Chapter 734 Magnolia Lost

Wendy, Elsa, Naz, and others are better. In the first incident, he ran to the edge of the forest, unaffected by the aftermath of the Eighty God Air Strike. But Jura, Yiye Yiye, Ren… They are not so lucky.

Although the Eighty God Air Strike did not directly blast on them, it would not pose a big threat to their lives.

But the land that was overturned by Mukuro’s bombardment.

But the one with no eyes smashed at a group of them indiscriminately. But after all, Jura is the Holy Ten Great Sorcerer. And the magic he was good at was rock magic. Just when he was in a hurry, Jura used all his magic power to build a solid rock house to protect everyone. After the earth calmed down for a long time, Jura and others came out of the rock house cautiously.

Seeing the landscape that had completely changed in front of me, I swallowed with difficulty all night, and said, “President Mitarashi Mukuro…this is too scary.”

“Completely beyond the level of Saint Ten!”

Jura said with lingering fear.

Just now, the earth was overturned and flipped, but he could only be able to stop it with all his magic power! And this… is nothing more than the aftermath of the attack from the person standing in the air. Jura couldn’t imagine what the consequences would be if he confronted this kind of magic head-on.

After a pause, Jura added: “Even if the four Uranus of Ishgarh, who are the top four in the Holy Ten, add up, it is by no means so scary!”

At this time, Elisa, Wendy, Naz… also rushed back.

“Everyone is okay… It’s okay. I said why don’t you follow me… It turns out that you have been prepared for a long time. It is really worthy of Senior Jura of the Saint Ten Great Sorcerer, and the strongest Sorcerer of Cyan Pegasus. Senior one night!”

Elisa spoke in admiration.

And Jura and Yiye could only smile awkwardly, and could only smash their teeth and swallow them in their stomachs. I can’t tell Elisa that I and others didn’t react and didn’t run away! ? Only Leo looked at Gray with a grimace, and Gray only felt the chrysanthemum tighten.

At this moment, Mukuro also slowly fell from the air…looked at the crowd and smiled. Then he said: “Well, this crusade against the generals of the six demons is over. Let’s go back to their respective magic guilds. Regarding the awards, the Magic Council will send everyone’s magic to everyone within a week. The guild went.”

Jura and the other night looked at each other, and both saw the confusion in each other’s eyes.

What are you waiting for someone to come over…Traveling! ?

In order to defeat the Six Demon Generals, everyone has made the most serious preparations. And adjusted their magic power to the most sufficient state, they all think that the battle against the six demon generals will be a series of fierce battles…

But the facts make them feel that it is simply unnecessary.

He and others came to crusade against the Six Demon Generals.

The greatest significance is to witness: Mitarashi Mukuro, the first member of the Magic Council…what a horror!

It’s definitely an existence that can’t be provoked!

The first thing I did when I returned to the Magic Guild was to warn myself that the wizards of the Magic Guild must never provoke any wizards related to the Garden of Quiet Spirits. Otherwise, when Mitarashi Mukuro gets angry and punches such a punch in the sky above his magic guild, there are definitely so many deaths! This is the same idea of ​​Jura and Yiye Now!

“Thanks for the Chairman Mitarashi Mukuro, then our Cyan Pegasus will take a step first.”

After that, he called the trio on the side and ran away hurriedly. After all, staying with Mukuro is really stressful! But the people who watched the Cyan Pegasus were all flashed by Jura, so naturally he wouldn’t stay here anymore, he told Mukuro to retreat, and left as well.

Town of Magnolia.

The Garden of Quiet Spirits.

“Mukuro, Wendy and Xia Lulu quarreled again. Don’t you try to persuade me!?” Looking at Mukuro lying in the sofa, Ulu said helplessly: “Xia Lulu ran out in anger… Wendy felt Some regret it and chased it out.”

“It’s okay.” Mukuro waved his hand and said.

After a pause, he continued: “As a cat, this little guy Xia Lulu has a lot of things that don’t need to be carried.”


At this moment, thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

Then it started to rain.

Watching the heavy rain outside the house… Mukuro stood up and said, “It’s raining! I’m going to get Wendy back. Otherwise, it won’t be good if you get caught in the rain.” Ready to go out to find Wendy.

But at this moment, Wendy stumbled in.

With an anxious face on his face, seeing Mukuro, he hurriedly said: “Brother Mukuro…Xia Lulu, Xia Lulu is gone, Brother Mukuro, please save her.”

“Why is Xia Lulu missing!?”

Ulu’s expression also became tense. After spending such a long time together, the members of Jing 633 Spirit Garden had long regarded Xia Lulu as a member of the guild. Hearing the news that her companion had disappeared, Ulu would naturally become nervous. Hurriedly asked:

“What happened… Don’t worry, Wendy, take your time.”

“Xia Lulu… Xia Lulu said she couldn’t affect me or the entire Quiet Spirit Garden. Then she flew into the sky and disappeared. Then…they disappeared. Then…and the whole town of Magnolia also disappeared. Have disappeared!”

“Magnolia disappeared!?” Ulu widened his eyes when he heard it.

Hastily used ice modeling magic under his feet to condense the ice cubes and support himself. Look at Magnolia not far away.

Sure enough… it was empty, and the whole town disappeared.

Ulu suddenly felt shocked. If the entire Magnolia is completely destroyed… With Ulu’s strength, she is confident that she can do it. But to make the whole town disappear silently, Ulu thinks that he can’t do much, and he doesn’t think anyone in the world can do it!

No… if there is anyone in this world who can do such a thing.

Then there is only one!

Ulu turned his gaze to… Mukuro.

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