Chapter 810 Fairy Beans and Super Shenshui

“Well… I believe that the gods and Monkey King can already perceive my breath, right? I don’t know how this is going to be thinking? I should be fidgeting.” Mukuro’s mouth curled slightly, faintly Said to himself.

“If that’s the case, then go meet them.” Mukuro said.

At the same time, Observation Haki unfolded. It easily covers the entire earth. Observation Haki, unfolding with the strength of Mukuro at the moment, can easily envelop the entire solar system, let alone a small earth.

“found it.”

God is coming! Mukuro disappeared directly into the wasteland.

Holy land, Kalinta.

According to legend, anyone who climbs from the bottom of the tower to the top of the tower with their own power will meet an immortal at the top of the tower. If he drank the fairy water presented by that fairy, his power would increase several times. Countless people challenged the tower, but all of them failed. Some people climbed for several days without food supplies on the way. They lost their strength and fell from the top. Some people also took a plane to think about it. He flew up, but he didn’t succeed. People who didn’t want to climb up on their own would never see the top of the tower.

There is a cat fairy named Karin on the Kalinta. At this moment, Immortal Kalin was full of horror. Because in front of it, standing a black-haired and silver-robed man was the owner of the horrible atmosphere he had just sensed.

“Hello…cat.” Mukuro said hello with a smile.

At the same time stretched out a hand to the Kalin fairy.

“You… you… hello.” Immortal Kalin stiffened and stuttered. Seeing Mukuro’s arm extending towards him. He was so scared that he fell to the ground with his crutches, and stretched out his paws tremblingly.

Then, Mukuro shook hands with Karin immortal out of politeness.

After shaking hands with Mukuro, Immortal Kalin hurriedly put away his paws. At the same time, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he was afraid that Mukuro might be dissatisfied with something. It’s not just yourself, but the entire planet.

“Don’t worry, I have no malice towards the earth… cat.” Seeing Karin immortal being so restrained, Mukuro felt a little helpless. I had to continue and say: “I just found out that there is a magical fairy bean on Kalinta. It is said that after eating it, I can stay hungry for ten days. There is also super god water that can develop human potential, so I want to come over and do it with you. Transactions.”

Xiandou is definitely the most amazing food in the Dragon Ball world. There are two characteristics: one is that one pill can guarantee you will not be hungry for ten days. The second is to quickly recover from an injured state, or a state of extreme fatigue, and readjust the body to the best state. Even the stamina lost in the Super Saiyan God state can be quickly replenished. This is more pervert than Mukuro’s yang escape ability.

You must know that if Mukuro’s current strength, let alone the state of the Super Saiyan God, restores full physical strength, even if it restores the physical strength of the Super Saiyan state, it will be exhausted and half to death. After all, the lack of physical strength for such a strong person can be completely regarded as a black hole level. On the other hand, Fairy Bean can restore physical strength indiscriminately regardless of the level of power.

It’s simply a bug in the Dragon Ball world.

The output of fairy beans is not high. Regardless of when it first appeared, it was calculated on the basis of jars. There were a few jars full of jars, or even tens of thousands. But this is the accumulation of the Kalin fairy for eight hundred years, but it has all been harmed by the fellow Yaqilobe. So when the Dragon Ball fighters used the fairy beans, they couldn’t wait to break one into two. This kind of good thing should be taken away by oneself instead of being wasted by Immortal Kalin.

As for things like Super Shenshui that develop potential.

Mukuro is also very interested. In his previous life, Mukuro had some speculations: Goku can grow so terribly in the later stage, and there may be some connection with the super divine water he drank in the early stage. Of course, more is Wukong’s own efforts.

Mukuro snapped his fingers, and a Sea Kings from the Pirate World appeared out of nowhere.

The huge volume almost filled Kalinta.

“This is the most delicious fish in the world called One Piece. I believe you haven’t tasted it yet. I will use it in exchange for 80% of the fairy beans you own, and a super-sweet water. Why? So, do you agree?” Mukuro asked.

The moment I saw Sea Kings appear.

Immortal Karin can no longer be calm. If it weren’t for Mukuro, who was on the side of fear, it would have been a fish. And it’s an alien fish. He has lived for eight hundred years, but he hasn’t eaten it yet.

“Here… this is fairy beans, this is super magical water.”

Immortal Karin handed Mukuro a small silver teapot and a jar more than half a meter high. The silver teapot is super divine water, and the jar is full of fairy beans. How could the Karin fairy not give Mukuro? Don’t say that Mukuro is in exchange for things, even if Mukuro clearly asks for it, Immortal Karin dare not give it. Moreover, in the eyes of Immortal Kalin, these two things are not of much value.

Xiandou is only used for wrapping belly, and has been eaten for hundreds of years.

The immortal Kalin can’t be tired of eating for a long time.

I don’t know how to eat it at ordinary times, otherwise it is impossible to accumulate so much. As for Super Shenshui, it is tasteless. Although it has the potential to develop, it is more toxic.

What’s more, basically no one can bear this kind of toxicity.

From ancient times to the present, only the immortal who invented Super Divine Water and Monkey King have survived after drinking Super Divine Water.

“Thank you.” Mukuro satisfied the Super God Water and Immortal Beans into the Imperial Palace of Heaven.

Just as he was about to leave Kalinta.

Suddenly stopped, he looked at the Karin fairy and said, “Friendly reminder. The fairy bean is a very important thing. Let Yaqilobe’s fat man eat less.” Karin fairy 80% of the inventory. There is only one altar. Obviously a lot has been wasted in the past few years. After speaking, Mukuro left Kalinta directly.

After Mukuro left, the Karin immortal rushed directly to the Sea Kings.

Ignoring Mukuro’s words completely, it is estimated that when the Dragon Ball fighters face repeated fierce battles in the future. Immortal Karin should regret why he didn’t stop Yakilobe’s behavior in the first place.

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