Chapter 736 Elisa Netivoka

Holding a spear, he was staring at Mukuro. Elisa Netivoka, everyone in the world of Adras has a person in the world of Atlans with the same appearance and name, but with a different identity and personality.

And Elisa Netivoka is the analogue of Elisa in the world of Adras.

However, in this world, Elisa Netwoka is the world’s greatest enemy of Fairy Tail, known as Fairy Hunting! Served as the captain of the Second Demon Team of the Army of the Kingdom of Adras. The strength is very strong, not losing to Elisa at all.

Elisa Netivoka, who was staring at Mukuro suddenly, narrowed her eyes.

Because she saw the right clavicle of the person in front of her… half a black coat of arms was exposed! Although it is not clear what the pattern is.

But what Elisa Netwoka can confirm is:

That is definitely the coat of arms of the Magic Guild! In other words… the man in front of you is a member of a certain magic guild! ? Thinking of this, the look in Elisa Netwoka’s eyes was full of hostility towards Mukuro. You must know that in the Kingdom of Adras, it is forbidden to possess magic. As long as possessing magic, it will be regarded as a crime.

The magic guild is an existence that relies on magic.

Naturally standing on the opposite side of the Kingdom of Adras. Therefore, King Faust, 473 of Adras, ordered the eradication of all magic guilds in Adras!

“Say! You belong to that magic guild!?”

Ailusha Netivoka pointed the spear in Mukuro’s hand and asked sharply. As long as there is any change in the man in front of him, the spear in her hand will pierce out without hesitation, and then pierce the neck of the man in front of her.

“The Garden of Quiet Spirits, Mitarashi Mukuro.” Mukuro said with interest.

He also wanted to know whether there would be people with the same appearance and name as him in the world of Adras, and whether there would be a Garden of Quiet Spirits.

But Elisa Netwerka’s next reaction made Mukuro a little disappointed. I saw Elisa Netvoca frowning tightly, and she seemed to be remembering something in her eyebrows. After a long while, he slowly said, “The Garden of Quiet Spirits…never heard of this magic guild. Has it been a newly established magic guild?”

“Forget it, arrest you back and interrogate you slowly.”

Elisa Netwoka’s momentum suddenly became fierce! With a gun in his hand, he stabs at Mukuro.

At the same time he yelled loudly: “The first shot! The iron gun!!!”

The long spear that Elsa Netivoka holds in her hand is called the Ten Commandments Spear. It is a very powerful magic weapon on the continent of Adras! It is called the Ten Commandments, so there are ten different forms…Each one is stronger than the previous one!

In an instant, Elisa Netivoka’s spear pierced Mukuro’s body.

However, Mukuro’s body did not move at all. He just raised his right hand and both fingers together, and the spear stabbed by Elisa Netwoka was firmly clamped to the fingertips! No matter how Elsa Netwerka broke free, she couldn’t pull the spear from Mukuro’s fingertips. Seeing the ruinous smile on Mukuro’s face again, I couldn’t help but become even more embarrassed!

“Second shot! Burst Gun!!!”

Elisa Netivoka gritted her teeth and suddenly yelled in her mouth.

The spear caught by Mukuro’s fingertips suddenly exploded, and Elisa Netwoka also took advantage of this opportunity to pull out the Ten Commandments spear clamped by Mukuro!

“The third shot! The gun of sonic speed!!!”

Elisa Netivoka’s figure suddenly disappeared.

In the state of the gun of sonic speed, the ten commandments gun gave Elisa Netvolka a terrifying speed, which can even surpass the speed of sound several times! A dazzling god, Elisa Netivoka disappeared in Mukuro’s eyes. And the next moment, the tip of the Ten Commandments Spear had pierced Mukuro’s back heart… directly pierced Mitarashi Mukuro’s body.

But Elisa Netwerka’s face just showed joy.

Mukuro’s body turned into a puff of white smoke.

Shadow Clone Technique!

Elisa Netvolka’s eyes shrank sharply, but she also reacted. He could not help but whispered in his mouth: “This is magic! When was it!?”

Just now Elisa Netwerka’s attention was all focused on Mukuro, but she didn’t see when Mukuro activated her magic, nor did she see when Mukuro used the magic item. of.

“I’m here.” Mukuro’s voice sounded behind Elisa Netwoka.

Elisa Netivoka turned around abruptly, and Mukuro was looking at her with a smile on her face. Could not help making her even more irritated.

“The sixth shot! The vacuum gun!!!”

Elisa Netvolka’s attack did not stop, and directly opened the sixth unblocked form of the Ten Commandments Spear! The spear in his hand drew towards Mukuro out of thin air. Suddenly, an air shock wave blasted from the gun… directly towards Mitarashi Mukuro.

“Eighth of Bakudō Rebuke!” Mukuro said lightly. Then, in front of Mukuro, a faint blue round-faced spiritual power shield appeared, resisting the shock wave.

“How could it be possible!?” Seeing such a scene, the expression on Elsa Netwoka’s face was full of fright. Can’t help but sternly said: “How is this possible! Why… why can you perform magic without relying on magic props!?”

Elisa Netwerka saw clearly that the man in front of him did not hold any magic items, but displayed magic.

The expression on his face couldn’t help but become anxious.

She wanted to know how Mukuro did it. Although Elisa Netivoka seemed to be happy with killing on the surface, she liked to see others suffering without mercy, and seemed to be completely immersed in the dark world. But in fact, she was a person who was terrified because of the barrenness of the magical power of the Adras continent, and concealed her inner fear by knocking down the enemy.

Peng! !

A fire suddenly appeared in Mukuro’s palm.

Looking at Elisa Netivoka, Mukuro said, “Want to do this!? If you are willing to join the Garden of Quiet Spirits, I can teach you.”

“What’s a joke!” Elisa Netvolka yelled: “Since you don’t say it! Then I will take you into the prison of the kingdom, and then slowly tortured. Waiting for you to try various punishments. I don’t think you will be stubborn!”

“Tenth Gun——Holy Gun·Holy Stone World!!!”

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