Chapter 805 Leave

The practice and learning will move instantaneously, which means that Mukuro has the ability to travel through the universe. However, it is a pity that by teleportation, Mukuro has no way to move to the earth of the Dragon Ball world, because the teleportation of the star of Adrat has a premise, and it must feel the “qi” of the person at the target location.

This is not true for Mukuro.

Because he had never touched anyone on Earth in the Dragon Ball world, there was no way to capture and lock in to reach him.

Thinking of this, Mukuro was a little envious of the teleportation technique used by the world king god.

It is completely different from the teleportation of the star of Yadrat, the teleportation of the realm king god can directly reach any planet in the lower realm of the universe, and there is no need to look for energy. Although it can’t accurately find the target person. However, if the user can feel qi, he can also directly designate to reach anyone on any planet.

It can be said to be a perfect match with the moments of Jadrat.

It seems that if it is possible…I will learn the teleportation of the Realm King God in the future. But it is different from the teleportation of Jadrat. The teleportation of the realm king god is more like the super power that the whole king has given to the realm king god, and it is estimated that he can’t learn it at all.

Unlike Monkey King who only learned teleportation in Yadrat, Mukuro has a lot of time. Although the super powers of the star Adrat did not greatly increase Mukuro’s combat effectiveness, Mukuro still insisted on not learning for nothing.

It took nearly two years to learn the super powers of the star Adrat.

For example, “telepathy”-the “compulsive heart-to-heart” ability can transmit what you hear to another person.

“Transformation Technique”-you can turn yourself into various animals or insects, and even change your gender, but Mukuro doesn’t have to try his mind.

“Transparency”-completely transparent the body, you can… ahem.

Wait… a lot of super powers.

Whether it is useful or not, or overlaps with Mukuro’s own abilities. For example, telepathy overlaps with Observation Haki’s spiritual speech. Moving objects in the air is even much lower-end than Mukuro’s control of repulsion… Mukuro didn’t express his dislike.

Of course there are many very useful superpowers.

For example, instantaneous movement, but also for example to enhance the degree of goodwill, and the display of combat effectiveness.

Needless to explain the teleportation. The super power that enhances favorability, as the name suggests, is to use one’s own spiritual ideas to influence the other’s thinking… to enhance the other’s favorability towards oneself, or even to fall in love with oneself, can be understood as a simplified version of Distinguished Heavenly Gods. However, it is fundamentally different from Distinguished Heavenly Gods. Distinguished Heavenly Gods is a kind of modification on the level of spiritual will, and the enhancement of favorability is just a kind of subconscious induction.

As for the combat effectiveness display, it is similar to the combat effectiveness tester.

But it is a super power, which can be completely digitized and transformed into a digital display based on the amount of energy or qi that it perceives. And different from the rigidity of the combat effectiveness tester, Mukuro can fully survey the hidden combat effectiveness.

After acquiring this super power, Mukuro also accurately understood his own combat effectiveness.

4.7 million! !

This is the combat power value when the strongest mode is turned on.

Of course, there is no such external ability as the magic eye of direct vision.

“Young strong man. Are you sure you are leaving now…In my hunch, with your current combat power, you are not yet Frieza’s opponent.” The Grand Elder of the Star Yadrat looked at Mukuro slightly. Anxiously discouraged.

“Don’t worry.” Mukuro waved his hand casually.

I have spent nearly two years on the star of Yadrat, saying that I have no feelings with these blue-skinned life forms. It is false. Of course… this kind of feeling is definitely the purest revolutionary friendship. After all, love can cross life and death, species, and planets, but it cannot cross two forms of reproduction at all! But there is no permanent banquet in the world, and Mukuro’s journey is the sea of ​​stars. How can you be trapped on a small planet of Adrat.

“I know Frieza’s combat effectiveness better than anyone, so I won’t die. I have other things to deal with.” Mukuro said with a smile. Then he looked at the great elder and continued: “Also, the kindness of Star Yadrat will not be forgotten. If Star Yadrat has any difficulties, you can ask Haru to contact me at any time.”

Mukuro’s teleportation was taught by Haru, and Haru naturally will.

Hearing Mukuro’s promise, the elder also breathed a sigh of relief. It is also the baptism of the Adrat star for Mukuro, and it is also teaching Mukuro’s superpowers. Isn’t the Grand Elder of the Star of Adrat the promise of Mukuro?

“Since you have made a decision, Mukuro, then I will not discourage you anymore.”

The Grand Elder of Yadrat Star thought for a while, looked at Haru who was aside and said: “Haru. You first use teleportation to take Mukuro to Horda Star. There is a relatively complete starry sky map, as well as long-distance navigation. spacecraft.”

“Okay, Great Elder.” Haru replied respectfully.

“Well…is this the spaceship of the Dragon Ball world!? The technological power of the Dragon Ball world is really perverted.”

In a fairly good spacecraft, Mukuro said with emotion.

Although the Dragon Ball world is based on combat power and energy.

But this does not mean that the Dragon Ball world is so monotonous. Don’t forget… this is a world with the universe as the background. In the Dragon Ball world, the power of technology and magic is also extremely terrifying. First of all, technology: Bulma, and Dr. Breff, this is the power of the time shuttle and the universal capsule. Dr. Gro can even develop the 17th, the 18th…Saru, a creature with billions of combat power.

There is also the GT version of Dr. Miao.

Babe, the strongest life form researched out, has raged the entire universe.


PS: The update is late today, and I fell asleep when I coded… Khan.

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