Chapter 735 Adras

Seeing Ulu looking at him, Mukuro was taken aback at first. Then he held his head helplessly, and said dumbfounded: “Ulu…you don’t think I did it. I just stayed in the house and didn’t go anywhere.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ulu’s face flushed.

It’s not that she suspected this was Mukuro’s work, but mainly because the entire Magnolia disappeared so strangely. Except for Mukuro, she doesn’t think anyone in this world can do it!

“Humph! You didn’t do it, and you must know the reason.”

Ulu glanced at Mukuro, who was calm, and said indignantly. You know that Elisa is in Fairy Tail, and Fairy Tail is in the town center of Magnolia. The disappearance of Magnolia means that Fairy Tail has disappeared. If Elisa was in any danger, Mukuro would definitely not look the way she is now.

Mukuro did not speak, but pointed to the sky above Magnolia.

It is a huge whirlpool, gradually disappearing in the sky above Magnolia… it exudes magic power that seems to be different from this world!

Ulu and Wendy both looked up into the air…

“What it is!?”

Feeling the strange magic power in the air, Ulu couldn’t help but ask.

“Super-subspace magic-“soul” is connected to another world called Adras! That is, the world where Xia Lulu is located.” Mukuro said lightly.


Ulu frowned, she had never heard the name.

“The world Xia Lulu is in!?” Wendy asked in a puzzled way: “But… Brother Mukuro, didn’t Xia Lulu hatch from you after you picked it up!? How… how could it be another world? What about it!?”

A cat hatches out of the egg… This is not normal at first!

Wendy took it for granted. Mukuro rubbed Wendy’s head, and said with a somewhat dumbfounded smile: “Because Xia Lulu was sent from that world, it’s the same as the hobbit next to Fairy Tail Naz.”

“Then… what should I do now!?” Wendy said at a loss.

“Don’t worry, Wendy.” Mukuro smiled and said, “I will go to that world to bring Xia Lulu back. She is our family.”

“Mukuro, I will go with you.” Ulu said suddenly.

Although it is clear that Mukuro is very strong, it is a strange world! Ulu was really worried. Mukuro went by alone.

Mukuro shook his head and said, “No, I will be distracted to take care of you when you go.”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Ulu looked surprised. Quickly asked: “Why, that world is so powerful!?” Although his strength is still much worse than Mukuro… But in the entire Atlans, except for the dragon king Akuro Nokia and Jeff , And of course Mukuro. Ulu is confident that he can defeat any other magician! And with his own strength, it is difficult to protect himself in the world named Adras! ?

“not like this.”

Mukuro shook his head and explained: “It is different from Atlans. The source of magic power in the world of Adras is mainly stored in the earth, and it will gradually deplete over time. It does not exist in its air. Any magic particles, so all the magic in our world cannot be used in the world of Adras. In the world of Adras, the magic used must be driven by magic crystals before it can be used. come out.”

“What about you… won’t it be affected!?” Ulu said with some worry.


Mukuro smiled. He said: “Of course I won’t be affected. Even without magic, I can crush the entire world of Adras.”

“Okay, then I will go to the world of Adras first.”

Speaking, under the support of the repulsive force, Mukuro’s body pierced diagonally into the vortex in the air.

The world of Adras.

One of the two parallel worlds in Fairy Tail.

In the two worlds, there are people with the same appearance and name, but with different personalities and identities. In Adras, there is an island floating above the mainland of Adras-Extania and the human kingdom under Extania-the kingdom of Adras.

Extania-an island floating in the sky above the mainland of Adras. The inhabitant here is Exit, who is also the seat of the queen [also known as “God”] who rules the two worlds of Adras and Extania.

Exit is also known as the transcendant. The residents of Extania led by the Queen are all cats that use “Magic: Wings”, which are the races of Hobbit and Xaluru. Dominating the kingdom of Adras is also the “transcendence”. The queen is called a “god” and the Exeter she leads calls herself an “angel”. In addition, transcendents like Hobby and Xia Lulu who act with their own will and refuse to obey the Queen’s orders are defined as fallen angels, which is also “fallen heaven.”

Under the reign of Queen Exit, transcendents generally believed that they were superior to human beings. They were angels, and humans were inferior species. It was only natural that humans should obey the transcendent’s orders even if they sacrifice their lives.

In the human kingdom below Extania, the world is forbidden to possess magic under the mandatory order of the king. As long as possessing magic is regarded as a crime.

The magic power here has almost died out. If you want to use magic, you can only rely on the magic power stored in magic crystals or magic props. No one can cast magic by himself, even the kingdom’s magic fighting force!

“Is this the world of Adras!?” I felt a kind of exhausted and dry air around me… Compared with the magical active air of Atlans, one is in the sky and the other is in the sky. Feeling underground!

“Stop! Who are you!?”

Suddenly a cold voice stopped Mukuro.

Hearing this sound… Mukuro raised his eyebrows slightly and turned and looked over. It was a slightly revealing woman, with long crimson hair tied behind her head by a hair band, and she looked very capable! And the appearance… is exactly the same as Elisa.

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