Chapter 784 Crusade

“By the way, because the affairs in the Garden of Quiet Spirits are relatively busy. So I, Ulu, Urutia and Netivoka, and Elsa. Unless it is something that can affect the entire Ishgar, usually We won’t participate in the Magic Council. We will take care of our daily affairs.” Mukuro said lightly.

“Ah!?” The remaining panelists were all dull.

What is this situation! ? Don’t worry if you are old… But for a moment, five members of the council will often be absent from the council! The number of co-authored councils is reduced by half! ? In other words, the work of their remaining commentators has doubled out of thin air! Moreover, there is no right to make decisions, and to put it bluntly, it is a mess.

Everyone looked at Mitarashi Mukuro with bitter expressions.

And Mukuro, naturally, looks unchanged and looks like an old god is there.

“Any questions!?”

Mukuro spoke flatly and said 16. Looking at Mukuro, he made a decision like that. What can they say! ?

She said with a face of constipation, “No, there is no problem.”


Mukuro nodded in satisfaction. I thought: If you can’t handle this issue well, then I will let you be a panelist! ? Not to mention this point of affairs, even if it is twice or three times more, there will definitely be many people on the continent of Ishurgal. Anyway…I don’t expect how good these old guys are, as long as you don’t give me the entire Ishugar continent to mess up. After all, I just want to securely gain reputation points.

When it comes to reputation, one has to talk about the events of the gods.

After returning from the era of the gods 800 years ago, Mukuro’s reputation suddenly ushered in a crazy skyrocket! Originally, plus the rest of the original, and during the ten years in the Monster Tail World, Mukuro has accumulated nearly 700 million reputation points. But after returning from the Age of the Gods, it directly soared to a prestige value of nearly four billion points!

Mukuro was dumbfounded and asked the system to find out.

It turned out to be because he killed the gods and absorbed the origin of the world. Therefore, in the past 800 years, people’s belief in, awe, reverence for the gods, etc., these various forms of prestige value have been recognized by the system as their own prestige value, so that Mukuro has a kind of reputation out of thin air. The feeling of pie hitting my head.

You must know that Mukuro was still worried.

After the Fairy Tail world is over, the power synchronization after arriving in New World will be a problem.

Now there is no need to worry about this kind of thing at all! Because Mukuro asked about the system, if he entered a new world, how much reputation would he need to be able to fully synchronize his own strength, the answer he got was more than 3.9 billion points.

When you are close to entering the world of Fairy Tail, it costs twice as much for synchronization.

In this regard, Mukuro said it is completely understandable.

Although in the fairy tail world, Mukuro did not experience a greater temper. But this does not mean that Mukuro’s strength will stagnate. In the world of Monster Tail, Mukuro has learned the arc of time, and also perfected the state of the world, god, and Six Paths. The strength is definitely an explosive improvement, of course, this is also because of the accumulation of sufficient background in the first three worlds.

“Then next, let’s discuss. How to solve the problem of the gates of the underworld! After all, they are the magic congress that attacked and killed Speaker Gulan. If we do nothing about this, the majesty of the magic congress will Where will it be!?” Mukuro Yoshikazu said.

At the same time, I thought silently in my heart: the brand of the Magic Council can’t be stinking, after all, I still want to use it to earn prestige!

Within a few days, the entire continent of Ishugar was shaken.

The first news that came out was that when the Magic Senate was convening the Senate, it was attacked by the Nine Ghost Gate Jackals in the Gate of Hades and killed Speaker Guran Doma. Suddenly, the whole continent of Ishugar was violent.

The Gate of Hades blatantly attacked the Magic Council! ? You know, after the hearts of the six demon generals and the devil were wiped out one after another. The gate of the underworld is like a leader in the dark guild. And now the crazy action of the gate of the underworld, does it mean that all the dark guilds have officially declared war on the magical world of Ishogar! ?

However, the following news made people breathe a sigh of relief.

The first member of the Magic Council who disappeared for seven years, Mitarashi Mukuro appears. Killed the jackal at the gate of the underworld with the momentum of thunder! And was elected as the new Speaker of the Magic Council. Soon Mukuro announced: Because of rampant behavior at the gate of the underworld. Therefore, in three days, the Magic Council will form a magic force to eliminate all the dark magic guilds on the road to Isulgar. At the same time, the Garden of Quiet Spirits and Fairy Tail will form a coalition force. Mukuro personally led the team to destroy the gate of the underworld. Bring true peace to the magical world of Ishogar!

Magnolia, the garden of quiet spirits.

“I am now the first member of the Magic Council!?” Ulu was puzzled.

“Well, 553.” Mukuro nodded and said, “Not only you, but Urrutia and Netivoka will also be members of the Magic Council in the future.”

“Ah!?” Netivoka exclaimed.

Urutia looked natural.

“Don’t worry. Anyway, it’s just a name and no work.”

Mukuro shrugged and said, “Okay. Then we will come to discuss the issue of the gate of the underworld. I decided…all the members of the Garden of Quiet Spirits will be dispatched. Including Wendy, she should also exercise. .”

“All members are dispatched!? It won’t happen.”

Ulu was puzzled: “And, Mukuro, you have to do it yourself!?”

“The enemy this time is definitely worthy of all of us!” Mukuro smiled: “The target of my shot is not the gate of the underworld. It is another enemy… I have lived for eight hundred years. I don’t know yet. Honestly, it’s a real death.”


Author’s words: In order not to procrastinate, bring a perfect end to the fairy tail world. So the final battle is about to begin. Dragon Ball is also ready to go, friends who like Dragon Ball… can you give Lao Na an automatic subscription, thank you donors.

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