Chapter 719 Magic Council

“Disappeared on the same day!?” Mukuro squinted his eyes. “So weird…How can it be the same as the day when the dragon disappeared in the memory of Naz, the dragon slayers!?”

The Star Spirit King was a little hairy when Mukuro was staring at him.

Hurriedly said: “It is completely different from what the dragon slayer knows! There is no fault in the time I have experienced! The gods… disappeared completely in one day! There is no trace left. …It’s like evaporating. And the god of the stars who created me and can communicate with me-Tydra Upros. Since then…has never had any contact with me.”

【The Gate of Eclipse was realized by the power of the Astral Realm to realize the possibility of time and space shuttle, which transmitted the Dragon Slayer from the time of four hundred years ago to the present. As the master of the Astral World, it is impossible for the Astral King to be ignorant of the Dragon Slayer. 】

Mukuro fell into deep thought…all the gods disappeared in one day! ?

So suddenly! ?

If what the Star King said is true. So the reason why the gods will disappear is nothing more than two possibilities…

First, it was completely wiped out within a day. 16

It was like Akunorokia, slaughtering all dragons in one war. The enemies faced by the gods are even more terrifying! The terrifying enemy that suddenly appeared… Within a day, all the high gods were slaughtered!

Second, the gods fled the world in order to avoid some kind of disaster.

It’s like Celestial Dragons in Pirate World. The gods of the monster tail world… escaped from the monster tail world and arrived in another world!

Compare the two possibilities.

Mukuro is more inclined to be the first possibility!

After all, if it is the second type, even if the gods flee very hastily, they will more or less prepare for the return. Unless they don’t plan to come back… but it’s impossible! The fairy tail world is the original world that gave birth to them. Unless the world collapses, otherwise they are definitely not willing to give up. Because you have left your original world, your own strength can no longer grow, of course, Mukuro’s built-in plug-in does not count.

However, in the world of Monster Tail, Mukuro did not find any traces left by the gods.

Was it all annihilated by the enemy in one day! ? What a terrifying opponent this is… Mukuro feels his blood is boiling!

“Lucy, give it to you.” Mukuro threw the Leo key to Lucy. And said: “The key to Leo in the zodiac.”

“Hey…thank you Brother Mukuro.”

Lucy was not polite at all, and put the key directly into her pocket.

“Hey… that’s right. Why haven’t I seen Elisa in these two days!?” Mukuro was a little confused, usually before performing long-term missions. Elisa would say to herself… It’s strange that she disappeared suddenly for several days.

“Sister Elisa… I haven’t seen her for a few days,” Wendy said.

“Forget it…nothing will happen anyway.”

Mukuro scratched his head and said. With her own pupil power hidden in Elisa’s eyes, Elisa is unlikely to encounter any danger at all.


Mukuro frowned suddenly.

Turning over his right hand, a magic crystal appeared in his hand.

The golden magic ripples are constantly shining. Mukuro murmured: “This group of guys…this is the first time to find me in ten years. Interesting…what will happen to me?” This magic crystal is a subpoena for the speaker and members of the Magic Council. Magic crystal. It is generally used when an emergency magic council is held.

However, in the past ten years, the Magic Council has not subpoenaed itself once.

Magic Council.


Crawford Sim and the other seven councillors [lack of Urrutia], these are the highest powers in the magical world. At this moment, they were arguing with each other like ground ruffians, and there was no sense of self-cultivation.

“No!! Absolutely can’t use magic wizard power!”

“if not!?”

“What else can I do!?”


The Magic Council has become a mess.

“Well…what’s going on? See what you look like now, and how is it different from the ruffians on the street.”

Mukuro’s longing body appeared, looked at the noisy environment, frowned and said.

Then he walked straight to the seat next to Crawford Sim and sat down. Although I haven’t been to the Magic Council once. But Mukuro’s seat is still there, and it is faintly higher than Crawford Sim’s seat.

The moment when Mukuro appeared, the whole venue fell silent.

“Your Excellency First Congressman, you…you are here. Sit down, sit down.” Crawford Sim said flatly.

“Didn’t you let me come here!?”

Mukuro said helplessly, “Also, am I not sitting here!?”


Crawford Sim looked awkward. 110

But yet Crawford Sim’s face is thick enough. In a blink of an eye, the flattery on his face was restored again, and he couldn’t help but nodded and smiled.

“What’s the matter?” Mukuro looked around at the magic councilors on the conference table in front of him. All the councilors except Urrutia were present. When Mukuro’s gaze swept across Geral’s body, the muscles of Geral’s body suddenly tightened. Because he found that under the glance of Mukuro’s eyes, he seemed to be able to see through his heart!

Hearing Mukuro’s inquiry, Crawford Sim also curbed some of his flattery.

Slightly straightened up, Crawford Sim said: “According to the intelligence system of the Magic Council… in the sea near Carmo… the remaining R system was discovered! And… it is the R system that has been constructed. !”

“Now… we are discussing how to deal with the R system.”

Follow Crawford Sim’s words. Oge continued, “Initially, we didn’t want to bother you, the first congressman. However, because we have been unable to contact the Urrutia congressman, there has been a fair situation regarding whether to use the magic power to destroy the R system. . That’s why I disturb you, the first congressman.”

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