Chapter 827 Super Shenshui

“Ahahahahaha…it’s so funny. I can’t do it…let me laugh for a while before talking.” It took nearly an hour before the king of the northern realm was relieved. He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and wiped his crying eyes.

“Really, it’s already so amazing.”

After thinking for a while, the world king said, “Since this is the case, then I can only teach you the best joke in my life.”

“Um…that, I’m here to learn martial arts.” Mukuro said helplessly.

At the same time, I felt a little unbelievable as to why the Northern Realm King was so powerful. Actually invented the super tricks of Jie Wangquan and vitality bullets. The reason why Mukuro came to Jiewang Xing was to learn these two moves from Jiewang.

“Wugong, I said it earlier.” The king of the northern world complained.

Looking at Mukuro, the King of the North pointed to an orangutan next to him. He opened his mouth and said, “Then the first step in practice is to catch Barbrus.” The realm king stretched his hand to the side of Barbrus, and Barbrus made a grimace at Mukuro.

“Oh, okay. It’s easy.” Mukuro replied with a smile.

“Simple, boy. Just now I asked Hades, you are from the earth. You must know that the gravity of my king planet is ten times that of the earth, Barbrus is very flexible. If you want to catch Barbrus ……” The Northern Realm King suddenly stopped speaking. Because he saw that Barbrus had been held by Mukuro in his arms.

“How… how is it possible!?” The Northern Realm King couldn’t believe it.

“It’s easy. Just grab it like this.” Mukuro shrugged and said, “Oh, yes. My breath is hidden. So Lord Realm, you may not be able to accurately perceive my strength.” He said Mukuro. Don’t cover up your breath.

The breath of horror radiated from Mukuro’s body, and the King of the North couldn’t help taking a few steps back.

Sixty million combat power! ! !

This is Mukuro’s current combat power value.

A few months before Raditz struck, Mukuro adjusted his body to his best condition. Then he drank the super magical water obtained from the Kalin fairy. Thinking of the experience of drinking super divine water, Rao couldn’t help but shiver with Mukuro’s current will… For ten days, it was painful. It is a kind of pain that originates from the depths of the physical body, at least at the genetic level. In order to vent the pain, dozens of planets outside the solar system were shattered by Mukuro.

And ten days later, Mukuro’s body also ushered in a transformation.

As for what kind of transformation it is, Mukuro is also unclear. Although the combat effectiveness has only increased by 10 million, Mukuro is more pleased that his physical body has deepened. If you compare combat power to water, then the body is a container for water. If Mukuro’s body was a cup before drinking Super God water, Mukuro’s body became a bucket after drinking Super God water. After drinking Super Divine Water, Mukuro is even more sure that the reason why Goku is so terrifying in the future is definitely related to drinking Super Divine Water.

However, Wukong’s viral heart disease is definitely related to Super Shenshui.

This is because when Mukuro drank Super God Water, she discovered that Super God Water is something that uses a powerful poison to enhance human potential. Although it is not worth mentioning for Mukuro, who is already invincible, it is very deadly for Goku!

After feeling Mukuro’s fighting power, the realm king looked dull. Such a terrifying combat power, the Northern Realm King has never seen it in humans. In the entire northern galaxy, only the group of perverts of the Frozen clan have such a terrifying combat effectiveness.

“You are already so good, what are you still cultivating?” The King of the North asked.

“Not enough, at least I can’t defeat Frieza now.” Mukuro looked at the Northern Realm King and said faintly, “I heard that Lord Realm, you are the greatest god in the universe. I think there must be a way to change me. It’s better than Frieza, right.” Knowing the virtues of the King of the Northern Realm, Mukuro naturally flattered it without hesitation.

“No, no… I am not the greatest god in the universe.”

Although the expression on his face was very useful, the King of the North didn’t dare to admit Mukuro’s words. Not to mention that there are two god-tiers, the world king and the god of destruction, on his head. They are gods of the same level, but there are also the kings of the East and West South Realms, these three guys.

“So you become stronger to defeat Frieza?” The Northern Realm King continued to ask.

“Yes.” Mukuro nodded, and said sternly: “I am a Saiyan, and I saw Frieza destroy the planet Vegeta with my own eyes. So I wanted to become stronger, and then kill Frieza. Lisa avenged the Saiyan clan.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, the king of the north frowned.

The reason why Mukuro didn’t make up a random reason was that it would not work in front of the King of the Realm. Although the King of the Northern Realm was not very powerful, he had the special ability to peer into the universe and wanted to distinguish what he said. There is no question of whether it is true or false. As for using the power of Distinguished Heavenly Gods to control the Northern Realm King, let him teach himself Realm King Fist and Vital Energy Bomb. To be honest, Mukuro had already used the pupil technique on the Realm King when he first set foot on the Realm King, but it did not hurt in the past. His pupil technique failed in front of the realm king. Because Mukuro felt that the target of his surgery was not a person, but facing the entire northern galaxy.

Mukuro also understood the existence of the world king. It is not so much a living entity as the world king is an aggregation of the will of the galactic planet.

The king of the northern boundary represents the entire northern galaxy.

Even if the realm king didn’t hand over his realm king fist and vitality bullet, Mukuro didn’t worry at all. Because I can learn from Wukong’s hands, but I learned it later. But Mukuro is confident that the world king will give it to himself.

Because only himself, let the king of the north see the possibility of defeating Frieza.

Sure enough, the realm king was silent for a moment. Finally he said: “Just… I asked about your existence from the gods of the earth and the great elders of Yadrat. No matter whether it is on the earth or Yadrat, you have not acted for evil, don’t you The Saiyans are completely different. So I definitely teach you how to defeat Frieza!”

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