Chapter 783 Serve as Speaker

“You… what do you want to do!?” Guran Doma couldn’t help backing up, but at this time he was really scared, because he saw the cold killing intent in Mukuro’s eyes! I finally passed by… Mitarashi Mukuro really dared to kill himself.

“I’m the speaker of the Magic Council, if you kill…”

Guran Doma hadn’t finished speaking… his head flew out. The last scene I saw before the consciousness disappeared was an unusually familiar headless body, but before it could react, the consciousness had fallen into permanent darkness.

“You…you dare to kill the Speaker!”

There was a long silence… An elderly councilor pointed to Mukuro and said sharply. Mukuro took a look, but didn’t know him. It should be a new member of the panel in the past seven years. Seeing that Mukuro didn’t say anything, the commentator’s voice couldn’t help but rose by three points: “Mitarashi Mukuro. You actually dared to kill the speaker of the Magic Council in public, breaking the highest law on the continent of Ishgar! You want it! All magic power was abolished, and then hanged to show the public.”

“Oh.” Mukuro responded, and said lightly, “Are you finished?”

“You…what is your attitude!?”

The old congress glared at Mukuro. In his opinion… Mukuro should beg for mercy when he heard what he said.

With another wave of the sword in Mukuro’s hand, his head flew up.

“Shut up when you’re finished.” Mukuro said lightly. From the beginning to the end, he didn’t even look at the council, and he didn’t even know his name. Not even interested in knowing, because it makes no sense at all.

Mukuro did not immediately release Ryūjin Jakka in the sealed state.

Instead, Observation Haki was turned on.

Suddenly, everyone present felt a strange feeling enveloped in their hearts. But I can’t tell what it feels like at all. After a while, a smile appeared on Mukuro’s mouth. But in the eyes of everyone present… it was a smile like Shinigami. I couldn’t help but swallowed hard, and my heartbeat suddenly doubled.

But Mukuro raised the Ryūjin Jakka in his hand, and two heads flew up again!

Ajima next to him was taken aback. I couldn’t help asking: “Your Excellency First Member. The two of them didn’t refute you, but why would you…!?”

“Why did you kill them?” Mukuro said with a smile.

For the short old man Yajima, Mukuro didn’t have the slightest malicious or murderous intent. Because according to Ulu, if Elisa and Yagema hadn’t defended the Court of Quiet Spirits in the Magic Council for the past seven years, I’m afraid the Supervisory Forces of the Council of Magic Councils would have been in the Court of Quiet Spirits long ago. So Mukuro is very grateful to Ajima.

Point to one of the heads. Mukuro opened his mouth and said, “This guy… just wanted to wait for me to leave and propose to arrest me.” Then he pointed to the other head and said, “This guy wants to directly activate the magical elves and put the whole The Garden of Quiet Spirits is smoothed. You say, should I kill these two guys!?”

Mukuro’s gaze swept over the remaining congressmen flatly.

And these congressmen have already sweated all over… they couldn’t help but feel sighed: they can even know what others are thinking! ? Is he a man or a ghost! ? At the same time, I was also glad that I didn’t think much about it, otherwise this would be a different place. There is no doubt about the two people killed by Mukuro… Because these two people are staunch supporters of Guran Doma.

As for how Mukuro did it! ? Naturally, Observation Haki is used.

Observation Haki is the high-end ability of Pirate World. Although at the initial stage, only the five senses can be sharpened, and the breath of the surrounding creatures can be detected, if exercised, it can also predict the enemy’s next attack! What’s more, you can directly transfer your own voices into the brains of others, or to the extent that you can read the thoughts of others! The mermaid princess in Pirate World has reached this level.

Naturally, Mukuro can do that too, except that Observation Haki is basically not used to read other people’s thoughts.

Because Mukuro felt that this would make his life boring.

“The president of the Magic Council, Guran Doma, was attacked by the Jackal, one of the nine ghost gates in the “Balam Alliance”, and was killed. Well… this is the situation just now! Everyone, I said. Right…” Mukuro said lightly.

“Ah!? Yes, yes! Speaker Gulan died in the hands of the gate of the underworld.”

“Yes… yes, I saw it with my own eyes.”

The parliamentarians who had been completely frightened, joined Mukuro one after another. If they don’t even wink at this point, then they won’t be councillors.

“President Guran is dead, but the Magic Senate must always have a speaker. I propose that the first member of Mitarashi Mukuro be the new speaker. What do you think?” Suddenly a member of the Council proposed.

Mukuro said the councillor has a promising future.

“Secondary!”, “Agree!”, “Agree!”…

The audience agreed, and none of the panel members raised objections.

Mukuro nodded without being polite. The bold and grandiose sat on the chairperson’s seat. Then he said: “Um…the members of the Magic Council cannot have too many vacancies, otherwise it will affect the normal operation of the Magic Council. So I propose that Ulu replace me as the first member of the Magic Council. Uruti Ya and Netivoka will serve as members of the panel. Also… In order to ensure that the total number of votes cast for the resolution is an odd number. Therefore, I, as the speaker, and Ulu, who is the first member of 4.5, will both have two Voting rights.”

“Everyone, do you have any comments?” Mukuro’s eyes circled around. The threat is also self-evident.

“No… no opinion.”

“Sir, your resolution is correct.”

“Agree…totally agree!”

The magic councilors present were almost crying. The Magic Council counted this additional number of seats for the first member, and there were eleven people in total. Your old two votes, Ulu two votes, Urutia, Netivoka, and Elisa each have one vote. You alone accounted for seven votes. What can we do with the decisions of the Magic Council from now on! ?

But this is not over yet, Mukuro’s next words directly make them vomit blood.

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