Chapter 720 r system (please customize!)

“Urutia!? Oh… I forgot to tell you that Urrutia has joined the Garden of Quiet Spirits. As for the Magic Council… It depends on your mood if you come in the future. Crawford Sim Speaker, there is no problem at this point.”

Mukuro cast his gaze to Crawford Sim and asked.

Crawford Sim’s mouth twitched a few times. Participating in the Magic Council… actually depends on the mood to decide! ?

What do you think of the Magic Council! ?

Do you have a house? ?

The Magic Council has become a history of four hundred years… How can there be such an example! ?

Although I think so. But Crawford Sim didn’t dare to say it… Isn’t that an act of seeking death? She can only smile and say: “It is an honor for her to be able to join Senator Urrutia. As for the Magic Council…you may not come. The Magic Council will retain the seat and voting rights of the Urrutia Councillor.”

Mukuro nodded.

This focused on the so-called R system.

R system!

Mukuro naturally knew what it was. It was a forbidden magic created by Jeff, the strongest dark wizard in the history of magic four hundred years ago! Also known as the “restore system”! It is a magic that uses a living person as a sacrifice and then resurrects a dead person! It is the so-called “soul return technique”! Or the magic that revives the dead!

It is a taboo magic that disrupts life and death and deviates from humanity!

Four hundred years ago, Jeff, a genius at a young age, studied the R system due to the death of his younger brother, and was cursed by the god Anxelam for this reason, and became an immortal existence.

Eight years ago, the Order of the Dark Mages who believed in Jeff established seven R systems. However, it was discovered by the Magic Council and completely destroyed. But… no one thought that there would be an eighth R system in this world!

And after ten years, this R system has been completely completed!

Chikerrain was sitting directly opposite Mukuro.

For some reason, Zickrein always felt Mukuro’s gaze was always on his body. And the look in his eyes was full of playful abuse… as if he knew everything.

“Um…how’s the discussion going!?”

Mukuro asked faintly. Hearing Mukuro’s question, Crawford Sim said hurriedly: “Now the number of votes for and against is the same, both are four.”

“Oh… so my vote is about the final decision!” Mitarashi Mukuro said with an expression of such honor.

Zickrein looked at the people around him.

He can’t let Mukuro vote, although the 50% probability of Mukuro’s vote is to approve of launching magic wizard power! But Chikerley didn’t dare to bet… he didn’t dare to bet that this was only a 50% probability! Otherwise, my eight-year plan will be empty!

After gritting his teeth, Qi Ke Lei got up because of a sudden filming of the crime!

Then he asked loudly: “Do you… really understand the current situation!? This dark wizard named Geral wants to bring the dead back to life!! You… don’t really feel anything at all! Are you there!? The magic of the [negative] that is about to move, and the terrible thing he is about to resurrect!!!”

“Zike…what are you trying to say!?” Crawford Sim asked.

“The Black Sorcerer-Jeff!”

Qi Klein only spit out these words slowly.

Suddenly, the entire Magic Council was stunned… their expressions were terrified. They didn’t expect that from Zickrein’s mouth… actually said the name! The existence in the legend of the magic world, the only strongest in the history of magic, the name has been regarded as a forbidden word, the ancestor of the black wizard, descended on the ancient continent, upgraded the black magic to Ultimate and created countless black magic And the devil puts the world into chaos…Jerf!

“You…who do you think it is!?”

“How did you know about this, Zick!!”

With a look of shame, Qi Klei held the table with both hands. He opened his mouth and said: “I wanted to avoid unnecessary suspicion. That’s why I didn’t say… I know Geral. I also know exactly what he wants to do…”

“I testify… He really knows Geral.”

At this time, Mukuro suddenly said: “Well… Senator Chikerrain knows Geral very well, as if he were the same person, right? Congressman Chikerrain.?” Then he looked at the horror in Chikerrain’s eyes. Mukuro suddenly showed a mischievous smile, and said, “So the vote to launch the magic power to destroy the R system…I agree!”

Qi Klein was surprised with a look of error.

“I also changed to agree.”, “Agree.”, “Me too.”…

Except for Ajima, the original four votes were against… three of them were against the water. Because the deterrence of these three words is really too great. Even in their cognition… Jeff is the most terrifying wizard in the world! It is even more terrifying than Mitarashi Mukuro, and it must not be resurrected, otherwise the whole world will fall…

And Ajima didn’t change his vote, not because he was not afraid of Jeff, but because he always felt that Zickrein’s behavior was very strange.

“Nine votes in favor! One vote against!” Crawford Sim announced: “So…for the vote to activate the magic wizard power to destroy the R system in one fell swoop, I declare it passed! Now send someone to activate the wizard immediately Elf power!”

Very good! That’s great! !

Qi Klein clenched his fists, and Chūnin couldn’t help but ecstasy!

As long as Jeff is resurrected…then the world will be under its envelope, and even Mitarashi Mukuro will definitely not be the opponent of the great black wizard Jeff!

“I’ll see you soon… Geral.”

Geral, who was full of excitement, didn’t notice… Mitarashi Mukuro’s gaze never left him.

Mukuro’s eyes are full of playfulness and abuse.

Off the coast of Carmo.

The eighth R system left by the Black Magic Order. It has been built by Geral! And now it is called the Tower of Paradise!

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