Chapter 814 Bouma

Xidu, the most prosperous city in the Dragon Ball world.

The level of technological development is definitely not inferior to Mukuro’s previous life, and even worse. At the very least, in Mukuro’s previous life, there were no universal capsules, or floating jet planes all over the streets.

The Magnum Capsule Company is the largest company in the world.

Its address is naturally very easy to find out. Very big…very big, even in the western capital, it is the most luxurious villa. It is a four-story hemispherical building, covering an area as large as two football fields. And all kinds of flowers are planted around the house, you know, it’s a cold winter now.

“Ding Dong.” Mukuro smiled and rang the doorbell.

Soon, the door opened, and the one who opened the door was a woman with a fiery figure, and said: “Huh!? Who are you? Come to Brive, or come to Bulma. Little handsome guy, but do you want to go first? Come on a date with me?”


As he said, he cast a wink at Mukuro.

Mrs. Breff, Bouma’s mother. This appearance made Mukuro a little embarrassed. He hurriedly said: “I’m here to find Bouma, is she at home?!” Sure enough, Bouma’s nympho is definitely inherited from her mother.

“Oh.” Mrs. Breff replied somewhat disappointed.

“Bouma, your friend is looking for you.”

“My friend? Goku…who or who? Mom should know each other.” Bouma was a little confused, but she still walked out.

“So handsome!!” The moment he saw Mukuro, Bouma immediately fell into a nympho.

Before marrying Vegeta, Bouma was definitely a pure nympho. It’s the kind that can’t move when you see a handsome guy. And Mukuro’s appearance is definitely the most perfect look in the world, and Buma naturally fell in the first place.

“That…that…who are you?” Bouma said shyly.

“Me?” Mukuro smiled and said, “I am Wukong’s friend. Hearing Wukong said, you are the best inventor in the world. You can even invent the Dragon Ball radar that detects Dragon Ball. And I, I just need to summon the dragon to ask a few questions. So I want to borrow the Dragon Ball radar. I will return it to you immediately after I use it up, okay?”

“Goku’s friend? Damn it… don’t tell me.”

Boomer was taken aback. But in his heart he complained that Wukong actually knew such a handsome guy, and he hadn’t told himself before. At the same time, he hurriedly said: “Can you borrow the Dragon Ball radar? Yes. But you have to promise me one condition first. If you agree, I will lend it to you.”

“Um… okay.” Mukuro thought a little, then agreed. In Mukuro’s view, no matter what Bouma asks, he can do it himself.

“I want you to be my boyfriend.” Boomer blurted out.

Mukuro underestimated Bouma’s nympho, he didn’t expect Bouma to be so bold.

This is the first time the two met today.

Seeing Mukuro’s stunned expression, Buma’s face turned red. I also found myself too impatient and hesitated. Said: “Um…I can change a condition. That is, you have to agree to let me find Dragon Ball with you.”

Buma believes that since Mukuro can’t agree to himself immediately. Then walk with him, and you will be able to conquer him with your own charm.

After speaking, he looked at Mukuro expectantly.

“Yes, no problem.” Mukuro smiled and nodded.

“You promised!? Great, wait for me.” As he said, Bouma flew back to the villa. At the same time, the sound of Ding Ding Dong Dong sounded in the villa. After about a few minutes, Bouma was carrying a bag, standing in front of Mukuro panting, and said, “Let’s go. Don’t think I’m just a girl, but I used to search for Dragon Ball with Goku. Oh.”

“Don’t you need to bring some luggage?” Mukuro asked slightly confused.

But as soon as he spoke, Mukuro thought of the universal capsule.

As the greatest doctor in the world, he is also the richest doctor. Dr. Breff’s greatest invention is the universal capsule. Whether it is a motorcycle, a car, an airplane… but a spacecraft, it can be packed in a small capsule bottle.

It has completely changed the lives of people in the Dragon Ball world.

Sure enough, Bouma patted the backpack behind him, and said, “Don’t worry. I have brought a lot of universal capsules. I have food and accommodation. Now, let me take a look at the nearest one to us. Where is a Dragon Ball.”

With that, he took out a slap-sized disc radar from his backpack.

It is the Dragon Ball radar!

To be honest, Mukuro is really curious. Before there was a Dragon Ball radar, did anyone in the Dragon Ball world collect seven Dragon Balls? ? This is definitely more difficult than finding a needle in a haystack. Mukuro believes that there must be no promise. Because Dragon Ball has a history of three hundred years of existence on the earth. In the past three hundred years, even Guixianren, the world’s number one martial artist, has never heard of anyone who has successfully made a wish. He doesn’t even know what Dragon Ball looks like.

Bouma probably didn’t know where he heard the legend.

Then 400, because he found a Dragon Ball, he firmly believed in what the legend said. And based on the fluctuation of Dragon Ball, the Dragon Ball radar was developed. Who knows that Bouma actually hit him by mistake, and summoned the Shenlong for the first time, and since then he has been out of control. Within two or three years, Shenlong will be summoned by Dragon Ball fighters once.

It’s almost like a domestic pet.

“Found it! Southeast, seven hundred kilometers away from here.” Bouma pressed the button on the Dragon Ball radar a few times and found the location of a Dragon Ball. Then he continued: “You can get there in half an hour by taking the most advanced aircraft that I have researched.” As he said, Boomer turned over the backpack behind him again.

However, Mukuro prevented Boomer from doing what he did next.

“Don’t be so troublesome.” Mukuro smiled. Then he took a step forward, straddling Bouma’s waist with his right hand, and embracing her in his arms.

“Um…this, we haven’t known each other for long.”

Bouma is a bit shy, after all, no matter how idiots are, Bouma is just a girl, although her heart is very happy and excited at this time.

“Are you ready? Then let’s… go.”

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