Chapter 778 Wanlong Airport

A terrifying sight appeared in the sky! ! It’s… Dragon! ? One, two, three… a hundred, a thousand! There is simply no way to count how many of them appeared. Anyway, the entire sky is being abused by dragons.

“Dragon!? How could there be so many!?” Elisa said in horror.


Naz was taken aback. Then he said with excitement: “Dragons! So many dragons, then Igunir must be among them.” Naz didn’t recognize the situation at all. He waved his hand at the dragon in the sky, with flames spouting from his mouth.

The Ulu people also rushed to the gate of the eclipse.

One after another, dragons emerged from the eclipse gate. Breathing the air in this magic-enriched world four hundred years later!

Then he fluttered his wings in the sky.

It was different from the original plot, because there was no Lucy’s prevention… So from the Eclipse Gate, tens of thousands of dragons emerged directly.

The emerald princess in front of the eclipse gate was already sitting on the ground in shock. The expression on his face was already completely dull. She couldn’t believe that the scene in which Wanlong appeared… was actually caused by herself.

I…what have you done!

“Mr. Rogge…this, what the hell is going on!? Why did the dragon emerge from the eclipse gate!? Why didn’t it get wiped out!?” The emerald princess turned her gaze to the standing Roger on the side, with a trace of extravagant hope.

“Hey…it’s stupid.” Rogge trembled with excitement. Then he threw the black robe aside. With a grinning smile on his face, he said, “Listen to me, stupid people.”

“Now the age of mankind is over…the age of the dragon is about to open!”

“I didn’t expect my plan to go so smoothly. So many dragons…I will become the king of this world, ahaha.” Roger said grimly.

“Aren’t all what you said before is false!?” The emerald princess was desperate.

“Of course it’s fake!” Rogge sneered: “Only a stupid princess like you can easily believe what a stranger said.” After that, Rogge got up and jumped and stood in a dark area. On the dragon’s head.

“Long would actually let him stand on his head!?” Ulu asked in surprise.

At this moment Roger also noticed Ulu who had rushed over. The expression was stunned. He smiled and said: “The magician of the Garden of Quiet Spirits!? I really don’t know when such a magic guild appeared. I have never heard of it in the future world. Your strength is beyond my expectation. Originally, I was worried that you would hinder my plan. But now… no matter how powerful you are, it won’t help.

Because…you can never defeat the dragon!

And I am the leader of the dragons. Master is using the secret technique to dominate the dragon-dragon control magic! This is the magic that I invented after I don’t know how much energy I spent in the future. Although it has no effect on Akunolokia. But there is no problem with controlling ordinary dragons. Go… Kill all these magicians for me. ”

Rogge looked at Ulu and ordered coldly.

“Hey… It’s been a long time since you can eat human flesh.” Kilknis, the emerald dragon controlled by Roger, said cruelly. Then the huge fleshy wings shook fiercely, and the whole body slammed into Ulu like a mountain.

“Ice Wall!” Ulu roared.

The magic power suddenly condensed in front of him to form a thick ice wall.

Kilknis didn’t react, or said he reacted, but he couldn’t stop his body at all. The huge body hit the ice wall heavily…Boom! ! ! There was a muffled sound, and the ground shook a little under the impact of Kilknes. Cracks also appeared on the ice wall released by Ulu.

Ulu couldn’t help but his eyes narrowed. It is indeed a legendary creature… The ice wall that appeared on his own is definitely stronger than a ten-meter-thick iron wall. But depending on the situation, there is absolutely no way to withstand the collision of this giant dragon again…

I can’t help but feel bitter secretly.

If the number of dragons is only one or two, Ulu is confident that he can deal with it. But looking at the thousands of dragons in the sky, they are simply not powerful enough to catch them.

If Mukuro were there… it would definitely be easy to solve.

Ulu couldn’t help but think of it.

But it is also clear that this is just an extravagant hope.

At the same time, his eyes became resolute, anyway… I promised Mukuro to take care of everyone in the Jingling Garden. Even if the opponent is a dragon, you must not back down! Then he was ready to attack Kirknis who was shaking his head.

However, at this moment… a voice suddenly rang.

“The age of mankind is over!? Open the age of the dragon…If so. Then I will end the age of the dragon in your mouth. I didn’t expect that the age of the gods has just ended, and now the age of the dragon is about to end. ,interesting.”

Ulu was stunned.

Lucy, Urutia, Madara Dove… are also stunned.

Because of the owner of this voice, they couldn’t be more familiar with it! I couldn’t help but look for the direction from which the prestige made the sound, which was in the eclipse gate.

Holding his breath, his eyes were full of expectation…but there was also a little panic.

They look forward to the appearance of Mukuro. 3.6

But I am afraid… I am afraid that it will not be Mukuro, so they will be even more desperate.

In a nervous mood, a figure walked out of the eclipse gate.

Slender figure, short black hair.

And the familiar smile on his face.

It’s not Mukuro that I and others have been looking forward to day and night! ?

“Ulu, Urutia, Madara Dove, Lucy, Netvolka…Elisa.” Mukuro called each of his women’s names, and Elisa who rushed over. Then he scratched his head a little embarrassedly, and said, “That… accidentally, I should have come back seven years ago. I went through the wrong door, but after I came out, I found that it was seven years later, hahaha.” Then Mukuro smiled awkwardly.

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