Chapter 806 Spirit Tree Fruit

Let’s talk about magic, not to mention other examples. Just say one thing-Majin Buu. This super life form created by Bibidi and Babidi… can be said to be extremely terrifying. Directly slaughtered the four realm king gods, it is estimated that if it weren’t for this guy like Birus, he was sleeping. I’m afraid I’ll be shocked directly, and then I’ll shoot it outright.

As for the spacecraft that Mukuro is currently on board.

It was after he sent away Haru who had brought him with him, and plundered it. It is the best spacecraft on the entire Horda Star. As for how to drive a spaceship? There are even spacecraft, how could there be no program for autopilot! ? According to Mukuro’s knowledge of the position of the earth, it should be at the end of the third spiral arm of the northern galaxy.

Determine the approximate location in the sky map, and then screen the star system.

This becomes very simple.

The solar system was so easily found by Mukuro.

In the endless starry sky, a bright blue planet is revolving around the star. No one will know what kind of characters will be born on this ordinary planet in more than ten years… And after Mukuro determined the end of the spacecraft.

Then leisurely fell into a deep sleep state. Although for the current Mukuro, there is no need to sleep at all. But… Mukuro still enjoys sleeping. Moreover, the spacecraft that Mukuro took on the 540 were ordinary spacecraft that were snatched at random. So the time to reach the earth is almost several years, and Mukuro can’t stay in a daze during these times.

As for why Mukuro did not choose to practice. Because for Mukuro, the body already has a memory that absorbs the energy of the universe at all times. Therefore, Mukuro’s body has always been in a state of cultivation, and there is no stopping at all.

As for other aspects of cultivation, such as the pupils of reincarnation, the demon eyes of straight death… and the like, it is not just hard work that can be effective.

However, Mukuro did not discover the destination of the spacecraft.

He inadvertently gave the wrong setting. After Mukuro fell asleep, the spacecraft flew towards the opposite direction of the earth.

As for the destination? The ghost knows.

“Boom!!” The violent vibration awakened Mukuro who was sleeping. Mukuro frowned… there was some confusion between his brows. Because Mukuro didn’t feel the attack of any evil thoughts, otherwise he would have been awakened a long time ago, that is to say, it was not an enemy. Did it arrive at the destination! ? It’s not right… It hasn’t been three years yet. Although he was asleep, it was only a simple matter for Mukuro, who had mastered the magic of time, to instantly perceive how much time had passed. It was originally estimated that the spacecraft would take nearly seven years to reach the earth.

Ever since, Mukuro set his sights on the spacecraft’s sailing route.

In an instant, Mukuro looked dumbfounded.

Only then did I find that my destination was set incorrectly.

Now, it’s really getting farther and farther from the earth.

Even if I worked overtime and rushed to Earth… I guess Sun Gohan was born. Forget it, anyway, the early plot of Dragon Ball didn’t help me at all. If you are unlucky, reset your destination and rush to the earth again.

At this moment, Mukuro cast his gaze out of the window.

Stunned…because, in front of Mukuro’s eyes was a huge tree with a height of tens of thousands of kilometers. Rooted on a huge planet. Every branch and leaf of the giant tree is very bright and vibrant, but the huge planet on which the giant tree takes root is completely opposite to the giant tree. Barren and dead, Mukuro’s Observation Haki unfolded…covering the entire land, no breath of life was found, there were only large areas of dry bones and dry land.

But it can be seen from the outline of the landform. Once… maybe only hundreds of years ago, this planet was still full of life. But the sudden disaster has made this planet what it is now.

It is estimated that 80% has a great relationship with this giant tree.

A barren and dead planet, a terrifying giant tree bigger than the planet. With a flash of thought in his mind, Mukuro couldn’t help but guess the giant tree in front of him.

His breathing became tight, and there was a hint of heat in his eyes.

Observation Haki unfolded and enveloped the giant tree. Under Mukuro’s Observation Haki, the minutiae of the giant tree were clearly detected by Mukuro. Under the cover of some leaves, there is a purple-red fruit slightly larger than a fist.

“This is… the fruit of the spiritual tree.” Mukuro said in horror.

“Then this giant tree is the spiritual tree. Also… in the entire universe, the only tree that can grow larger than the planet is the spiritual tree. Haha… I’m really lucky enough. .” Mukuro said to himself with a smile.

Spirit tree fruit! !

This is a fruit that only gods are qualified to enjoy.

The spiritual tree is rooted on the planet, and its root system will spread throughout the entire planet. The nutrients are the vitality of the entire planet. Until the vitality of the entire planet is absorbed cleanly, the earth will become barren and dead, but the spiritual tree will begin to bloom and bear fruit, and grow the fruit of the spiritual tree. Even if the spiritual tree is transplanted away, the planet cannot be restored. And the fruit of the spiritual tree is the fruit that contains the vitality of the entire planet. Some small planets can only bear one fruit. The planet in front of me is not small, so I don’t know how many fruits it can bear! ?

As soon as the mind moved, all the fruits of the spiritual tree were picked off.

Pile up on the floor in front of Mukuro.

There are more than 500 fruits, which shows how abundant the original planet is. But now it’s all cheap Mukuro.

The fruit of the spiritual tree is definitely a good thing.

In the original plot, there is a lower-level Saiyan warrior named Dares who looks exactly the same as Monkey King [It is said to be the bastard son of Badak, Khan! Saiyans will mess around too]. After the destruction of the planet Vegeta, he managed to escape. Wandering in the universe, strength continues to grow stronger. By coincidence, I got a spiritual tree fruit. Before consuming the fruit of the spirit tree, his combat power was 27 thousand, but after eating the fruit, he soared to more than 300 thousand. Unfortunately, it was not the protagonist, but was completely wiped out by Monkey King and the Spirit Tree.

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