Chapter 779 Sky Hammer Star

Even if he heard Mukuro’s voice, he stood in front of him when he saw Mukuro. But Ulu still couldn’t believe it, and murmured: “Mukuro…is it really you!?”

“Well, I’m back, Ulu.” Mukuro smiled lightly.

After a long while, there was brilliance in Ulu’s eyes. Wiping away the tears from the corners of my eyes… Roaring: “Where did this bastard go!? Modeling-Big Ice Mallet.”

The huge ice mallet hit Mukuro’s head, although Mukuro didn’t feel the slightest.

But he pretended to be eating pain and said, “It hurts…it hurts. Ulu, I won’t run around anymore, stop it.”

“Humph.” Ulu snorted coldly and released his magic.

Although he knew that the expression on Mukuro’s face was pretended, Ulu was still a little bit clumsy. I had to let go of Mukuro.

“Brother.” Elisa hugged Mukuro directly.

Sobbed: “Brother, where have you been!? Why don’t you tell Elisa…Next time if there is such a thing again, you have to take me.”

“Okay, Elsa. Brother won’t be out for so long in the future. Um… This time it was just a little accident and went to the wrong door, hahaha.” Mukuro comforted Elsa, and at the same time Also very depressed. Originally, after solving the gods, Mukuro was going to use the Star Gate to return to one week after his disappearance, but when traveling through the long river of time, he felt another gravitational force of time. Mukuro was curious and followed Past.

It was too late when I knew it, and I had already appeared seven years later.

“Don’t lie to me!?” Elisa looked at Mukuro, skeptical.

“Of course… how could I lie to Elisa!?” Then she squeezed Elisa’s nose. He opened his mouth and said: “Okay… so many people are watching. Let me deal with these dragons first, and then return to the Garden of Jingling, let’s talk again.”

“Huh!?” Elisa exclaimed.

Then I realized that everyone around was staring at him.

Mukuro smiled, then looked at Roger, who was standing on the head of a dark dragon in the sky. Faintly said: “Rog Cheney, raised by dragons, and the third generation of dragonslayers with crystals implanted in his body. Seven years later, that world has been completely The world ruled by Akunorokia. And you… the Dragon Slayer of Shadows was originally active in saving the future world. But just one year later, your most cherished partner, Frosi But was killed by Gray. In despair, you were swallowed up by darkness. In this way, I will give you a chance. I will help you resurrect Flossy, and you will get out of it immediately.”

Flossie is a transcender. A very strange transcendence…before he met Roger, he thought he was a frog all the time.

Even after knowing the truth, he cried.

It’s definitely a strange flower among the transcendors.

“Frosi!?” The expression on Roger’s face changed when he heard Mukuro’s words. Tangled, struggling… Various expressions floated on his face. In the end, Roger gritted his teeth. Yelled: “What a joke, it’s just a broken cat. I want to become the lord of the world!” Obviously, in Rogge’s heart, darkness defeated the light.

The darkness has not only engulfed Rogge’s body, but also his heart.

“Oh, forget it.” Mukuro waved his hand and said, “In that case… Then I will kill you directly with Wanlong.”

“The pupil of reincarnation-the hammer star from the sky!!!”

As Mukuro’s indifferent voice sounded… dense black spots suddenly appeared in the sky. Both Roger and Qunlong couldn’t figure out the situation. But after a few seconds…After seeing what exactly fell, his complexion changed drastically.

Because, those are small meteorites one after another.

“Disperse! Disperse to me… avoid these falling meteorites.” Rogge looked at the dragons behind him in a panic and shouted.

Although the dragon is a creature with thick skin and thick flesh.

But it can’t resist this horrible natural disaster! Even if the entire army is not destroyed, there will definitely be heavy casualties. But the Sky Hammer Star released by Mukuro will be so easy to dodge! ? It’s just whimsical.

Mukuro uses repulsion to control the meteorite, ensuring that every piece can hit one of the dragons. Even though the dragon’s body was protected by thick scale armor, the group of dragons screamed as every meteorite fell. Among them, the lucky dragon only suffered one or two blows. Some hapless dragons suffered five or six times and were directly smashed into flesh.

“It’s really vulnerable.” Mukuro said contemptuously.

“Damn it… Damn it!” Rogge’s face became more and more ferocious. Yelled: “This is the army of dragons that I have finally convened.”

“I want you to die!! White Shadow Dragon-White Shadow Dragon’s Emblem!!”

After Frosi’s death, Roger was completely eroded by the darkness. In order to gain power, he even killed his partner Sting, thus gaining a new power-the white shadow dragon mode. And the Dragon of White Shadow is the most powerful move among the 413. When cast, it can create countless black and white threads in the area covered by magic! This thread is extremely tough, cannot be destroyed by any magic, and extremely sharp!

Under Roger’s control, the silk thread was cut to Mukuro.

“Sorry… the dead spot on the silk thread is so easy to recognize.” At some point, Mukuro’s eyes had turned into blue pupils. The Demon Eye of Straight Death… In Mukuro’s eyes, every black and white thread is full of dead spots! There were so many flaws, Mukuro just swung the knife and cut them off easily.

“How come!?” Rogge looked dull. Suddenly roared loudly: “Who are you!? You are such a powerful wizard, and your magic guild’s quiet garden. Why have I never heard of it in the future!?”

“Oh…really!?” Mukuro appeared behind Roger when he spoke.

God is coming! !

The sword in his hand was inserted into Rogge’s heart.

At the same time, he said faintly: “The world with me…It’s not the great gecko of Akuno Lokiah who can do it arbitrarily.”

“Really…” Rogge glanced at Mukuro, but his breath disappeared.

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