Chapter 781 Settle accounts

Before Ulu’s words were finished, Mukuro’s complexion was already gloomy and terrifying. After Ulu told Mukuro what happened in the past seven years. Mukuro was already angrily grinning, and his eyes showed a sharp murderous intent: “Very well, I have just left for a year. Someone dared to put their paws on my body in the garden of quiet spirits. The newly appointed Magic Council Speaker!? Hey… I don’t care who you are, if you provoke me, don’t want to live.”

“I’ll do some calculations first.” Mukuro put a word down and disappeared.

Magic Council ERA.

The Magic Council is being held at this moment.

“Everyone knows what happened in the Kingdom of Fiore. It actually used magic to summon thousands of dragons. Although I don’t know why, it did not cause large-scale damage. But this kind of threat can threaten the continent of Ishurgal. The magic of the magic must be in the hands of the Magic Council. It is notified to the Fiore Empire that the magic will be handed over to the Magic Council within three days.” Guran Doma looked at the other eight council members and said:

“Otherwise, the Magic Council does not rule out the use of magic wizard power!”


As the new Speaker of the Magic Council. Guran Thomas is definitely much stronger than the fat man Crawford Sim. So I really hate the magic guilds that are not controlled by the council, especially the fairy tail and the garden of quiet spirits, these two magic guilds.

“However, the reason why the appearance of the dragons did not cause damage should be related to the first member of Mitarashi Mukuro. I see this…” The little Ajima was halfway talking, and Guran Doma beat him. Off.

“Huh! Representative Ajima, don’t you know!? Mitarashi Mukuro is no longer the first member of the Magic Council. And why did he appear at this time after seven years of absence!? I think he must be. In connection with this incident. Order: The First Supervisory Unit immediately capture Mitarashi Mukuro back to the Magic Council. Also… By the way, Fairy Tail will warn me Senator Elisa if I don’t participate in the Magic Review on time next time. The meeting of the House of Magic. She was relieved from all posts in the Magic Council.”

“…” Ajima opened his mouth, but in the end he said nothing.

With his weight alone, although he wanted to defend Mukuro and Elisa, Ajima knew it was useless, and even aroused the disgust of Guran Doma. That might make things worse.

“Catch me!? I’m so scared… In order to calm your anger, Lord Speaker. I come from the head. Lord Speaker… Look!? How can I punish me!? Abolish the magic power of the whole body or imprison it. The prison of the Magic Council.” I don’t know when, Mukuro suddenly appeared in the Magic Council, pulled a chair away at random, and went up. Seeing everyone laughed and said.

But the look in Mukuro’s eyes was extremely cold.

“Your Excellency First Member!?”

Ajima exclaimed, very surprised at Mukuro’s appearance.

Everyone’s eyes also fell on Mukuro.

“Mitarashi Mukuro!?” Guran Doma looked stunned. Then he glared at Mukuro, and said: “You dare to break into the Magic Council!?”

“Strong!? No, no, no…Don’t forget that I am the first member of the Magic Council. Can’t you join the Magic Council!? Don’t forget, I have two votes. By the way… …I haven’t asked who you are. That horn popped out!? How dare you yell in the Magic Council!?” Mukuro looked at Guran Doma contemptuously.

“Horn Gera popped out!?”

The anger in Guran Doma’s eyes was to burn Mukuro directly. Suppressing his anger, watching Mukuro gritted his teeth and said, “I am the Speaker of the Magic Council! Now… Tell me, do I have the right to yell in the Magic Council?!”

“President of the Magic Council!?” Mukuro looked surprised: “Isn’t it the fat man Crawford Sim!? When did you become you!? Also, are you a dog! The voice is so loud. Keep it quiet, it’s not that I can’t hear it.” The abuse in Mukuro’s eyes can be seen even by an individual.

Not to mention Guran Doma! ?

“You… are looking for death!” Gulan Doma was stunned. The wooden cane in his hand slammed toward Mitarashi Mukuro. A flash of green lightning shot towards Mukuro. Guran Doma, who was angered by Mukuro, unscrupulously launched magic on Mukuro.

However, Mukuro just reached out and grabbed the magic in his hand.

Then with a squeeze, Guran Doma’s magic became the most basic magic particle! Then Mukuro looked at Guran Doma and said:

“That’s it!? It’s really disappointing.”

Seeing Mukuro easily grasped his own magic, Guran Doma’s expression was taken aback. Obviously I didn’t expect it, and I couldn’t help but scolded: “Mitarashi Mukuro! What are you doing!? Now you are no longer the first member of the Magic Council. If you are arrested, I can still see that you were a colleague of the Magic Council in the past. In the face of my love, I forgive you lightly. But if you dare to resist, then I will never forgive you lightly, as well as your garden of quiet spirits! The power of the Magic Council cannot be resisted even by the country! Besides, it’s just you.” The blue veins on Guran Doma’s face were all over, and the words were full of threats.

The expression on Mukuro’s face was taken aback, and he looked at Guran Doma with a weird look.

Suddenly he asked in confusion: “Um, do you know how I became the first member of the Magic Council?!”

“I don’t know, and I’m not interested in knowing.” Guran Doma showed a sarcastically smile: “It’s nothing more than having good strength, or bribing the greedy guy Crawford Sim. It’s also possible. It’s both.”

“Okay.” Mukuro looked helpless: “Although the ignorant is innocent.”

Mukuro’s conversation turned sharply. Seeing Guran Doma coldly said: “But you provoke me, you are unlucky, so…”

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