Chapter 807 Skyrocket

Throwing a fruit in his mouth casually, Mukuro chewed twice. The brows followed closely, and the unspeakable taste echoed in the mouth. Although he has never swallowed Devil Fruit, Mukuro is sure that something like Spirit Fruit is definitely no better than Devil Fruit. Then he swallowed the jujube into the stomach. As soon as the spiritual fruit was swallowed, the burning sensation gushed from the stomach and spread to the limbs, and the hot breath circulated in Mukuro’s body.

After a few weeks, the dryness and heat disappeared, and then there was a feeling of comfort.

Countless vitality fills the body, giving Mukuro a feeling of fullness. He roared extremely comfortably, feeling the energy in his body.

At the same time, as soon as his mind moved, the accurate value suddenly appeared.

4.97 million! !

The combat effectiveness has suddenly increased by a large margin.

You must know that Mukuro’s combat power was 4.7 million when he left from Yadrat. In the spacecraft, although it is continuously absorbing the energy of the universe. But this kind of conventional form of training also has a limit to the increase in combat effectiveness.

In three years, Mukuro’s combat effectiveness has increased by at most 40,000 to 50,000.

In other words, Mukuro’s combat effectiveness has soared by more than 200,000 points just by the fruit of a spiritual tree.

It’s close to one-twentieth of Mukuro’s original combat power.

“Hey… just a mental tree fruit has such an effect. If you eat all the more than 500 fruits, then you can go to the end of the torment of Frieza directly?” Even Mukuro couldn’t help it. Give birth to such a conjecture.

Without hesitation, Mukuro let go of his hands and feet and began to throw the mental tree into his mouth like a storm. Burning and refreshing, these two different sensations constantly alternate in Mukuro’s body. The fruit of the mental tree is nothing but vitality in the final analysis. It does not occupy any stomach space. Once imported, it will transform into pure vitality and be absorbed by Mukuro.

Soon, Mukuro swallowed five hundred fruits.

“Boom!!” The violent energy spread from Mukuro’s body. The breath continued to increase rapidly, and it took a full quarter of an hour before he stopped.

“Hahaha!” Mukuro opened his closed eyes, and the light flashed by.

“Twenty-seven million!!” Even with Mukuro’s heart, it is difficult to conceal the excitement at the moment. It’s like taking medicine. If you take too much, your body will develop resistance. The same is true for the spirit tree fruit. The effect is best when the first one is eaten. Mukuro’s combat effectiveness has increased by more than 200,000 points. When you continue to swallow, the effect begins to gradually decrease.

Even when Mukuro swallowed more than 400 fruits of the spiritual tree, the increase in combat effectiveness was minimal, only a symbolic increase of several hundred points. But…Why did Mukuro have the fruit of the spiritual tree in his hands? Not bad.

The fruit of the mental tree is not omnipotent, and there is an optimal range for his increase. The most significant effect is for those with a combat power of less than 20 million. For a strong person with a strength of more than 20 million, the fruit of the spirit tree can only increase by thousands or hundreds of points. It’s just a few things to improve. There is absolutely no meaning worthy of conspiracy. As for those who are too weak to take it, they will be directly exploded by the planetary vitality contained in the fruit of the spirit tree.

Think about it, too, if you eat a spiritual tree fruit, you will be able to soar 300,000. So gods like Realm Kings and Realm King Gods who know the fruits of the spiritual tree have already acted. Find a star field and plant all spiritual trees directly, and then spend thousands of years. Any realm king, or realm king god, will have trillions of combat power. Although it is impossible to compare to the god of destruction Birus, it is very easy to kill a demon Buu.

Obviously, this situation is completely impossible.

To say that Mukuro was lucky, and happened to encounter the fruit of the spirit tree when his combat power was at this level, saving years of hard cultivation.

In the end, forty or fifty spiritual tree fruits were left.

The effects of these five hundred spiritual tree fruits are naturally beyond doubt. Directly, Mukuro’s combat power soared from less than 5 million to 27 million, a full increase of more than four times. For Mukuro, whose strength is soaring, he can now cross the Milky Way, even if he encounters Frieza, he can easily escape even if he can’t beat him.

Feeling the incomparable energy in the body, even Mukuro has a feeling.

The current self can definitely blow the planet with one punch!

Of course, this is not about using shock waves. After all, if the shock wave is used, about 20,000 combat power can destroy the earth.

What Mukuro is talking about is the dissipative energy blasted out by fists alone.

At this moment, Mukuro’s heart suddenly moved, and he looked at the desolate and dead planet not far away that had been absorbed by the spirit tree with all its vitality. Isn’t this the best object of the experiment! ? Dangling, Mukuro directly used God Pro to stand in outer space out of thin air.

After Naruto World has consumed the fruit of the sacred tree, his life level has undergone a leap. Mukuro’s body is no longer restricted by oxygen, or by various radiations in the universe. The harsh environment of the universe is unlikely to pose any threat to Mukuro.

After Mukuro picked the fruit of the spirit tree, the spirit tree began to wither rapidly. The huge tree trunks of tens of thousands of kilometers have no trace of existence at this moment. In the starry sky… there is only a lonely gray-black planet.

The diameter of this planet is more than 40,000 kilometers, which is several times that of the earth. When converted into volume, it is dozens of times the size of the earth.

Mukuro held his breath, and turned on full power in the battle state.

A direct punch hit the barren, dead planet in front of him.

Rumble! ! !

Under the bombardment of the cosmic energy swept by Quan Jin, the entire planet was trembling. As if the planet would disintegrate in the next moment. But what surprised Mukuro… In the end, there was no sign of disintegration of the planet, and it still existed in the starry sky.

Mukuro was puzzled, it shouldn’t be.

Although he didn’t use any shock waves, he made a fist with full power. Absolutely on top of the shock wave of hundreds of thousands of combat power. Such a terrifying attack blasted on a planet. How could this planet have nothing to do?

At this moment, a strange scene suddenly happened.


Yesterday, Lao Na drank too much and slept all night on the street… sweating, and today he has a fever of 39 degrees Celsius. There should be two more changes, in the evening. This will prepare to go to the outpatient clinic at the door to hang up a bottle of water.

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