Chapter 808 Super Dragon Ball

The gray-black dead planet in front of it actually cracked. Then, like an egg, one-fifth of the surface of the planet suddenly peeled off. Immediately… Mukuro was stunned with a dazzling golden light, what’s going on! ?

What is the situation, the planet is a big golden egg! ?

No, it’s not right! !

It’s not like this! !

Because looking inside through this area, you can see the red star mark.

Three red starfish marks of a pentagram.

This is, Dragon Ball! !

No, it should be said that it is a wishing ball! !

It can also be called Super Dragon Ball! ! It’s different from the Dragon Ball size of Namek’s planet. The Super Dragon Ball’s size is the same size as the planet. Maybe it should be called [Wishing Star]. As for the Dragon Ball created by the Nami Nemesis, it was made by scraps from the wishing bead a long time ago by the Nami Nemesis. Therefore, the scope of the realization of the wish is extremely limited, and it can only be used in the seventh universe. There are a total of seven, scattered in the sixth and seventh universes. Like the Earth Dragon Ball and the Namek Star Dragon Ball, after collecting seven Dragon Balls, you can summon the dragon to fulfill your wishes. The scope of realization can involve a full twelve. A universe.

It doesn’t matter if it is called a wishing ball or a super dragon ball.

It was made by the dragon god Salama in the 41st year of the Chinese calendar. The most perfect spherical solid with a diameter of 37,192,204 kilometers. A total of seven, seven spheres are pale gold, with red starfish marks from one to seven on them. This red starfish mark is a unique structure created by the dragon god Salama. Using the principle of refraction, it is a starfish from any angle. And obtained a patent in the forty-two year of the Shenli calendar.


To apply for a patent, it is difficult for the dragon god Salama to apply for a patent from the king! ?

If you can gather seven wishing balls from the two universes, and shout in God’s language: “Come out, the dragon of God. I want to make my wish come true.” The dragon of God will show up and realize any wish. . After the wish is fulfilled, it will re-spread in the sixth and seventh universes, and then wait for the next time to be collected.

Unexpectedly, this would appear in front of him.

Mukuro’s breathing was a little short, without hesitation, he fisted again.

Until the outer surface of the entire planet was completely peeled off, a wishing bead exuding brilliant golden light appeared in the starry sky.

There are three red starfishes in the center.

Only then can Mukuro be sure that it is a Samsung wishing bead. His eyes couldn’t help but heat up. You have to know that the Earth or the Dragon Ball on the planet Namek is indeed amazing. It claims to be able to realize any wish, even the dead can be resurrected.

However, the Dragon Ball in these two places has a limitation, that is, the desire cannot exceed the scope of the maker’s ability. For example, the desire to kill Sharu and Majin Buu could not be realized. He couldn’t even restore the 18th to an adult, only to take out the bombs in the body. As a result, in the later stage of the Dragon Ball world, the Dragon Ball is completely reduced to a resurrection item. So, although Mukuro is very interested in Dragon Ball, he doesn’t care too much.

However, things like wishing beads are completely different.

It was originally made to be used by God. Otherwise, the summoning language cannot be the language of the gods. We must know that the language of the gods is not even clear to the existence of Vis, which is even more terrifying than the god of destruction than Ruth. [When summoning the dragon of the gods, the summoning word “come out, the dragon of gods” is still Vis. Ask Billus’s]. In other words, the scope of his desire to achieve is beyond the reach of God.

Not to mention the trivial things like wishing to the god dragon to destroy the demon Buu.

Even if you wish to destroy the entire universe, there is no problem at all. The god Zamas of the tenth universe once relied on the power of the wishing bead to gain immortality. This kind of physique can’t be destroyed even by the Destroyer God, only the whole king can destroy it. Therefore, if you make a wish to the wishing beads, you will get trillions of combat power.

It’s also a very simple thing, Mukuro can’t care less.

Although even for the gods, it is definitely a very troublesome thing to find seven wishing beads from the two universes…

But for Mukuro, it is not so troublesome at all.

After arriving on the earth, according to the fluctuation of the wishing beads, please ask Buma to create a Dragon Ball radar. Wouldn’t it be a perfect solution? ? In the original plot, Bouma was made in just one night, which is a piece of cake.

Collecting all seven wishing beads is not a problem.

For Mukuro, there are two more difficult problems. One is that Mukuro does not know the language of gods, after all, wishing is the language of gods. The second is how to reach the sixth universe. After all, the wishing beads are distributed in two universes.

But it is not too big a problem.

The first is the divine language. After getting acquainted with the fellow of the Northern Realm King, he will naturally learn it. After all, the realm king is also a god, and he can’t justify it if he doesn’t know God’s words. Secondly, regarding how to reach the sixth universe, Mukuro can only count on Bouma. Knowing the existence of the sixth universe, Mukuro believes that Ibuma’s ability can fully study things like shuttle cubes, after all, even the time machine that stirs time can be studied by Buma.

Mukuro does not express the slightest doubt about Bouma’s research ability.

With a thought, the huge wishing bead disappeared into the starry sky.

Mukuro collected 3.7 and entered the starting space.

If it weren’t for the increase in Mukuro’s strength, the volume of the starting ball space has also increased, and it is estimated that it will be directly exploded by the wishing ball.

Mukuro didn’t dare to throw the wishing ball in the starry sky at will. It was not so worried to be discovered by a guy like Frieza.

What Mukuro was worried about was being discovered by Birus or Weiss.

It is almost impossible to get the wishing ball from them.


Personally think: In the animation, the super red god is stronger than the super blue god. After all, the aftermath of the confrontation between the Super Red God and Birus could even destroy the entire Seventh Universe. But in the comics, the super blue god is stronger than the super red god, so it’s tangled.

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