Chapter 815 Shy Boomer

Mukuro, who hugged Bouma, soared directly into the air. But Bouma was taken aback. He hugged Mukuro’s body tightly. But Bouma, who is eighteen or nineteen years old, has already begun to take shape. Especially the two majestic and flexible seats in front of you. When pressed on Mukuro’s body, Mukuro’s heart is not to be rippled for a while.

You know, after coming to the Dragon Ball world, Mukuro hasn’t touched a woman in more than ten years.

This will hold Bouma, it is like holding a ball of fire.

Efforts to suppress the evil fire from my heart. Mukuro exhaled deeply, he is not such a casual person.

At least, we have to spend a week with each other.

The air is thin at high altitude, let alone flying at high speed.

As a girl with only two or three points of combat effectiveness, Bouma is naturally unbearable. However, after Mukuro used a repulsive force to surround Boomer with a protective cover, Boomer recovered. At the same time, he watched Mukuro’s face more closely.

The more I watched, Bouma blushed, her thoughts flying.

I even thought of what would happen if two people gave birth to a baby in the future. Then, I thought of something embarrassing.

Can’t help but clamp her legs, because Boomer found out that she actually…

“Okay, it should be here.” In just a few minutes, Mukuro reached the position indicated by the Dragon Ball radar. Of course, this is because of Bouma. Otherwise, if it is 700 kilometers at Mukuro’s speed, it is just breathing time.

Only then did Mukuro discover that Bouma actually had a red face.

My eyes were paralyzed on my body…Although I don’t know what happened. But what Boomer looks like now. Mukuro is not rarely seen in her own woman. His face turned awkward, his eyes drifted away, and he said, “Um, Bouma…you are like this now. Do you need a shower and then change your clothes.”

“Huh?…Ah!!!” Bouma was taken aback, and then shouted.

His face turned red in an instant. Then quickly took out a universal capsule, turned into a house, and went straight into it. The speed is so fast… Even if Mukuro is impressed, it seems that Boomer is still very talented.

After about half an hour, Bouma walked out of the house.

His face was a little unnatural. Seeing Mukuro, he quickly lowered his head. I was very upset in my heart, as a girl. He was actually seen such a shy thing… and in front of the person he liked, would he think he was too frivolous and hate himself? Boomer raised her head cautiously and glanced at Mukuro. At the same time, he said, “That… Brother Mukuro. I don’t know why, this is my first time… No. I mean I’m… not right. Brother Mukuro, don’t hate Bouma. Okay?”

Buma looked at Mukuro with tears in her eyes, and she was in a posture of crying immediately.

Mukuro smiled, then walked to Bouma.

Touch the head to kill! ! ! The ultimate skill used when a girl is sad or sad can instantly kill a girl, and cause a 300% good feeling bonus to her heart! It is a must-kill skill that directly completes a home run.

[I don’t know what a home run is, please Baidu yourself. 】

“Bouma is so cute, let’s start looking for Dragon Ball.” Mukuro said with a smile.

“Does Mukuro really think so?” Bouma was taken aback. After seeing Mukuro nodding, his mood improved instantly. Then he said in high spirits: “Great…oh oh. Then let’s hurry up and look for Dragon Ball.”

After speaking, he used the Dragon Ball radar to accurately locate the position.

Soon, in the cracks of a cliff. Mukuro looked for a golden bead, which was completely covered by the gravel. This kind of place, if there is no Dragon Ball radar, even if tens of thousands of people are sent to turn over the entire hill, it would never be found.

There are five red starfish in the center of the Dragon Ball.

Five planets, get it.

“Okay, let’s start with one downward.” As he said, Mukuro’s hand was naturally wrapped around Bouma’s waist. But this time, Bouma blushed. However, he took the initiative and hugged Mukuro tightly, and at the same time, his cheeks were attached to Mukuro’s body.

Mukuro smiled, hugged Boomer’s arm tightly, and rose into the air.

In three days, Mukuro found six Dragon Balls.

This is still based on the fact that Mukuro and Bouma have wasted a lot of time eating, drinking and having fun all the way. Since the last incident, the relationship between Mukuro and Bouma has also improved by leaps and bounds. Except for the shameful things in the last step, all of them have been done.

“Brother Mukuro, according to the Dragon Ball radar, the last Dragon Ball was in this village. But I don’t know why, it can’t be located more accurately. What’s going on!? Could it be that the Dragon Ball radar is broken?” Ma said depressed.

“It doesn’t matter, we just go in and find it.” Mukuro smiled.

“Oh.” Bouma responded and hugged Mukuro’s arm happily.

For Boomer. Finding the Dragon Ball is only a secondary matter, and more importantly, Mukuro. -Kun did not ask Bouma to make a wish with a Dragon Ball. The wish is basically to find a prince charming. Will there be a better man in this world than Mukuro! ?

Of course it won’t be, and it won’t be.

Bouma naturally wouldn’t care about things like Dragon Ball anymore.

Mukuro’s spiritual thoughts unfolded, and instantly enveloped the entire village. What surprised Mukuro was that even if he used Observation Haki, he could not find the trace of Dragon Ball.

Can’t help but feel a little strange, shouldn’t be.

At this moment, a small figure was detected in Mukuro’s Observation Haki. Although he was short in stature, it was enough to make Mukuro’s complexion suddenly change.

“Just kidding, isn’t this the Dragon Ball world!? The bloody battle…? System, your uncle. Hurry up and get out and give me an explanation.” Mukuro roared inside. Because the guy he perceives shouldn’t appear in the Dragon Ball world at all. This is even Vegeta in the state of the Saiyan Super Saiyan who has the super Saiyan God energy [Although it is awkward, but this is the official setting, I also Baidu it]. The existence of the horror of Hong Fei is a character who cannot be determined by common sense at all.

“Sorry Host, this character belongs to the Dragon Ball world.” The system replied coldly.

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