Chapter 737 captive

The Ten Commandments Spear is a sacred spear forged by the best blacksmith in Adras. It can shake the entire world with a single blow. It is the ultimate weapon of destruction!

This is a rumor about the Ten Commandments on the Adras Road.

Although it is a bit exaggerated, but you can also slightly know the power of the Ten Commandments Spear! The horrible power was vented from the head of the Ten Commandments… and it was not just a heavy force, but a heavy force followed by another! Every amount of strength is enough to distort the space! Layers of strength roared towards Mukuro like ocean waves.

Tenth Gun-Holy Gun·Holy Stone World! ! !

Undoubtedly, it is the strongest attacking technique of the Ten Commandments! Elisa Netwerka has rarely used this ultimate shot!

But every time you use it, you can crush the enemy like a mortal!

This time, Elisa Netivoka still believed so firmly. She was even more worried that the wizard in front of her would be directly killed by the Holy Spear·Sacred Stone World. Then she would have no way to torture the reason why Mukuro herself was able to release magic.

But in the next moment…

Elisa Netivoka was stunned!

Because she watched the strength of her holy spear and holy stone world, bombarding the magician in front of her.

Then… there is no more.

The wizard named Mitarashi Mukuro stood there still intact. The force blasted by the Holy Spear·Holy Stone World blasted him like a breeze, except that his clothes dented a little, there was no other change!

“This… how is this possible!?”

Elisa Netivoka murmured as she watched such a scene.

She couldn’t believe that the attack she was most proud of… actually couldn’t cause the slightest harm to the wizard in front of her! ? Elisa Netivoka’s pride as the commander of the second magic war in the Kingdom of Adras completely collapsed at this moment!

Such an enemy… how can I defeat it!

Looking at Elisa Netivoka, who was obviously sluggish.

A slight smile appeared on Mukuro’s face. Then just a step, the figure suddenly appeared in front of Elisa Netvolka!

The index finger lifted Elisa Netwoka’s chin.

Mukuro looked frivolous and said, “Okay… from now on, you will be my prisoner, don’t run around. Of course, if you behave well. As a reward, I can consider teaching you how to release magic. Oh.”

Hear what Mukuro said.

Elisa Netwerka’s expression was obviously moved. I couldn’t help thinking: I have been defeated now. With the strength of the wizard named Mitarashi Mukuro in front of me, it is obviously impossible for me to escape. In this case, it is better to stay by his side first, wait until you learn how to release magic, and then find a way to escape!


Elisa Netwerka turned her head aside.

Although he did not speak, he did not intend to continue resisting Mukuro.

Mukuro smiled, and suddenly his heart moved…Since Elisa Netivoka will be here, I guess the fairy tail in this world is also around here. Observation Haki unfolded and found a tree house-like building not far away.

Then he walked straight over…

Elisa Netivoka did not speak, but followed Mukuro quietly.

Push open the door of Fairy Tail.

There was a lot of hustle and bustle in the entire magic guild, and no one noticed Mukuro walking in. Until Mukuro opened his mouth and asked, “Excuse me…Is this the Fairy Tail Magic Guild? I have a mission to entrust. Does anyone accept the mission!?”

Hearing Mukuro’s voice, everyone’s eyes focused.

You must know that since Faust ordered that no one is allowed to possess magic privately. The Magic Guild has become the target of everyone in Adras, and there are basically no people to entrust tasks, so they will feel very strange.

“Yes… it’s Elisa Netwoka!!”

I don’t know who yelled, and his voice was full of horror. Only then did people notice…behind the man who was speaking, there was still a person standing. A face that everyone present is extremely familiar!

“Fairy Hunting”-Elisa Netwoka! !

Suddenly, the whole fairy tail was in a commotion. In their eyes, Elisa Netivoka is a devilish existence! The wizard of the fairy tail that died in her hands does not know how many! They were terrified, and at the same time hated Elisa Netwoka.

In just a moment, everyone took out their magic props, and all kinds of magic poured over Mukuro. Fireballs, wind bombs, lightning… I don’t know many, but they all have the same characteristics. That is…too weak. If the fairy tails of the two worlds are brought to the same venue for a match. Whether Gray or Naz, can kill the fairy tail of the entire world of Adras by himself!

Such a weak magic is not enough in Mukuro’s eyes.

“Splitting Void!”

A transparent barrier appeared, blocking all the magic.

At the same time Mukuro opened his mouth and said: “Can you stop for a while? Although she is Elisa Netwoka, her status is not the captain of the Kingdom’s Second Demon War Division, but my prisoner. I am here too. I just want to delegate tasks.”

captive! ?

Elisa Netivoka! ?

All the wizards of Fairy Tail present were shocked.

His expression clearly revealed his disbelief.

In their eyes, Elisa Netwoka was as horrible as a devil. How can you become a captive of others. But… for a long while, Elisa Netivoka did not refute. Instead, his expression was full of unwillingness.

Is it possible… Elisa Netivoka really became someone else’s prisoner! ? When everyone looked at Mukuro again, they were full of shock.

“I just want to ask, do you accept commissions here!?”

Mukuro reluctantly said, “If you don’t accept the commission, then I will go to another magic guild.” With that, Mukuro pretended to leave.

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