Chapter 817 Horrible arale

Bouma, who was standing next to him, looked terrified just now when Earth-kun was destroyed by Arale. Because she saw with her own eyes how the seemingly harmless little girl in front of her blasted the entire earth with one hand.

However, this Hui Bouma’s expression did not have the slightest fear.

With the restoration of the time machine, Bumak hasn’t experienced that scene yet. But this is not the case with Mukuro. Mukuro, who controls the arc of lost magic of time, will never be affected by the acceleration of time or the backtracking of time if he does not want to. Naturally, it is clear how Arale smashed the earth with one hand.

In an instant, Arale’s combat power has soared to the tens of billions.

Mukuro can be said to be frightened. Fuck… this kind of combat power can definitely end the existence of the universe overlord like Frieza. If this kind of fist hits Mukuro’s body, even if he doesn’t die, it is 80% seriously injured.

“The doctor is angry, and I can’t use this force again next time.”

Arale whispered. Listening, Mukuro turned Byakugan, Fuck…Even if it was a hundred times weaker and hit the ground, the earth-kun would definitely end in the same way. Then looking at Mukuro, Arale said, “Then let’s start rock-paper-scissors.” Arale thought, Mukuro should not remember what happened just like others.

In this way, he will produce scissors… Then it is fine to punch himself.

Arale smiled, obviously thinking that he would definitely win. But all the expressions on her face fell in Mukuro’s eyes. Based on Mukuro’s ingenuity… you can guess Arale’s thoughts at the moment without thinking too much.

Although it’s just a robot, the idea is really simple.

“Rock-paper-scissors…cloth!!” When Arale yelled out the word cloth, Mukuro took the lead in reaching out. However, Mukuro obviously forgot, Arale, she would never play cards according to common sense. Although she is indeed a fist. But… it was a fist. Use the whole head as a fist.

The head hammer blasted directly at Mukuro.

This is Arale’s regular combat moves, but this time it is used to replace fists. Because Arale didn’t have the slightest malice, Mukuro didn’t have the slightest premonition. When Arale’s head-hammer attack came, Mukuro’s whole body’s hairs rose instantly. You can’t resist hard…If you are attacked by Arale’s head hammer, you will definitely die.

God is coming! ! !

Without even thinking about it, he directly used God Pro to appear behind Arale.

Then looked at Arale who turned around and wanted to continue attacking. Mukuro hurriedly said, “Arale, rock-paper-scissors, I won. You are going to give me the two-star bead… you can’t regret what you have said.” Fuck, Mukuro doesn’t want to be with Arale anymore. Playing rock-paper-scissors, this is simply playing with one’s own life.

“Oh well.”

Arale picked up the two-star bead from the side of the ground and threw it to Mukuro.

And he said: “Hey…Big brother, give you the beads you want. Thank you, big brother, Arale is having a great time. Next time, big brother will come to play games with Arale. We can play peekaboo, A game of wooden men.”

Mukuro didn’t listen to Alale’s words, so he picked up Bouma and fled.

Just a rock-paper-scissors, it was played like this by Arale. The ghost knows how horrible games like peekaboo and wooden people can be. Mukuro directly designated the Penguin Village as his own restricted area, and would never come to the Penguin Village before he was able to abuse Birus. And Mukuro decided to throw him to the Penguin Village if anyone was upset in the future. Nothing else… Playing rock-paper-scissors with Arale a few times is enough to die a few times.

“Um… how did Big Brother go?” Arale murmured, tilting his head.

Suddenly Arale’s eyes lit up and said, “By the way, let the doctor invent a machine for finding people so that I can find my eldest brother to accompany me to continue playing the game.” Then he flew back to Penguin Village and crashed again unconsciously. Got a police car.

“Brother Mukuro, what wish do you want to make to Shenlong.” Buma asked.

The seven Dragon Balls were completely collected, and they were randomly thrown on the grass in front of him by Mukuro. Except for the Penguin Village’s two-star beads, the other six Dragon Balls were obtained very smoothly. He didn’t even encounter the larger beast.

“Wish, it doesn’t matter.” Mukuro said with a smile.

“I collected Dragon Balls just to ask a few questions. As for my wish, Shenlong is not capable of fulfilling it.” Mukuro said.

“No, can’t Shenlong realize any wish?”

Buma couldn’t believe it, after all, in Buma’s heart, Shenlong was very powerful. Even the dead can be resurrected. What can’t be achieved! ? But for Mukuro, Bouma is very trusting, but it is tangled.

“Come out, Shenlong!” Mukuro said the summoning words of Shenlong.

The appearance of the Shenlong…In an instant, the entire earth changed from day to night.

“This is…who!? Summoned the Shenlong.” The gods above the temple sensed that someone had summoned the Shenlong for the first time. With a deep gaze through the clouds of the night, he saw Mukuro who had summoned the Shenlong.

“It’s him!? I hope I don’t make any evil wishes.”

The god murmured worriedly. Although he was the one who created the Dragon Ball, the gods could not control the dragon, or veto the wish of the wisher. Therefore, the Dragon Ball in the Dragon Ball world is, to a certain extent, an absolutely fair treasure.

“Who summoned me?” Shenlong’s body hung in the sky. A pair of blood-red eyes stared at Mukuro, and slowly said: “Say your wish… whatever it is. I can help you realize it.”

“Is it really okay to have any wish?” A smile was drawn from the corner of Mukuro’s mouth.

“Of course. Hurry…speak your wish.” Shenlong said slowly.

“All right.” Mukuro looked at the dragon and said: “My wish is… to make my strength reach the level of the god of destruction Birus, and Weis can do it too.” After speaking, he stared at the dragon. The look in his eyes is self-evident, a look of a joke.

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