe than in the 70% universe ruled by Frieza. It’s not that Frieza doesn’t covet this 30% universe. It’s just that the person who rules this 30% of the universe is Frieza’s brother Kvilla.

Fighting power is several times more powerful than Frieza.

At this moment in the war fortress of Kevila.

Kevela was sitting on his throne, with his head in one hand. The other hand gently tapped the edge of the throne, watching the video message on the screen in front of him with interest. Then he spoke softly: “The props on Namek? Can any wish come true… I remember this kind of thing is called Dragon Ball, I didn’t expect the rumors to be true. This kind of thing was obtained by Frieza this waste. , It’s a waste. If you let me get Dragon Ball… Then make a wish and exchange bodies with Frieza. Hey… My dear brother, as a genius of the Frozen Clan, being born for so many years is the same as being born, but only One hundred and twenty million combat power is a waste of talent. In this case, it is better to contribute your body to your brother. Let me shine the power of the Frozen clan to the entire universe.”

“I want to become, in the entire universe…the existence second only to the God of Destruction!”

Although Kevela is better than Frieza, Kevela is very clear. My talent is definitely not as good as my brother. You must know that before Frieza was born, he was the most talented fighter of the Frozen Clan, but his combat power at birth was only a few million. As soon as Frieza was born, his combat power had reached 120 million.

This has never happened before in the history of the Frozen Clan.

Frieza is also known as the strongest genius of the Frozen Clan. However, Frieza also felt that his power was invincible in the entire universe, and he had never practiced. As a result, there was no increase in combat effectiveness after hundreds of Ten Thousand Years were born.

It is not exaggerated to say that it is the shame of the Frozen Clan.

As Frieza’s brother, Kevera has always been jealous of Frieza’s talent. It is precisely because of this that Kevlar and Frieza respectively rule the entire universe. But it is old and dead. Although Kevera didn’t want to kill Frieza all the time, he was afraid. Fear that he could not kill Frieza in one blow. So if you arouse Frieza’s anger, you only need to practice seriously for a few months, and you will be able to completely abuse yourself.

However, the appearance of the Dragon Ball brought Kevlar a perfect solution. Through the Dragon Ball, he made a wish to obtain Frieza’s body.

Then not only can you get rid of Frieza, but you can also plunder his talent.


Kevera stood up abruptly and yelled.

“Subordinates are here.” At this moment a blue-skinned and white-haired warrior with a short stature walked in, looked at Kvera and replied respectfully. Shawiza, the captain of the Kevlar mecha unit. The strength is stronger than the captain of the Keinuit team, Keinu.

“Lead the Kevela mecha unit to Namek immediately, and be sure to get the Dragon Ball of Namek before the Kinyut team.” Kevela coldly ordered.

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