Chapter 782 Nine Ghosts

At this moment, there was a loud bang… and then the roof of the entire Magic Council shattered. Then a thin figure fell down. Dark green vest, brown hair covered his left eye.

“Hey…Magic Council!? You are all going to die.”

Looking at the evil spirits on the young man’s face, everyone in the Magic Council couldn’t help but said savagely. But when he saw Mitarashi Mukuro, he was taken aback. Because according to his information… this person shouldn’t exist in the Magic Council.

“Who are you!?” The young man asked with a frown.

“Before asking others, shouldn’t you introduce yourself first!?” Mukuro smiled.

Although he already knew the identity of the visitor.

The Gate of Hades-the Jackal, one of the “Nine Ghost Gates”!

The Gate of Hades is one of the three dark magic guilds in the “Balam League”! It is also the most mysterious and terrifying magic guild. The members of the gate of the underworld are all demons from the Book of Jeff, collectively referred to as Atelias, who use spells that are difficult to fight by magic, and belong to the power of demons. There are many disciples in the gate of the underworld, among which the nine strongest ones are called the nine ghost gates! Its weakest strength is also comparable to the level of the top ten magic masters.

And the Nine Ghosts Jackal standing in front of Mukuro.

In the original plot, but only by one person! It caused extremely heavy damage to the Magic Council! Personality is extremely rampant, and its spells are explosions! Anything you touch can be turned into a bomb, and even a human body can turn into a bomb and detonate it. It is also a very terrifying bomb in itself, which can even detonate an entire city.

“The gate of the underworld-the jackal.” The jackal said grimly looking at Mukuro.

“The Garden of Quiet Spirits, Mitarashi Mukuro.” Mukuro said lightly.

Hearing Mukuro’s name, the jackal’s pupils shrank sharply… Then he showed a cruel smile on his face and said, “Mitarashi Mukuro!? I, Master Jeff mentioned your name, but I hate you very much. Yeah. This is the first time I have seen Master Jeff hate someone so much. It just so…Kill this group of trash from the Magic Council. Then I will catch you and give it to Jeff My lord.”

“Jeff!?” Mukuro frowned slightly when he heard the jackal’s words.

what’s the situation! ? Hearing what this guy meant…it seemed to have seen Jeff! ? This seems to be in line with the original plot! The gate of the underworld was established to resurrect the final demon and then return to Jeff’s side. But even if he was defeated at the gate of the underworld, he did not see Jeff as he wished. In the past seven years… has something happened! ? Interesting, Jeff, Akunorokia, and that guy. This last battle… don’t make me too boring, or I will be angry.

“Yes. My lord Jeff…the ancestor of the Black Sorcerer! He descended on the ancient continent and raised the black magic to Ultimate, creating countless black magics and demons to plunge the world into chaos and destruction. The sky is gone.”

“Stop! Stop it!”

Before the Jackal finished speaking, Mukuro interrupted him. As a demon created by Jeff, Jackal is absolutely obedient to Jeff. It also believes in Jeff like a god. If it is not stopped, it is estimated that there will be no results in the first half of the day.

The jackal also recovered from the frenzy and looked at Mukuro and said coldly:

“Since I want to dedicate you to Master Jelf, I can only beat you half to death first.”


When the voice fell, Mukuro sensed a consciousness locked in him. But compared to himself, it was extremely weak. As long as you move your mind slightly… you can completely destroy this spiritual will. Even if the nine ghost gates can be resurrected through the energy of Atelias, it will be useless if the spiritual will is destroyed.

But Mukuro didn’t do this, but let him lock himself in.

Then a circle of light green light enveloped Mukuro, and Observation Haki could easily perceive the violent energy contained in it!

“Explode!” The Jackal spit out three words.

Bang! Bang! ! Bang! ! ! A series of explosions sounded around Mukuro. The smoke cleared, but Mukuro stood there unharmed. Looking at the jackal, he said with a hint of mockery in his tone: “With this power, you are sure that you are not here to be funny!? In this case… Then you come and feel my explosion, how about!?”

Then the reincarnation pupil in Mukuro’s eyes slowly turned.

Yin Dun Ultimate·Void Creation!

Thousands of yellow pieces of paper suddenly appeared around the jackal. If someone from Naruto World is present at this moment, they will definitely be able to recognize what this thing is. Detonating talisman! ! ! And it is a detonation charm that has been strengthened dozens of times by Mukuro.

“Hey… Art is explosion.”

As the voice used by Mukuro to pretend to fall, the detonating talisman was immediately detonated.

boom! boom! boom! ! The explosion sounded one after another. Although in Naruto World, the detonation talisman seems a bit bad, but if the time is right, two or three detonation talisman can kill the Jōnin-level powerhouse, and its power is comparable to the potent bomb of Mukuro’s previous life! What’s more, the detonating charm made by Mukuro at this moment is dozens of times more terrifying. Moreover, tens of thousands of them exploded together. With that kind of visual effect, Mukuro can’t wait to come again.

But it made Mukuro feel a little pity.

As soon as the round came off, the jackal was dying.

Stepping forward, he looked down at the unrecognizable jackal whose limbs had disappeared.

Mukuro faintly said: “Help me bring a word to Jeff. Just say Mitarashi Mukuro said: Whatever you are planning, give me hurry up. I don’t have so much time to waste.” After all, I didn’t wait for the jackal. When he opened his mouth, he slammed his head with one foot.

“Okay. Well… the spoiler is dead, let’s continue.”

Because of the Mukuro detonation charm. The original magnificent Magic Council has now become a ruin. Mukuro looked at Guran Doma and said with a smile. But the chill in the words made everyone present feel like an ice cave.

Then, Mukuro walked step by step towards Guran Doma, who looked panicked and frightened.

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