Chapter 816 Penguin Village

A word of the system, Mukuro was speechless. Strictly speaking, Arale really belongs to the character in the Dragon Ball world.

Yes, it was Arale who appeared in front of Mukuro.

The terrifying robot that exploded on the moon and smashed the earth with one hand, the number of times the earth was destroyed is definitely not inferior to the number of times all the villains in the Dragon Ball world added together! However, Dr. Noriwaki, who was created every time Arale, used the time machine to restore the earth, and the degree of danger was absolutely comparable to Majin Buu.

Whether it’s in the early stage of Dragon Ball, or in the later timeline.

Arale has appeared before. Although it was just a glimpse of panic, it appeared in the main storyline of the Dragon Ball world.

“Brother Mukuro, what happened?”

Looking at Mukuro who was looking weird, Buma asked in confusion.

“No…nothing. By the way, don’t run around beside me later.” Mukuro made up his mind and moved away immediately if anything happened. Compared with the hot-blooded comics, the characters in the comics, 923 is even more daunting for Mukuro.

“Oh well.”

Although I don’t know what happened, Bouma nodded in response.

Mukuro doesn’t dare to let Bouma run around. You must know that there are not only pervert robots like Arale, who smash the earth in Penguin Village. There are also ancient species like Zejuan Baogua that can eat the whole world, and Dr. Marcilite, a super scientist who can compete with Dr. Zejuan, are definitely the most dangerous area on earth.

“Da da da…” At this moment.

Suddenly, there was a burst of smoke on the tortuous path of the male intestine.

In the blink of an eye, he rushed in front of Mukuro, who was Arale. Arale is always on a rampage when walking on the road. The police car in Penguin Village has been crashed by Arale. It can be described as an iconic figure that poses a threat to public safety.

Originally, Mukuro wanted to ignore Arale, so she ran out of the village like this.

In this way, I can get the last Dragon Ball in the Penguin Village with peace of mind, and then I will definitely not stay in the Penguin Village for a second and leave quickly. But it didn’t happen as expected, but there was a bright bead hanging around Arale’s neck, and there were two red starfish marks in the middle. It is the ultimate goal of Mukuro’s journey to search for Dragon Ball-the two-star bead.

Bite the scalp, Mukuro stopped in front of Arale.

Originally, Mukuro thought he would be knocked out directly by Arale.

However, Arale unexpectedly stopped in front of Mukuro, which made Mukuro breathe a long sigh of relief. Arale raised his head, looked at Mukuro, and asked in confusion: “Big brother, who are you, Arale has never seen you. Hee hehe… Big brother, can you play rock-paper-scissors with Alale? game?”

“What a cute girl, big sister accompany you to play.” Bouma suddenly said.

Bouma’s words almost didn’t scare Mukuro to death.

I don’t dare to play with the little girl… It’s so fucking scary. He quickly put Boumara behind him and said, “That, Arale. Big brother has something to do today, how about playing rock-paper-scissors with Arale another day? By the way… My brother has been looking for Arale. Can you give this bead on your neck to your brother?” Then, Mukuro pointed to the two-star bead on Arale’s neck.

“Big brother, you said this bead.” Ala Lei took off the two-star bead. Doubt said: “But Baogua said this bead is not tasty. I’m about to try if I can knock it open. The stars inside are very beautiful, do you want it, big brother?”

“Yeah.” Mukuro nodded in response.

“Yes, but my elder brother will play rock-paper-scissors with me.” Arale said with a naive expression looking at Mukuro, holding the Dragon Ball tightly in his hand.

“sure, no problem.”

Mukuro gritted his teeth, suffocating a few words abruptly.

At this moment Mukuro really wanted to turn his head and leave. For Mukuro, things like Dragon Ball are not necessary. Only because of interest, I thought about collecting a wave. But if Boumak is next to him, how can he shrink back as a man in front of a woman who admires him? And the opponent is just a girl who looks six or seven years old.

“Great, then let’s start.”

Arale threw the two-star bead aside. Holding both hands tightly together, watching Mukuro’s movements from the seams. Obviously, he has been fully absorbed in the game of rock-paper-scissors. And Mukuro is equally engrossed.

It’s not about winning or losing in the rock-paper-scissors game.

Instead, he was alert to the actions of Arale, who knew this robot with a short-circuited head. What kind of movement can be made in the next second. The muscles of the whole body are tight, and the combat effectiveness has been improved to Ultimate. Under the pressure of Ala Lei, even the combat effectiveness has increased slightly, reaching 50 million. Even when facing Frieza, Mukuro didn’t take it seriously.

Although Bouma didn’t know what was going on, she also noticed the dignity in the air.

“Rock-paper-scissors…cloth!!” When Arale shouted out the cloth, Mukuro had already used Observation Haki to predict that she would produce the cloth, and he decisively produced the scissors. If it’s just about rock-paper-scissors, then Mukuro’s will naturally win. But Mukuro ignored the direction of Arale’s cloth, and Arale’s palm hit the ground directly.

Ever since, under the witness of Mukuro.

The earth-kun was directly cut in half by Arale.

Under the cover of Mukuro’s Observation Haki. Suddenly, the whole earth shook. Volcanic eruptions, crustal movement, and tens of magnitude earthquakes. An unprecedented disaster is happening on the earth, and everyone is extremely frightened.

“Arale, you actually ruined the earth again.” A voice came from the Penguin Village.

Without the slightest anger, obviously he has become accustomed to it.

The voice fell, and the earth-kun changed again. The scene in front of me was like upside-down, all the disasters disappeared, and the split earth was merged together. Everything just now… seems to have never happened before.


Lao Na: Ahahaha…resuming three shifts, starting today.

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