Chapter 826 King of the North

“The world king!? Why…you know the existence of the world king!?” Above Kalinta, the god of the temple stared at Mukuro and asked. In the universe, the existence of the world king. Although it is not a top secret thing, it is definitely not known to everyone. The gods also learned of the existence of the realm king after inheriting the identity of the gods.

“I heard it on other planets.” Mukuro said casually.

“Heaven, is there really a realm king? Mukuro said that the realm king can make me stronger.” Wukong asked with an eager expression looking at the god.

After hesitating, the god said:

“The realm king is the most noble god in the entire universe [the memory of the heavenly god inheritance is like this, there is no distinction between east and west realm kings, nor the existence of realm king gods.] If it is a realm king, it should be true There will be a way to make you stronger. It will give you the strength to resist those terrible guys in a year.”

“Really!? That would be great.” Wukong said excitedly.

Mukuro had a Ruoruuowu smile on his face, staring at Tenjin 980. The meaning is obvious, I want to go too. If it weren’t for ignorance of where the world king star is, Mukuro would have teleported over. The reason why he didn’t come to ask the gods before was because Mukuro was very clear and asked for nothing. Even if the gods knew how to go to the underworld, they would never tell him. After all, in the eyes of the gods, he is a very dangerous guy.

That’s why Mukuro assumes a posture of not helping the earth.

Because Mukuro knows that there is no other way of the gods, he will definitely take Wukong to find the realm king in the end, so he can follow him.

“Well, I’ll take you to the King of Hades.” After a moment of silence, the god said. No way, as the god of the earth, he can’t just watch the earth perish. A smile appeared on Mukuro’s face when he heard the answer from the gods.

Mukuro knew that his plan was successful.

“Well… God of the earth, what are you doing in the underworld?” Hell asked, looking at the god.

The god leaned slightly to show respect. Although he is the god of the earth, the god of the sky will eventually die of old age. At that time, whether to go to heaven or hell will be assigned by the Hades in front of him. Naturally, the gods dare not disrespect Hades.

“The two fighters behind me want to challenge Snake Dao.” The god said.

“Challenge the Snake Dao? Do you want to meet the Realm King!?” Yan Wang was taken aback. Then he opened the notebook on the table and said, “Let me see them…oh. Monkey King, you have done a lot. Even if you die now, you can go directly to heaven. Mitarashi Mukuro, what’s the matter!? Obviously you are very murderous, but why is there no your name on the merit book!? It’s strange… It seems that you are not a bad person either. Are you ready? Really want to Do you want to challenge the Snake Way? You must know that under the Snake Way is the abyss of the underworld. If you fall, even I can’t save you.”

The Hades closed the merit and crime book in his hand and said solemnly.

“Think about it.” Wukong nodded.

And Mukuro, standing by and completely ignoring Hades. After arriving in the underworld, Mukuro’s Observation Haki detected the location of the snake path. Even if Hades disagrees, Mukuro can use teleportation to appear directly in the snake path. As for Hades… don’t care at all. It is true that the Hell’s strength in the underworld is very terrifying, and can even suppress the powerful men of Frieza and Sharu killed by the Dragon Ball fighters, but this is mainly because the soul’s strength will be suppressed after it comes to the underworld. And the underworld is the home of Hades, so naturally he is not afraid of anyone.

But don’t forget… Mukuro entered the underworld in the form of a physical body.

Hades has no choice but to take Mukuro.

But as a last resort, Mukuro didn’t want to conflict with Yama.

“If you really want to go, then go.” He said, “Wait a minute, I will find someone to show you the way, and you will go from there. But you must explain in advance, in case anyone falls off the snake path. , I’m irresponsible.”

While speaking, the king pointed to a door behind him.

“Goku, then I’ll leave first.”

Mukuro looked at Goku running on the snake path and said with a smile.

Originally, both of them used the dance of air to fly on their way, but it was unknown whether it was because the snake path was too long or because of the influence of the underworld environment that Wukong quickly became exhausted. In order to save energy, you can only use running.

“I’ll catch up with you soon.” Wukong said in annoyance.

Mukuro smiled, then disappeared directly in front of Goku. Because the speed of the dance is too slow for Mukuro. Mukuro directly used God Pro, and in the next moment, he appeared at the end of the snake path that was millions of kilometers long. Above the end of the snake path, there is a small planet with a diameter of only a hundred meters. It is the residence of the King of the North.

With a light leap, Mukuro stepped on the King Star.

Even though Jiewang star is small, its gravity is ten times that of the earth.

“Who are you!? What are you doing to the King Star!?” The blue and chunky Northern King looked at the sudden appearance of Mukuro and asked.

Mukuro reduced his anger, so the northern king couldn’t perceive Mukuro’s horror.

“I’m here to find you, Lord Realm, to practice.” Mukuro said.

“Cultivation? No problem.” The Northern Realm King said. But suddenly the conversation changed: “But you have to pass my test first. Um… so, I’m a joke genius. You make me amused by telling a joke, and I will teach you spiritual practice.”

After speaking, the realm king looked at Mukuro solemnly.

Mukuro was speechless. He who has read the comics knows how low the realm king’s smile is…No, there is no smile at all. After thinking about it, Mukuro said, “One day, the steamed bun was suddenly hungry when walking on the road, and then ate myself.” Mukuro didn’t dare to tell a joke that was too funny, otherwise it would be embarrassing to make the world king laugh.

However, Mukuro still overestimated the laughter of the northern king.

“The steamed bun is hungry… I ate myself, ah ha ha ha.” The king of the northern world smiled and slumped to the ground.

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