Chapter 777 Turn on

“The safety of the Fiore Kingdom?” Lucy looked dumbfounded. I didn’t understand the meaning of the green-haired woman at all, and couldn’t help asking: “Who are you!? Why do you say that I endangered the safety of the entire Fiore Kingdom!?”

“My name is Emerald E. Fiore, the princess of the Fiore Kingdom.”

The emerald princess faintly said: “As for why you would endanger the safety of the entire Fiore Kingdom. That is because tomorrow, the Fiore Kingdom will usher in an unprecedented catastrophe. The only thing that can quell this is. What a disaster is to open the door of the eclipse, but you will prevent us from opening the door of the eclipse.”

Roger Cheney, who has traveled from the future, is deceiving the emerald princess. It is said that the reason why Wanlong will destroy Fiore in the future is that Lucy prevents the opening of the eclipse gate.

“The Eclipse Gate!? Why should I stop it!?”

Lucy was puzzled, and struggling to say: “Let go of me! I didn’t even think about preventing the opening of the eclipse gate. Besides…that’s tomorrow. Why would you know again!?” Lucy’s The struggle is just in vain.

As a celestial wizard, Lucy herself is not very strong.

“Sorry… I can’t let you go now.” Princess Emerald said: “But if everything goes well, I will let you go tomorrow night. Besides… I will borrow the key to the zodiac first, after all. Opening the eclipse gate not only requires the magic power of the Astral Sorcerer, but also requires the collection of twelve keys to the zodiac.”

With that said, Princess Emerald took the Protoss key from Lucy’s waist.

It also extracted part of Lucy’s magic power to open the door of the eclipse. She knows very well that without the magic power of the Hartfilia family, it is absolutely impossible to open the door to the eclipse, which is why she wants to capture Lucy.

After all this was done, Princess Emerald left the place where Lucy was being held.

“Now everything is ready, just wait for Wanlong to appear! Then we will be able to open the gate of solar eclipse to destroy Wanlong and save the Fiore Kingdom.” Princess Emerald looked a little excited, because the solar eclipse plan was finally completed. .

“It’s better to open the eclipse door as soon as possible.”

Standing beside the emerald princess was a young man wearing a black cannon and said. In his slightly lowered eyes, he could clearly see the excitement that was hard to conceal. But the emerald princess, who was also in a state of excitement, obviously didn’t notice this.

This young man in a black robe is Roger Cheney from the future.

“Are you going to open the door to the eclipse now!?” Princess Emerald was taken aback and said: “Yes, if Wanlong strikes, it may be too late.”

So he began to prepare for the opening of the eclipse gate.

The daughters of the Garden of Quiet Spirits rushed into the palace of the Kingdom of Fiore, almost like a broken bamboo. Although the evil wolf knights in the Fiore Kingdom are all very powerful wizards. But putting it in front of Ulu is simply not enough. With a direct attack on Ice Age, five people were completely frozen. Then, under Madara Dove’s perception magic, Lucy was quickly found.

“Lucy, you are not injured!?”

Madara Dove just pulled a few swords and cut off the iron torture that bound Lucy.

“I’m fine,” Lucy said, rubbing her wrist.

“It’s fine if you are not injured.” Ulu breathed a sigh of relief, and then puzzled: “Lucy, why did the Fiore royal family arrest you!?”

“I don’t know.” Lucy said with a gloomy face: “The Emerald Princess said that the Fiore Kingdom will usher in a catastrophe tomorrow, and the eclipse gate must be opened to quell it. She also said that I will stop the sun. The eclipse gate opened, so I shut me down. By the way, sister Ulu. What the hell is the eclipse gate!? Is it a powerful weapon!?”

Lucy didn’t know, because Layla Hatfilia didn’t tell her these things.

“The Eclipse Gate!? To calm the disaster!?” Ulu’s expression was a little weird. She is very clear about the function of the Eclipse Gate.

It’s just a gate that can travel through time.

Without other functions, how can we quell the disaster!

The strong instinct of a woman… tells Ulu that there must be something wrong with it. Moreover, the Eclipse Gate is the hope of Mukuro’s return. Ulu will never allow any problems with it! [Ulu didn’t know that Mukuro did not use the eclipse gate, but the starry sky gate in the astral world to return to this matter of 800 years]

“Go, let’s go take a look.”

Ulu said, “There must be no problem with the Eclipse Gate…because that has something to do with Mukuro’s return.”

Mukuro! ? The girls trembled inexplicably.

After seven years, Ulu has finally revealed news about Mukuro. But looking at Ulu’s anxious look, I also know that it is not the time to inquire about the cause, and they rushed behind Ulu in the direction of the Eclipse Gate.

The fifth day of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts also began. But what is surprising is that Jingling’s Court did not choose to participate, and everyone also expressed their understanding. After all, the championship has been completely locked, so what’s the point of continuing to participate! ? However, although he did not participate, no wizard dared to underestimate the Garden of Quiet Spirits. Because in the first four days, the strength displayed by the Jingling Garden is completely in a state of crushing, and it can even be said that there is no enemy of one!

“what’s going on!?”

Elisa easily solved an enemy, frowned and thought. After living with Ulu for such a long time, Elisa is very clear about Ulu’s character. Even though the Garden of Jingling had already locked the champion of the Great Demon Fighting Martial Arts in advance, she would not miss the final day of the game.

What’s more, I have an agreement with Ulu!

“Look at… Heaven, what is that!?” At this moment, Gray was suddenly stunned. Looking up at the sky, said dullly.

Elisa was taken aback and couldn’t help looking to the sky.

His pupils shrank suddenly… his expression could not help but froze.

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