Chapter 809 Reach the earth

Hundreds of years ago, he led his subordinates on the earth, proclaimed himself a demons, and pushed the world into the abyss of death. And defeated the world’s strongest martial artist Wu Taidou who came to block, and his disciples Gui Xianren and Crane Xianren-Big Demon King Piccolo.

Finally, Wu Taidou used his life-consuming stunt——Ma Fengbo was sealed in the rice cooker, and the earth was able to restore peace. After more than three hundred years, the Demon King Piccolo was released by Pilaf who wanted to use his power to conquer the world. At this time, he is already very old. So he regained his youth with the help of Dragon Ball and killed Shenlong. Just when he was planning to destroy the world’s most prosperous city, Xidu, he was solved by a young man with a long tail. The young man with a long tail was Saiyan Kakarot.

That is, the protagonist of the Dragon Ball world-Monkey King.

Because Monkey King defeated the Demon King Piccolo, the world was able to return to peace.

Three years later, in the finals of the 23rd Tian 16 No. 1 Budokai.

Piccolo who claims to be the son of the Great Demon King Piccolo.

He once again announced his return to the world, and declared that he would avenge the Monkey King and rule the entire world.

But in the end, he was defeated by Monkey King.

As a martial artist, Monkey King once again saved the earth from evil hands. This is not the first time, and of course it will not be the last.

Two more years have passed since the 23rd World No. 1 Budokai. The boy who saved the world has also got married and had children, and in memory of his dead grandfather, he named his son Sun Wufan.

It is powerful enough to give his son the name of his grandfather.

Next to Baozi Mountain.

“Four thousand seven hundred and sixty three, four thousand seven hundred and sixty four…” Wukong was wearing a weight specially made by the gods and doing push-ups with his thumb. Suddenly, Wukong stopped. He leaped and stood up straight, his eyes full of fiery looking into the distance: “This breath… is so strong. Who is…?! There is such a terrifying aura, I really want to fight him.”

The turquoise sea, a small island with an area of ​​only a few hundred square meters.

“How… how is it possible!? There is such a terrifying aura in the world, who is it!? Goku!? It’s Piccolo guy. No…it can’t be them. No matter how talented Goku is, it’s impossible to be in three. Become so strong in the middle of the year.” The one who was talking to himself was an old man wearing sunglasses and leaning on crutches. He felt a sudden breath of fear. He was relaxing in the sun, but he fell directly in terror. .

This person is the Dragon Ball world, the most powerful martial artist on earth in the early days. He is also the most important teacher of Monkey King-Guixianren. Although in the latter part of the world, his role has simply become a lecherous old man playing soy sauce.

But without him, Monkey King would not have become so powerful.

“What happened? Master Guixianren.” From the hut behind Guixianren, a small bald head with several scars on his head hurriedly walked out. Kelin, the disciple of Immortal Turtle and the brother of Wukong, although because of the blood of the earthlings, there are a dozen soy sauce in the later period. But until the story of Namek, it played a very important role.

“I don’t know what happened. I hope there will be no more disasters on the earth. This time the opponent is not something Wukong can contend.” Immortal Turtle looked into the distance and said with a worried face.

Klin touched his bald head in distress.

“This breath…is it Monkey King!? No, impossible. That guy is absolutely impossible to become so powerful. Moreover, this breath is full of ominousness. Damn, who is it!?” In the wilderness, one A monster with green skin and two tentacles on his head, clenched his fists and looked unwillingly into the distance.

It was Piccolo who was defeated by Goku.

“Meow…what an evil breath. Earth, is it going to die again!? This time, such a terrifying breath, who can stop it, Meow.” Karin towered over the towering Kalin Tower. The fairy, a cat that has lived for eight hundred years, said uneasy.

Having lived so many years, Immortal Kalin has seen countless strong men.

But even the most terrifying Demon King Piccolo, the aura of the victory period… is not as strong as one ten thousandth of this aura.

“How is it possible!? This…absolutely impossible. How could such a terrifying and evil aura appear on the earth!? How could this be possible?!” Above Kalinta, after passing through the thundercloud layer, it is the god of the earth that inhabits the earth. Temple of Heaven. At this moment, there was an old man with a cane who was seven-point similar to Piccolo. He was standing next to the Temple of Heaven, looking at the earth below with a panic face. As the god who is in charge of the earth… he can more clearly feel how terrifying this breath that has just descended on the earth is better than anyone else. Evil, ominous… It seems that just a few more layers of richness can destroy the entire earth.

How could such a breath 353 prevent the god of the earth from being panicked.

Qi or energy, in fact, there is no distinction between justice and evil.

In the perception of the gods, or the Kalin immortals, or the turtle immortals, the perceived evilness of Qi does not indicate whether the person’s disposition is evil or kind. All he perceives is that Mukuro’s breath is full of murderous aura.

Mukuro is not a kind and bad guy.

In the four dimensional worlds, the number of people killed was definitely in the hundreds of thousands, although it was not as good as Frieza. But compared to the Dragon Ball fighters on earth who have basically never killed anyone in their entire life, the breath is definitely extremely evil. Mukuro didn’t know, it was just because he forgot to converge his breath that caused such a widespread panic.

But even if I knew it, I wouldn’t care about it.

“Have you arrived on Earth? Well… It seems that I made no mistake this time.” Mukuro stretched his body. Some awkward muttering to himself. When setting the sailing destination this time, Mukuro repeatedly checked it several times. If it is wrong again, Mukuro is ready to use teleportation to go to Frieza’s base camp to snatch a most advanced spacecraft. Otherwise, wasting time is a trivial matter. Missing the Dragon Ball plot is a sad thing.

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