Chapter 825 A powerful enemy is approaching

“Why staring at me!? I can tell you…Don’t think you stare at me and I will let you go.” Mukuro flashed away, standing in front of Raditz out of thin air.

Raditz was taken aback, but now he was in a violent state and completely lost his mind. Can you understand the meaning of Mukuro’s words? “Roar!!” Just yelled at Mukuro, then raised his fist and hit Mukuro.

It was going to smash the tiny guy in front of it to death.

However, Raditz’s giant fist only fell halfway, and then suddenly stopped.

Mukuro directly restrained his whole body with repulsive force, no matter how much the great ape-shaped Raditz struggled, he couldn’t move a bit. Not to mention the Raditz with a combat power of only eight or nine thousand, even a strong man with a combat power of eight or nine million can not break free from the shackles of Mukuro’s repulsive power. Even if the combat power is higher than Mukuro, Mukuro’s repulsive force cannot completely restrain it, and it can also hinder its movement, which can be said to be a very practical ability.

“Damn! You guy… actually has bad breath.” Mukuro’s face was ugly.

At the same time raise one hand and aim at Raditz. He opened his mouth and said: “As a punishment for your bad breath… I will send you to see Hades.”

The blue energy bombs gathered in Mukuro’s hands and appeared.

In the next moment, it has penetrated Raditz’s heart.

After being pierced through the heart, Raditz’s breath weakened rapidly. Soon it reverted to the appearance of one thousand three. The great ape-like state could not be maintained anymore, and Raditz regained his human form.

“I… I was defeated!?”

Looking at the hole that was blasted out at the heart, Raditz was full of disbelief that he would be defeated in the great ape state. This is also thanks to the tenacious vitality of the Saiyans. If you change to an earthly person, you will die the moment you are pierced through your heart.

After suffering such an injury, Raditz knew that he was bound to die. His face is not in panic, but full of hideousness. After watching the crowd, they said, “Unexpectedly, you were able to defeat me. It seems that I underestimated this planet. Hey… But don’t think that you will be fine if you defeat me. Tell you…I My companions will avenge me. They are a hundred times stronger than me. Wait, you will definitely be killed. And Kakarot, I crushed the bones of your whole body. With this planet The level of medical care…you are absolutely bound to die. It’s a pity…you can’t see the destruction of the earth with your own eyes.” Even if it is about to die, Raditz continues to terrorize everyone.

In fact, Vegeta won’t waste time avenging him for a role like Raditz.

Klin from One Tail Bar was smoked by Raditz just now, and he immediately refused to accept it. He directly retorted: “Huh, Wukong won’t die. We have Xiandou, let alone serious injuries. Even if Wukong’s hands and feet are broken, Xiandou can recover. Even if Wukong is really dead, we There is also Dragon Ball who can make a wish to revive Wukong.”

“Dragon Ball? Make a wish!? Raise the dead!?”

Raditz was taken aback first. Then suddenly he roared loudly: “Vegeta, Napa, have you heard that? Here are the props that can realize my wishes, come and avenge me. Hehe… I was afraid that the two of them would not come. Now, It will definitely come. At that time…you guys, just wait to die. Well…enjoy this only one year of life left…haha.” Just after speaking, Raditz was completely breathless.

“Two monsters a hundred times more terrifying than him.” Klin was a little dumbfounded.

At this time, even if Klin reacted slowly. It is also clear that he just talked too much… what a terrifying opponent he provoked for the earth. But then he looked at Mukuro and asked with hope in his eyes: “Mukuro… Mr. Mukuro. You are so powerful. Then even an enemy that is a hundred times stronger can be dealt with, right.”

“Well, I can deal with it.” Mukuro said directly.

But he didn’t wait for Klin to breathe a sigh of relief. But he continued: “But, why should I help you deal with Vegeta? Don’t forget, I am also Saiyan.” Then, Mukuro shook his tail in front of Klin.

“Huh!?” Klin thought of it then. The Mukuro in front of him is also a Saiyan. And they also came from an alien planet, maybe they knew those two Saiyans. Even if they don’t know each other, Mukuro is not like Goku. He grew up on the earth and loves it.

“Mukuro is right, the earth should be protected by ourselves.”

Wukong said suddenly.

Mukuro looked at Goku, smiled suddenly, and said, “Goku, although I won’t help you deal with Saiyans. After all, as a Saiyan, I am not easy to deal with the same clan. However, I know there is a place. , Can give you the strength to defeat them.”

“Where!? Tell me… Mukuro.”

Hearing that he can become stronger, Wukong can’t wait even if he can’t wait.

A distant planet in the universe.

This green planet has lost all its vitality at this moment.

“Vegeta… Raditz’s communication signal was suddenly interrupted, and it should be dead.” Napa frowned, looking at Vegeta next to him and said.

“It’s a waste. But… I didn’t expect Raditz’s younger brother to have more than 3,000 combat effectiveness, which is stronger than Raditz. Let’s go… Let’s go to Earth.” Vegeta’s hand was gnawing natives. The star man lost his limbs and stood up and said:

“The Dragon Ball they were talking about is very interesting…Any wish can be realized.”

“Do you want to resurrect Raditz?” Napa asked.

“What a joke!?” Vegeta glanced at Napa and said, “What is the use of resurrecting that waste!? Let us make a wish…Let us live forever and be young. So that we can enjoy the battle forever. It’s fun.”

“That’s it!? That’s great.”

Napa was taken aback for a moment, then his face was full of excitement.

Then, the two people boarded their respective spherical spacecraft and flew quickly towards the earth. After a year, it will come to earth.

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