Chapter 839 The horror of Saiyans

Mukuro was a little helpless. There was no way, so I had to explain: “Bouma. Wukong, he is different from you, Wukong is a Saiyan.”

“What’s the matter with the Saiyan? Anyway, Wukong is not as good as me.” Bouma said.

Obviously, Bouma didn’t want to listen to Mukuro’s explanation at all.

Mukuro was a little helpless, suddenly seeing the combat effectiveness tester on the side, thought of a way. Take the combat effectiveness tester and put it on Bouma’s ear. Then he asked: “Bouma, what is Wukong’s current combat power?!”

“En!?” Although Bouma was a little confused.

But he looked at Wukong and said, “Thirty-two thousand points.”

Mukuro did not speak, but waved to Goku. Wukong scratched his head, although he didn’t know why. But he walked up to Mukuro obediently. Mukuro didn’t have any nonsense. In an instant, when he raised his hand, a shock wave blasted towards Wukong. Without the slightest sign, Wukong Gen 16 could not have any time to dodge, so he took it hard.

Lying on the ground has air intake and no breath, if not treated for a few minutes, he will undoubtedly die.

“Mukuro, what are you doing!?” Buma was dumbfounded.

“Don’t worry.” Mukuro said.

Then he threw a fairy bean into Wukong’s mouth. And use repulsion to grind and crush the fairy beans, and then send them into Wukong’s stomach. After a few seconds, Wukong recovered. Goku stood up and jumped twice, then looked at Mukuro with admiration and said, “Mukuro, that’s amazing, I haven’t had time to react at all.”

Regarding the aspect of Wukong’s concentration, Mukuro only said that he was speechless.

If you change to someone else, even if you have a good relationship with Mukuro. But without saying hello, he was directly beaten to death. Even if he is cured, there will definitely be complaints. But it’s completely different on Goku.

In Wukong’s view, as long as the two fight without involving others.

It is a fair contest. I won because I am stronger than my opponent. I lost because my opponent was stronger than myself, but it doesn’t matter. I will practice harder in the future, and then I will become stronger and defeat the opponent.

Wukong will never blame the heavens and you, this is the charm of Wukong.

That is, the heart of martial arts in Wukong’s heart!

However, in Mukuro’s view, Wukong’s reason is that his brain is not mature and lacks roots. Ignoring Wukong, Mukuro looked at Boomer and said:

“Bouma, look at it again, how good is Wukong’s combat power.”

“Isn’t it a combat power of 32,000 points? Could it be that Wukong’s combat power can still change in just a few seconds!?” Bu Ma muttered. However, he still obediently detected Wukong’s combat power at the moment.

“Thirty thousand… thirty-seven thousand points!?”

Boomer exclaimed, his tone full of disbelief.

“Did you just read it wrong?” Bouma pressed the combat effectiveness tester. The value detected by the combat effectiveness tester last time was displayed, and it was clearly 32,000 points. In other words, if it is not for the failure of the combat effectiveness tester. Then, Wukong’s combat power increased by a full 5,000 points in these ten seconds.

This… how is this possible! ?

You must know that Bouma is not Xiaobai in the original plot, and knows nothing about fighting. Bumma is now the number one powerhouse on earth with 300,000 combat power worthy of the name! This kind of combat power increased by 5,000 points in an instant. This is absolutely impossible!

Bouma completely ignored it, and his combat power reached 300,000 in an instant.

“Nothing is impossible.” Mukuro said lightly: “This is the Saiyan, the strongest fighting nation in the universe! In order to enjoy the fun of fighting, the Saiyan’s adolescence will be very long. And for the Saiyan Demi, every time you rebirth from the edge of death, your combat power will usher in a surge!”

“Bouma, now understand why I took Wukong.”

“Because for Wukong, easy practice is definitely the slowest way to increase strength. You only need to endure a few more battles wandering on the edge of life and death. Wukong’s combat effectiveness will become stronger than you.” Looking at Bouma, Mukuro laughed.

“The Saiyans are so pervert!” Bouma was a little dumbfounded.

Suddenly, Bouma’s complexion became fierce. Looking at Wukong, he said viciously, “Goku, come over and compete with me!”

“Bouma? What are you doing?” Mukuro was puzzled.

Bouma dragged Wukong and walked towards the training ground without looking back. As he walked, he said plausibly, “Of course it was to beat Wukong! If Wukong returns from Namek and becomes stronger than me, then I can’t beat him? In that case, I must be here. Before Wukong goes to Namek, hit him a few times.”

Bouma’s explanation was so powerful that Mukuro was speechless to argue.

“The woman is 390 is really terrifying! Kiki is, and Bouma is too.”

Goku and Mukuro are sitting in the spaceship flying to Nami Nemesis, still some lingering fears. In the contest with Bouma, Wukong felt fear from the battle for the first time. As for why? In three hours, Wukong’s combat power went from 37,000 points to more than 138,000 points, which can explain many problems.

These three hours are definitely the gloomiest moment in Wukong’s life.

And, there is absolutely no one!

And this also led to the fact that even if Wukong turned into a super blue god in the future and possessed the power to explode the entire universe, Bouma would still be the most afraid.

“It takes six days for the spacecraft to reach Nami Nemesis. I want to sleep, Goku, don’t disturb me.” Mukuro said.

“It takes six days.” Wukong scratched his head irritably.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he had come up with a brilliant idea. Looking at Mukuro, he said eagerly: “Mukuro! Six days is really long, so boring. Should we have a contest to pass the time!” Wukong was still eager to try. As long as Mukuro says yes, Goku will definitely attack directly.

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