Chapter 718 The age of the gods

“The world…is going to be destroyed!?” The Star Spirit King muttered as he looked at the black sphere that was constantly expanding and getting bigger in the sky.

His eyes are no longer anger, but panic!

The magic that I am proud of is just a drop in the ocean in front of this black sphere! It can’t be compared at all! At this time, there was only fear in the heart of the Star Spirit King… what kind of existence did he provoke!

Mukuro squinted, watching the swelling Truth-Seeking Ball in the sky.

“Can’t let you continue to swell!”

When the voice fell, Mukuro stretched out his arms…as if he was about to embrace the huge swelling Truth-Seeking Ball in his arms!

Reincarnation Tenseigan is spinning wildly in Mukuro’s eyes!

The horrible gravity vented from Mitarashi Mukuro’s body… Enveloping the swelling dark Truth-Seeking Ball! Under the horrible gravity of the twisted and deformed space bound by this space, the expansion of Truth-Seeking Ball no longer continues to expand!

“But… this is not enough!”

Mukuro’s arms stretched out, and suddenly he retracted in front of him!

The released gravity has increased dozens of times again…Under such a terrifying gravity, the space has collapsed! And the 927 inflated Truth-Seeking Ball can only be obediently punishable in front of it! Continuously shrinking…Finally, under the gravitational pull of Mitarashi Mukuro, it melted into the twelve Truth-Seeking Balls behind him.

There are thousands of miles of blue sky in the sky, and there is no such thing as a scene of extinction just now!

Magic Council.

“Master Speaker… The magic response measuring device is beginning to show the magic value again! The magic of the 975 billion concept! Reduced… the magic of the 730 billion concept! It dropped again… 440 billion …Two hundred twenty billion…three hundred and forty…disappeared!? Your Lord Speaker! All the magical reactions around Magnolia have disappeared!”

The person in charge of the measurement of the magic reaction said with a dull face.

“What!? Disappeared!?”

Crawford Sim quickly got up from the ground. Move forward…Looking at it, the value on the magic reaction meter has returned to zero. After blinking, he made sure that he was right. Crawford Sim turned his head to look at the person responsible for measuring the magic reaction and asked: “Could it be that the machine is malfunctioning…I can’t detect it?”

“Probably not.” The person in charge of the magic reaction measurement said: “After all, the magic reaction measurement device has never failed.”


Crawford Sim jumped up. With a look of aftermath, Yu Sheng said: “I knew that with the first congressman, there would be no problems!”

you know! ?

When did you know! ?

The most active person who just clamored to unblock Fez is you! The congressmen all looked at Crawford Sim with contempt. But no one said anything…Who called Crawford Sim the Speaker of the Magic Council?

Mukuro’s gaze fell on the Protoss King again.

He said lightly, “Now!? Can you reconsider what I just said about Loki?”

The Star Spirit King was silent.

After a while, he said dryly, “Human Sorcerer, about Leo… Leo who was convicted for his companion Aliyes. In view of this beautiful fetter, I will deal with this matter specially. Lei. Oh… you can go back to the astral world.”

“I…return to the astral world!?”

Loki’s face was full of consternation, and a door suddenly appeared behind him.

Take Loki back to the astral world.

And this door finally turned into a golden key. Mukuro picked it up… and prepared to go back and give it to Lucy as a gift.

At this time, the Star Spirit King spoke again. The tone was full of bitterness and said: “Human Sorcerer, besides… other things, is there anything else!?”


Mukuro nodded, and said, “Anything else? Nothing…but. I just have one thing that I am puzzled about, and I want to ask you about it.”

“whats the matter!?”

The Star Spirit King was very puzzled.

Looking at the Protoss King, Mukuro faintly asked, “God… really exists!?”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, the pupils of the Protoss King suddenly shrank.

Then the expression gradually returned to plainness… Slowly he said, “God… really exists. The age of its birth… is earlier than the age of the dragon. And that era… is also known as It’s the age of the gods!”

“Oh… so sure, have you seen God?”

Mukuro asked casually, he didn’t expect the Protoss King to have any definite answer. But who knows the Star Spirit King opened his mouth and said:

“Yes… I have seen God.”

This suddenly made Mukuro’s eyes shine, but he didn’t ask aloud. Because, looking at the appearance of the Star Spirit King, it seems that there is still something to say. Just listen to the Protoss King opening and saying: “God of the Starry Sky, Tadella Uspros! It was he… who created the world of the Protoss. Then… I was in charge of the Astral World.”

The god of the starry sky-Tadella Upros! ?

Mukuro’s expression condensed slightly. This name… he has heard it. A sentence in the chant in the history of the star map. It’s just that I didn’t pay attention before, it turned out…it’s the name of God! Sure enough, there is a god in this world!

“What about now!? Where did they go!?”

Mukuro asked. Apart from that, he has not received any information about God!

“do not know.”

The Star Spirit King’s answer was very bachelor.

“I don’t know!?” Mukuro’s tone was a little higher. I don’t know if you still said so vigorously, you made yourself look very clear.

“On January 1, X001, all the gods disappeared!”

The Star Spirit King opened his mouth and said: “The current date is counted after the gods. After that, this continent has entered the age of dragons! Then Akunorokia killed all the dragons with his own power. Ended the age of dragons…opened the age of mankind!”

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