Chapter 733 Shattered Nirvana

Then I saw a huge monster suddenly appeared in the distance…It looked like a huge six-legged monster!

Exactly, the ancient super magic-Nirvana! !

Four hundred years ago, in order to end that era of wars. The leader of the Neilbit, Robin Lu has created a super magic that can replace light and darkness! Yitu uses this magic to maintain peace in the world. But Robin Lu overlooked a very important thing, that is, everything in the world is in keeping with a kind of balance.

This is the eternal truth in the world.

However, Robin Lu wanted to use the power of mortals to try to reverse this eternal truth. Naturally, there was no feasibility at all.

But Robin Lu didn’t know it, even intoxicated.

Finally one day, Robin Lu saw the evil result…because he used Nirvana to activate magic too many times. Nirvana itself, the city where the “Nebit tribe” lived, finally broke out because of the backlog of too much dark magic power. The inner darkness became entangled with the Neilbits, causing them to kill each other until they perished. And in the end… the only one who survived was Robin Lu, waiting for someone who could destroy Nirvana to appear.

Nirvana, which had been silent for four hundred years, was awakened by Brian again!

“Has Markbeth’s lines also disappeared… It’s really useless, but these don’t make any sense! All the Guilds of Light in this world will be destroyed by me… Ahahahahaha!” Brian laughed wildly.

And there is only one line on the face that represents oneself.

“Oops… Nirvana is unblocked!”

Both Jura and Yi Ye’s face were a little embarrassed. After all, the Magic Council organized the crusade against the Six Demon Generals this time, and the ultimate goal was actually to stop the unblocking of Nirvana. And now that Nirvana has appeared, it also means that the mission of oneself and others has failed. As for the consequences… it is to face the super magic of four hundred years ago!

“What should I do now… Chairman Mitarashi Mukuro!?”

Both Jura and Yiye looked at Mukuro. At this time…Mukuro, the most powerful, naturally became the backbone of everyone. How Mukuro could see through Angel’s disguise at a glance and how he killed three members of the Six Demon Generals like a ruin, they are all vividly remembered.

“Since it has been unblocked… Then it’s fine to dismantle it.” After speaking, under the support of the repulsive force, Mukuro rose to the sky.

It happened to be a few hundred meters above Nirvana… Then Mukuro slowly clenched her fist. Seeing Mukuro’s movement, Elisa turned around and ran in the opposite direction without even thinking about it. At the same time, he greeted Nazgray and others: “Run, or it will be too late.”

Naz and Gray glanced at each other…then they looked at Mukuro in the sky, but after thinking about it, they followed Elisa!

Xia Lulu had already caught Wendy and flew away.

“What’s wrong with them!?” Leo said with some confusion.

Jura was also full of doubts, shook his head, and said, “I don’t know… But Elisa should not harm us, let’s follow them first.” Hearing Jura’s words, Leo nodded in agreement. .

Several people in Cyan Pegasus also nodded in agreement.

However, just when a few of them wanted to chase Elisa in the direction that Elisa ran away… it was already a bit late. Seeing that Elisa and Wendy had both gone to a safer place, Mukuro had no scruples. As for the people of Cyan Pegasus and Snake Ji’s Scales… I’m sorry, they can’t die anyway, what does it matter if they suffer a bit of crime.

Eighty…God air strike! !

The magic of horror surged from Mukuro’s body, flooding the whole world!

Then one by one dark blue magical giant punches, after Mukuro’s punch…they filled the sky, completely shielding the sun.

“I…I can’t move my body!?” Looking at the dense magic giant fists in the sky overnight, he said with some difficulty! Under the pressure of such a terrifying magic, it is good if you don’t be directly pressed on the ground overnight. No matter if it is Yves, Lian… or Leo, Shilia, they are already lying on the ground…

This shows that the strength of the night is very good.

Apart from one night, the only one who can stand is Saint Ten Quiura. As the Saint Ten Great Sorcerer, his strength is naturally stronger than that of One Night.

However, Jura had not had time to speak.

A azure blue magic fist in the sky has already blasted down, directly smashing one of the six legs of Nirvana, and then blasted to the ground, and the earth shook suddenly! The fall of the first magic giant fist seemed to be a signal… Immediately after that, the countless magic giant fists in the sky all blasted down! It’s like the torrent of heaven pouring down crazily!

Rumble rumbling rumbling! ! ! !

A terrifying roar sounded, and every fist of the Shenkong strike seemed to be an angry fist blasted by the ancient god king with hatred, and it blasted the ground heavily! Just a kind of sacred air strike can shake the earth unbearably. Then these countless types of divine air strikes blasted the ground… can no longer be simply described as shaking.

But… the earth is shaking, the mountains are shaking, and the earth is turned upside down! !

The whole land was overturned, and it was originally a 2.1 dense forest landscape!

Directly hit by the eighty gods, a pit with a diameter of tens of kilometers and a depth of nearly one thousand meters was blasted out. Even the underground river was pierced through, and water spewed crazily outward, and soon a lake was formed so quickly.

Only this one! !

Sudden changes in landforms, changes in mountains and lakes! !

As for Nirvana, it was smashed into dregs in the first time.

And Bryan, the head of the Six Demon Generals on Nirvana, was probably already bombarded into meat sauce by the Eighty Gods. As for Brian’s terrifying personality, it disappeared without even appearing. The main reason is that Mukuro doesn’t have any interest in it. It’s just a rubbish that can’t even control self-abuse emotions.

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