Chapter 791 The end of Akunorokia

A scar with deep bones appeared directly on Mukuro’s abdomen! Seeing Mukuro’s injury, Irene Berselion was shocked.

Subconsciously, he stopped between Mukuro and Akunorokia.

See Irene Berselion doing this. Akunorokia frowned. He said in a deep voice: “Eileen Berselion. You are Jeff’s subordinate. Get out of the way…or I will kill you together!”

During the four hundred years, Akunorokia seldom talked with people.

Even when speaking, there is a little bit of speech that is not clear. But the killing intent in the words can’t be ignored!

“I…” Irene Berselion opened her mouth.

But she didn’t say anything, because she didn’t know why she would stand up and stop Akunorokia, perhaps because Mukuro had restored her identity as a human, perhaps because her daughter Elisa…or It’s because of other reasons. Anyway, Irene Berselion is standing in front of Mukuro!

“It’s just this injury, don’t care.” Mukuro waved his hand and said casually.

After 040, the wound on Mukuro’s abdomen was completely closed within a few breaths.

In fact, the strength reaches the level of Mukuro, and it is completely possible to perceive danger before it happens. And he didn’t avoid Akunorokia’s sneak attack, just because such an attack could not have the slightest impact on Mukuro.

Naturally, it was ignored by Mukuro’s instinct.

“But it’s already very good… because this is my first injury since I came into this world. It’s enough to make you proud.” Looking at Akuro Nokia, Mukuro said lightly. At the same time, his eyes became sharper.

Perceiving Mukuro’s gaze, Akuro Nokia felt cold all over.

Then without the slightest hesitation, he roared wildly. The body suddenly swelled…the direct dragon turned into the ultimate dragon king of the origin of evil! !

The whole body is pitch black, and the body is covered with patterns that symbolize death and disaster! Rumo’s scales are densely arranged on Akunorokia’s body, and the sharp claws and terrifying fangs are all deadly weapons. With only his body, Akunorokia was able to resist almost all the magic in this world. Fangs and claws can tear open the strongest shield! This is Akunorokia, the black feather that slaughters all dragons in the world.

The roar of the Black Dragon King! !

Without any hesitation, Akunolokiah opened his mouth and burst out terrifying magic!

All the magic around him was exhausted by Akunolokia at this moment. Then the magic bullets of energy gathered into pitch black blasted towards Mukuro.

Powerful enough to instantly kill the fire dragon king Igunir!

Aftermath can destroy the entire Sirius Island!

At this moment, Akunorokia’s attack hit Mukuro. Irene Berselion, who was standing next to her, looked dull. I finally understand…During these four hundred years, even Jeff didn’t dare to touch Akunolokia’s edge!

Because, Akunolokia is really terrifying!

It is countless times stronger than it was four hundred years ago. Even if he can be completely dragonized, he is far worse than Akunolokia.

“Sure enough, it’s just a beast!?” A disappointed expression appeared on Mukuro’s face.

He said indifferently: “Did… you forgot. At Lingfeng Zhuonia, I almost killed you. Since you don’t have a long memory. Then… let me teach you again. This time. But give it to me… remember it well.”

Eighty gods air strike! !

Like a fist blasted by an ancient god king!

In an instant, he shattered the roar of the Black Dragon King that was blasting at him. Akunorokia had no time to dodge. The body is so huge…that all the fists of the eighty gods air strikes poured out on Akunorokia’s body.

“Roar! Roar!”

Akunorokia screamed in pain.

The scales on his body began to fall off… Scarlet blood was flowing on his body. What surprised Mukuro was that even so, Akunorokia still had no intention of fleeing. Mukuro raised his brows, and said in a slightly surprised voice: “Oh… do you think you still have the power to struggle? Then… let me smash you completely.”

The magic power poured out frantically, and Mukuro condensed a faint blue magic spear in front of him! A cold light flowed past the tip of the spear.

Suddenly, the spear slammed into Akunorokia!

The tip of the spear cut through the space…even through the void of nothingness.

At this moment, the fear of despair filled Akunolokia’s heart… I saw that his huge body was burning with a red and black magical flame. The surrounding sky was scorched and shattered. Akunorokia raised his right paw and patted the magic spear. But Akunorokia’s resistance had no effect at all.

The magic spear pierced Akunorokia’s claws directly. Then in the next moment, it pierced his heart!

The magic spear that penetrates behind Akunorokia’s body.

The speed still didn’t decay, and he pierced into the endless starry sky.

At this moment, the movements of Akuno Roki’s capital stopped…The huge eyes that looked at Mukuro were filled with surprise and confusion. The magic that he is proud of, his invincible body, no matter what means, is like a child’s play in front of him! In the world… why is there such a terrifying existence!

I am-the black dragon at the end!

The black dragon Akunorokia, whose heart was pierced, had no magic power to maintain his huge body stagnant in the air. Bang… crashed on the ground! The huge body smashed to the ground, making the whole earth tremble.

At this time… the earth shook again.

Mukuro frowned slightly, because he could clearly tell…this was not caused by his fight with Akunorokia. Mukuro, who controls the origin of the world, can clearly perceive that the entire continent of Ishurgar is shaking…No, it should be said that the entire world is shaking! Including the Western Continent and the endless seas.

With a thought, under the increase of the origin of the world… Mukuro’s Observation Haki enveloped the entire world of the demon tail. Whether it is the continent of Ishurgal, the Western Continent… or the endless seas, Mukuro can find broken white foundation stone pillars.

And on top of it… something should have existed. It should also be Jeff, and that guy’s weapon against himself.

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