Chapter 790 Sneak attack

From space, a meteorite is falling rapidly! Although it is separated from the atmosphere, ordinary people can’t see it with their eyesight. But for Mitarashi Mukuro, who has the reincarnation pupil, it is easy to see a meteorite falling rapidly!

“Even if you try your best, that’s it!?”

Mukuro suddenly smiled and said, “Then… let you witness it. What is a real meteorite disaster?”

While speaking, Mukuro cast his gaze to the sky.

At the same time, the reincarnation pupils in the eye sockets were also spinning rapidly.

Irene Berselion was puzzled. Raising the dragon’s head… the pupils in the huge eyes condensed tightly together. In the state of dragonization, Irene Berselion’s eyesight has been strengthened to an incredible level! Although it can’t reach the point of penetrating the atmosphere, it is tens or hundreds of times that of ordinary people. She has not observed anything unusual.

It was at this time that a meteorite with a diameter of nearly 100 meters fell down.

Irene Bercelion’s expression changed slightly…because the meteorite that fell was her own god’s star collapse. But suddenly, Irene Berselion’s eyes condensed. Immediately afterwards, he showed a look of astonishment! Because she saw that behind her God’s Star Crash… there is actually a huge meteorite? !

Compare this with your own God’s Star Crash.

It’s like comparing a walnut with a watermelon!

“That’s…what!?” Irene Bersellion couldn’t believe it. It suddenly occurred to me what Mukuro had just said. Can’t help but cast his gaze on him… horrified: “Could it be!? This is the magic you have displayed!? This…how is it possible?!”

“Why is it impossible!? Just because you haven’t seen it!?”

Tengai Shinsei! !

Once again appeared in the world of Monster Tail! !

The meteorite pulled from space by Mukuro’s repulsive force can no longer even be described as a meteorite. Even if it is called an asteroid, it is not exaggerated! It is as terrifying as thousands of meters in diameter. When it fell, the waves of air that were lined up, one after another… all the surrounding clouds were blown away. And the speed of falling is very fast, and the friction between it and the air generates terrible heat! Even the appearance of the meteorite was burnt into hot lava. From a distance, it looks like a huge red fireball falling from the sky!

Mukuro’s Tengai Shinsei and Irene Berselion’s Star Crash collide!

There is no suspense, or the second possibility!

Under the bombardment of Tengai Shinsei, the star of the gods was fragile and vulnerable! Even the slight hindrance didn’t work… it was smashed to pieces. And Tengai Shinsei continued to carry billions of power, blasting at Irene Berselion.

Irene Bersellion was panicked in her eyes, just about to run away.

But he found that his limbs were tightly entangled by vines growing from the ground! Even in the state of being a dragon, he can’t get rid of it.

Looking at the meteorite that is getting bigger and bigger in my own eyes.

She could hear the explosion of the meteorite falling, and she could feel the waves of air slamming on her body, and Irene Berselion couldn’t help closing her eyes in despair. Even if she is in the state of dragonization at the moment, she is completely unable to resist the power of this disaster-like stalwart…Even if the meteorite is reduced by ten times, it is not something she can resist!

In the next second, you will definitely be crushed!

But time passed this second…Five seconds passed…Ten seconds…Eileen Berselion still didn’t feel any strangeness. Consciousness is still there, and there is no pain. Is he already dead! ? Because the death was so rapid, there was no pain! ? Irene Berselion couldn’t help but slowly opened her eyes.

I… not dead! ?

Irene Bersellion was shocked.

The reason why Irene was so sure that she was not dead… That was because the terrifying meteorite was still half a meter above her head. As if being firmly fixed in midair by an invisible giant hand!

“Why are you!?”

Irene Berselion’s eyes were full of doubts.

She doesn’t know what Mukuro is going to do! Is it… to insult yourself! ?

“Don’t make me feel so unbearable.” Mukuro snorted. Looked at her, and then faintly said: “Eileen Berselion. Remember… your other identity saved you. After all, you are also Elisa’s mother. Although you are not at all Not worthy…but this is a fact that I can’t change either.”

“Elisa!?” Irene Berselion gave a sudden shock.

Although I have never heard of this name… but it is out of physical instinct. Make Irene Berselion convinced that this is the name of her own daughter! His expression tightened, and he couldn’t help asking: “Where is she now!?”

“Sorry, I won’t let Elisa see you.”

Mukuro faintly said, “Because of a mother like you… but Elisa cannot feel the slightest maternal love. She actually wanted to use additional magic to take her daughter’s life. Although because of the remaining conscience in your heart, you did not choose this Yes. But if you abandon a baby less than one month old in the wild, you are blaspheming the words “mother”. Go…get me the farther the better, otherwise I can’t promise to continue to restrain myself. Killing intent.”

Irene Berselion looked bleak.

The state of dragonization was lifted, and all his fighting spirit was lost.

Stumbled to the distance. See Irene Berselion like this. After all, Mukuro was still a little unbearable, no matter how much she was Elisa’s mother… her own mother-in-law. After sighing, Mukuro slowly said, “I will tell Elisa about you. Let Elisa choose everything.”

At the same time, a trace of Yin and Yang was injected into her body.

“The power of yin and yang will restore your sense of taste and sleep, so do it for yourself.”

Just when Mukuro restored Irene Berselion’s body functions as a human. Suddenly a pair of sharp claws tore the position of Mitarashi Mukuro’s abdomen.

It’s Akuro Nokia, talking to Irene Bersellion.

Mukuro just showed a slight slack. However, Akunorokia, who was attacked, caught him and hit Mukuro.


Author’s words: Fight! Strive for within five chapters… to end the world of Monster Tail! I’ve tried my best to be concise in the battle with Elisa and her mother, brothers… and three enemies. The end of chapter five is absolute conscience. Finally, ask Bo to automatically subscribe.

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