Chapter 804 Strength increase

“The water in Wang Qingtan is the holy water used for baptism. The holy water is fundamentally different from ordinary water. Therefore, a special container must be used to scoop it out. Well… it’s the same stone as the stone statue of the goddess. The built stone scoop.” As he said, Haru handed a stone scoop to Mukuro, which was quite substantial.

“Can I drink holy water next?” Mukuro asked.

“En.” Haru nodded. Said: “However, the holy water contains very violent energy, please pay attention to drinking it.”

Haru’s words are not even finished.

Mukuro acted over there and filled a large scoop directly into his mouth.

And Haru’s expression was dull.

He had never seen such a person drinking holy water. Even when he was the strongest fighter of the Yadrat star. It was only a shallow sip, not even a fifty-fifth scoop, and was almost blown up by the energy contained in it. And the alien in front of him drank a big scoop 16 directly.

Broken, broken… It’s all over now.

It is estimated that if it is not possible, it will be directly exploded by the energy of the holy water.

Haru even closed his eyes in despair, afraid to watch the scene before him. At the same time, he blamed himself in his heart, and how to explain to the great elder later.

“Can I have another scoop?”

Suddenly there was a voice. It sounded in Haru’s ears… and Haru couldn’t help but open his eyes. Seeing that there is no Mukuro in front of him, he looked a little surprised. This… how is this possible! ? I just watched him drank a large scoop of holy water. Actually… nothing happened! ? Isn’t it because the holy water has expired?

“Um…that, can I have another scoop?” Helplessly, Mukuro had to ask again.

“Ah!?” Haru reacted. Subconsciously said: “Yes…Yes. The speed of the holy water recovery is not slow. And the holy water we use for baptism is only a small amount.” Haru said to this point, how could Mukuro hesitate.

The meaning in the words is clearly: You drink as you please, you are not welcome.

Mukuro directly used the stone scoop to scoop up a large scoop of holy water again, and drank it all in one fell swoop. But even Mukuro took another scoop. Still a little unhappy…I just scooped the stone and threw it away. Then use repulsion to bind the holy water into a stream. Ever since… The holy water pool that was more than ten meters square and several meters deep was swallowed by Mukuro’s whales.

And Haru, who was standing on the side, was stunned to see such a scene.

Holy water, can you still drink it like this! ? This… This is too exaggerated. And the holy water in such a big pool was really drunk.

And after Mukuro finished drinking the holy water, he slowly closed his eyes.

But I was experiencing the changes that holy water brought to me.

As soon as he drank the first sip of holy water, Mukuro noticed that in his brain… something became very active. This made Mukuro very surprised, but also very pleasantly surprised. The brain is definitely the most important position of the human body, and there is no one. This is true even for Mukuro, who already possesses such terrifying power.

Although Mukuro’s brain is almost completely developed.

Now even if you put a tens of millions of words in front of Mukuro’s novel, Mukuro can still remember it completely in a few seconds, and it can definitely explode the so-called most powerful brain in the previous life, a few galaxies. But even so… Mukuro didn’t feel that his brain was fully developed. Even in-depth development has not been achieved.

But just drinking a scoop, the performance of this kind of activity is not very obvious.

That’s why Mukuro asked Haru if he could make another scoop.

Of course… this is just out of courtesy.

Even if Haru refused, Mukuro would never be polite. However, there is always one question. Otherwise, how else would I learn superpowers next time.

After Mukuro drank all the holy water on the planet Yadrat.

The level of brain activity has finally reached a peak… Mukuro can perceive that in an instant he has countless thoughts superimposed and countless thoughts disillusioned. It’s as if… I control the entire universe.

This is a power that fascinates Mukuro.

However, Mukuro’s mind and will are already four-dimensional worlds. As a result, he was sharpened like a blade, directly cutting off his intoxication. Because Mukuro’s deep consciousness is very clear. This is just the illusion of feeling a new form of power.

Mukuro, who is awake, is naturally not without the slightest gain.

In Mukuro’s eyes, the whole world is completely different.

Even if the pupil of reincarnation is not opened, the deep energy structure can be seen clearly. More importantly, with the development of the brain domain. Mukuro’s control of power has also reached a heinous level. If Mukuro’s punch can cause 10,000 tons of destructive power before, now… even if Mukuro’s blast can be halved, it can cause 50,000 tons of destructive power! This is the increase in the control of the body that is changed after the transformation of the brain.

In other words, with this alone, Mukuro’s combat effectiveness will be increased tenfold!

What’s more, there was terrifying energy in the holy water… Mukuro swallowed it again. The energy in the body is also suddenly increased three times.


If there is a combat effectiveness tester at this moment.

Then Mukuro’s current combat power can reach hundreds of thousands under normal conditions, and after turning on the World·God·Six Paths mode, he can definitely directly rush to millions. Mukuro is naturally very satisfied with the enhancement of his own strength.

Of course, it is not Frieza’s opponent.

“So next, can I learn superpowers?” Mukuro asked.


Haru nodded blankly.

“Well, then I will start to learn from teleportation.”

“Okay, guest.”

“That… just call me Mukuro.”

The super powers of Star Yadrat are not easy to learn.

As far as teleportation is concerned, with Monkey King’s talent, he has also learned it for nearly a year. Don’t say that Monkey King’s talent is not good. Don’t forget… Monkey King just glanced at the turtle fairy tale Qigong. If this kind of talent is not good enough. Then, Mukuro really doesn’t know what kind of talent is good.

Of course, Mukuro’s talent is far better than that of Monkey King…Naturally, it only took a few weeks to learn to teleport.

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