Chapter 812 Goku’s Challenge

In the red practice clothes, there is a tortoise in the position of the heart. Isn’t it the Monkey King? After Wukong, who was practicing in Baozishan, sensed Mukuro’s breath, he chased after him without any hesitation. As a pure martial idiot, how could Wukong let go of an opponent who made him so passionate? But the current Wukong is not the powerhouse who will break through the sky in the future. Now the combat power is only a few hundred points at best.

It took nearly half an hour to reach the temple from Baozi Mountain, and it took nearly half an hour for even Monkey King to fully perform the dance of the sky.

“You look so strong, let’s fight.” Wukong was eager to try.

As a Saiyan, Goku is absolutely qualified. In his mind, besides eating, it is fighting. Looking at Wukong with a hot face, it is also fortunate to have Qiqi…otherwise a guy like Wukong must be destined to be alone.

“Wukong…what do you want to do!?” Hearing Wukong’s words.

Mukuro hasn’t answered yet. But the god on the side was almost not scared to death, and he was afraid that the strong man who appeared from nowhere in front of him would do it. You are good, but you want to take the initiative to challenge. If the terrifying powerhouse in front of you angered, it would be broken.

“It’s okay, Tianshen. I don’t think he is a bad person.” Wukong said with a heartless look at Tianshen with a smile.

To distinguish a person’s good and evil, Karin immortals and gods will use Qi to judge.

But for Monkey King. But he would not judge this way. As a martial artist who can control somersault clouds, Wukong definitely has an incomparable heart of innocence. And for decades, he has never lost his enthusiasm for martial arts. This is something that no Dragon Ball fighter except Goku can do. And Wukong, who has a heart of innocence, will naturally judge people not only based on personal preferences or just on the other’s qi.

It’s like even Piccolo, Piccolo II.

Based on his instinct alone, Wukong let him go after a fight.

And Vegeta, Cyborg No.16… This kind of person who is extremely evil in the eyes of others, has been seen by Wukong the goodness of his heart.

“Although I won’t kill you, I’m very happy to teach you a lesson.” Looking at Monkey King, Mukuro said with a smile. Regarding things like abuse of the protagonist, no matter which world it is in, or how many times it is repeated, Mukuro will never get bored. Moreover, it is the protagonist of Monkey King, who has been tortured, and he will definitely feel more fulfilled.

“So, do you agree?” Wukong’s eyes lit up suddenly.

“En, yes.” Mukuro smiled and nodded.

“…” And the god just opened his mouth, saying nothing. The god of Wukong naturally knows what character it is. No one can stop the willingness to fight a powerful opponent. As for Mukuro…Did he dare to stop the god! ? Looking at the two of them as if they were fate…Just don’t demolish your own temple.

No, it doesn’t matter even if it is dismantled.

Wukong held his breath, daring not to be careless. Goku has never felt such a terrifying breath of Mukuro. Hmm… definitely better than a hundred piccolo. This is Wukong’s thoughts at the moment. If Piccolo knew about it, he would actually become Wukong’s metric to measure his opponent. I don’t know if he will kill Wukong directly with Mo Guanguang.

And if Mukuro knew about it, he would probably only smile, not caring. Not to mention a hundred, even if it is one million, it is just a shock wave thing. The piccolo’s combat power when using the magic light to kill the cannon can reach more than 1,000, and the Mukuro’s combat power is about 30 million, that is, 30,000 piccolo using the magic light to kill the cannon can be comparable to Mukuro? !

Of course not!

Combat power is not this algorithm.

The middle-aged man holding a rifle has a combat power of five, commonly known as the five scum of war, and the destructive power it can cause at best is just to kill larger beasts. However, the immortal turtle with combat power at around one hundred and forty o’clock can explode the entire moon, which is definitely a geometric increase. The difference in combat power is tens of thousands of times, and the difference in destructive power is definitely hundreds of millions of times.

Wukong’s muscles were tight, and he put out his hands-up pose.

“Drink, watch the move.” With a loud shout, he struck Mukuro.

It is true that Wukong’s speed is indeed very fast. Breaking through the sound barrier, even reaching the terrifying point of several times the speed of sound. But this is also relatively speaking. In front of Mukuro, this speed is not enough, and in Mukuro’s view, it is just faster than the snail.

Turning his body sideways, he escaped Wukong’s must-kill kicking skills.

“The speed…too slow.” Mukuro’s voice sounded from behind Goku. I don’t know when, Mukuro has appeared behind Goku.

When Wukong turned his elbow back, it was a vicious elbow bump.

But he was easily dodged by Mukuro. “Da da da…” Goku’s attack seemed to hit Mukuro like a storm. But Mukuro can always dodge by the smallest margin. Even if Goku is pressing harder and harder, Mukuro’s figure has not moved beyond three steps. Within half a quarter of an hour, it was an all-out attack, and Wukong was also somewhat exhausted.

However, the expression on his face was not at all depressed, but more excited.

“It’s so strong… Then I can use my full strength with confidence. Next, let you see my strongest moves.” Wukong suddenly said seriously.

Then put your hands on one side of your body, and the qi from all over your body accumulates in your palms.

Through his own superpowers, Mukuro can clearly see… Wukong’s combat effectiveness is rising from 300 under normal conditions to 900 at this moment.

“Turtle…Pai…Qi…Gong!!!” Wukong said in his mouth.

Guipai Qigong, a unique skill created by Guixianren. But it is carried forward in Wukong’s hands. It is Wukong’s best at using, and it is also the most powerful shock wave. The blue energy bomb blasted from Goku’s hand to Mukuro in a terrifying manner.

“Be careful.” Wukong couldn’t help reminding.

Wukong is very aware of the power of the turtle style qigong he blasted out. Even Guixianren’s Guipai Qigong can explode the moon, let alone one’s own. Wukong didn’t believe that anyone could block it with his body. But the next scene happened, but Wukong was completely stunned.

Seeing Mukuro raised one hand, he grabbed his turtle Qigong with one hand.

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