Chapter 792 Undead god

Seeing this broken white foundation stone pillar, Mukuro also slightly guessed…because it seemed to have seen this kind of thing in the original plot. So I closed my eyes and started to capture the magic particles around. As expected, the magic particles in the world were dying out!

Yes-“Fez”! !

Jeff’s white legacy-“Fez”! !

The ultimate weapon of the Magic Council on the continent of Ishogar. It can destroy the magic particles condensed in the air, and the high concentration of magic particles condensed around the “Fez” explosion will be instantly necrotic and a chain pollution reaction will occur, that is, after a magic particle is destroyed, it will continue to pollute and destroy others. Magic particles!

Until this world there are no more magic particles.

Simply put, it is something that can eliminate magic, which can eliminate all magic particles in the world, so that all magicians cannot use magic. In the original plot, it was used by the demons of the gate of the underworld, and wanted to use spells instead of magic to destroy all human beings… and then return to Jeff’s side and resurrect END.

Originally, Mukuro thought that the gate of the underworld had returned to Jeff.

Then “Fez” will naturally not be used by it. Unexpectedly…Someone actually detonated “Fez” under his nose.

Who would do it! ? To detonate the “Fez” buried on the continent of Ishogar, it is necessary to lift the seal hidden in the bodies of the three members of the Magic Council. The easiest way is to kill these three Senators. And these three are: Geral, Ogle, Bellno… Geral, Mukuro doesn’t know his life or death. But for Ogle and Belluno, Mukuro knew it. It is the current Magic Councillor!

At the moment, he is safely staying in the Magic Council.

And Crawford Sim, who can transfer the “Fez” key, is this fat man. Now he is being held in the prison of the Magic Council.

And the only person left who can control “Fez” is Jeff.

After all, he is the maker of “Fez”.

In addition, the “Fez” in the original plot was only arranged on the continent of Ishogar, and there were only more than two thousand roots. And in the perception of Mukuro Observation Haki… there are 90,000 “Fez” all over the world! If there is no Jeff’s relationship in this, then it is a hell of a ghost!

Ninety thousand “Fez” exploded at the same time, resulting in a chain pollution of magic particles! Only in an instant, it polluted the entire world of Monster Tail.

After this moment, all the magic in the whole world could not be released…Eileen Berselion just felt like she was completely empty. The feeling of weakness hit the whole body, after all, he could survive for four hundred years. Irene Bercelion’s life is dependent on the magic power of Saint Dragon Bercelion attached to her body with additional magic. At this moment, all the magic particles in the entire world are destroyed and extinct.

Irene Berselion was naturally affected by it.

If it weren’t for the yin and yang power that Mukuro poured into her body, it was keeping Irene Berselion alive.

I am afraid that she will be old and dead.

And the land that was expanded by nearly ten times by Irene Berselion’s world reconstruction magic also shrank to its original size rapidly. The crowd of Fairy Tail and the women of the Garden of Quiet Spirits also appeared in front of Mukuro.

“Mukuro!? Are you okay…what happened just now!?”

“It’s strange, I can’t breathe fire!?”

“I can’t release magic anymore!”

“Why!? My magic is gone?!”

As a magician, all the magic power in his body has disappeared, so that he can’t release magic. This could not help them not panicking. Then it was the same action, looking at Mukuro. Everyone, including Fairy Tail, thinks Mukuro must know the reason.

As for why it is clear! ?

No one, because his name is Mitarashi Mukuro.

“It should be the fellow Jeff who detonated “Fez.” Mukuro said lightly.

“What? Fez!?”

Both Makarov and Volod Sinken exclaimed.

As the oldest two people, they also know a lot of secrets, so naturally they know what kind of thing “Fez” is, that is the end.

“Okay…you guys hide aside for now.”

Mukuro suddenly condensed his eyes and looked at the empty space not far away. Faintly opened the mouth and said: “Since it’s already here. Why are you hiding? Waiting for me to get you out!?” Mukuro’s voice fell, and the empty space suddenly twisted out of thin air.

Then two figures walked out of it.

One of them is Jeff.

The other person was covered in black and white robe.

“It deserves to be the wizard who ended the age of the gods… even if it loses its magic power. The perception is still so keen.” A cold voice came from the black and white robe. And knowing the things of the gods is obviously not ordinary.

“Anxelam…Unexpectedly, you dare to appear in front of me.”

Mukuro said suddenly. And the man in the black and white robe… is obviously taken aback. Lifting the cap that covered his head, it was Axelam! Looking at Mukuro, Anxelam was surprised. He looked puzzled and asked: “How did you find me?!”

Anxelam couldn’t believe that Mukuro actually recognized himself.

“Oh, how did you find you?!”

Mukuro snorted. Then he looked at Anxelam with interest, and said: “As early as 800 years ago, after the Kuronos and the others were dealt with. I found the difference… If Kuronos was used as the time God, the power you control is time. So as the god of life and death, isn’t the power you control is life and death!? As the god who controls life and death, I don’t believe you can be solved by me so easily. But. …I’m very curious about what you would do if you survived, so I didn’t bother to get you out.”

“Eight hundred years ago…you discovered it!? How could this be possible!?” Anxelam roared with a ferocious face.

“Impossible? Can’t you believe what happened in front of you!?” Mukuro chuckled lightly.

The bewildered look on Anxelam’s face gradually subsided…with a grinning smile: “Mitarashi Mukuro! No matter what the sophistry. Or you found out that I was still alive eight hundred years ago. But today… It’s the anniversary of your death.”

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