Chapter 811 Shrine

When the Kalin fairy focused all its eyes on Sea Kings, it didn’t know that Mukuro, who had left Kalinta, flew straight toward the top of Kalinta. Above Kalinta is the temple of the gods who inhabit the earth.

“The air here is really thin. If you want to live a normal life here… I am afraid that the combat power must be at least three digits.” Standing on the temple, Mukuro murmured. It gives people the appearance of visiting the temple.

At a distance of tens of meters from Mukuro, the gods look like they are facing an enemy.

Beside him, there is a Bobo who looks like an Indian Ah San. As a servant of God, Mukuro said that he is really dark and very distinctive.

“Don’t worry, I don’t have any malice against the earth.”

Mukuro shrugged and said, “And, do you think…is there anything on the earth worthy of my conspiracy? Sorry, I haven’t found it yet. Besides, even if I want to destroy the earth, can you stop it? If you want to, it only takes a moment for me to bring the whole earth to nothingness, 963, believe it or not?!”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, God and Bobo became more nervous.

“Guest from an alien, what purpose do you have. If within my ability, as the god of the earth, I can help you.” God said.

“Alien guest!?” Mukuro was a little dumb when he heard God’s name. He smiled and said: “Compared to me, you are more of an alien, okay. You are obviously a Nami nemesis, but you have come to such a remote planet.” No matter how Mukuro said, he is also an earthling. Although not the earth in this world. But the god in front of him, but Baganzi has no relationship with the earth, he is a Nami nemesis with a strong roots.

Hundreds of years ago, Namek had suffered terrible climate changes, and even the dragon of Nami’s nemesis could not be changed. In order to preserve the hope of the Nami Nemesis, a newly born Nami Nemesis was sent to the earth to escape. Unfortunately, he just landed on the earth broke his brain, and even completely forgot his own life experience [Khan! Is it possible that the earth in the Dragon Ball world is passive-all the alien babies that arrive will break their brains? ! How to explain otherwise… Kakarot and the gods have smashed their brains! ? ] On the spaceship, I saw the letter from his father Kadaz who asked him to wait. After thirty years, he still couldn’t wait for anyone, so he went out to practice.

Because he was an alien, he was so talented and valued by the gods of the earth at that time, and wanted him to be his successor. However, he was influenced by the people of the earth and developed evil thoughts. He was noticed by the gods. In order to become a god, he expelled the evil thoughts from his body, but he formed the Great Demon King Piccolo to come down to the lower realm, causing harm to the world. The righteous Piccolo defeated the evil rival Kalik and became the god of the earth. He lived in the temple with Mr. Popo, his servant, and created the magical Dragon Ball with his remnant memories of Namek, which can satisfy any desire of mankind. . People are constantly fighting for money, power, and eternal life. The gods have no choice but to divide the Dragon Ball into seven and spread them in every corner of the world. However, collectors are still flocking to it for hundreds of years.

“Nami… Nemesis.” Hearing Mukuro’s words, the god’s pupils shrank sharply.

Although I don’t know what Namek is. But instinct made the gods realize that this is very important to him, and it is related to his own life experience.

“Like the earth, it is also located in the northern galaxy…your hometown. By the way, the so-called house in Yunzebit Highland. It’s a spaceship, voice-controlled. You can sit back and take a look when it’s okay.” Mukuro said casually. I don’t know how much impact my words have brought to the gods at this moment.

“Then let’s talk about my purpose.” Mukuro said.

Tenjin quickly sorted his mood and set his sights on Mukuro’s body. For three hundred years, the gods have already regarded the safety of the earth more than anything else. Therefore, for the gods, it is now more important to understand whether the person in front of you is malicious to the earth.

“It’s very simple. I want to learn how to use the earth’s unique Qi.” Mukuro said.

This is also one of the purposes of Mukuro’s purpose to come to the earth, not only because the earth is the center of the story of the Dragon Ball world. Although the Chakra, Haki, spiritual power, and magic power in Mukuro’s body are endowed with the characteristics of the Dragon Ball world energy by the system, they are not actually Qi. Moreover, the energy of the earth is different from the energy commonly used in the Dragon Ball universe. The Qi of the earth is a highly developed energy form, especially for the Saiyan race. -Kun is missing, no Saiyan who learns to be angry, no one can not start the super Saiyan state. And Mukuro, now also has the purest Saiyan blood, how could he not learn.

“So simple!?”

The gods were obviously very surprised.

In his opinion, Mukuro is already very powerful, so powerful that it can easily destroy the entire earth. For such a strong person, it is completely unnecessary to learn how to use earth gas. Why are there so many such actions?

“Why… agree?” Mukuro asked lightly.

The god is silent. After a while, he said, “I can teach you how to use the breath. But you have to promise me not to have any evil thoughts on the earth.” After speaking, the god stared at Mukuro’s face. Waiting for Mukuro’s answer.

Hearing what the god said, Mukuro just showed a playful smile.

He said, “Sorry… In front of me, you are not qualified to negotiate terms. Moreover, my patience is limited. As for you, there is no other choice.” After a pause, Mukuro felt that the relationship was too rigid. It’s not good. The tone was slightly relaxed, and he continued: “And I have already said that I have no malice against the earth.”

“I…understood.” The god said sullenly.

At this moment, an excited voice suddenly sounded: “God, I have noticed that there is a very powerful aura appearing in the temple.”


Note: The Milky Way and the Milky Way in the Dragon Ball world are actually not related. The Milky Way is the collective name of the Dragon Ball universe, not just a Milky Way. The Dragon Ball world is huge, whether it is the universe or the world view. Especially after the Dragon Ball super queen, Lao Na feels that there will be more powerful characters behind Quan Wang, such as… Quan Wang is his father.

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