Chapter 715 Galaxy Blade

The battle between Mitarashi Mukuro and the Protoss King is still going on, but Mukuro doesn’t seem to be interested in fighting back, and has been using God’s Presence to avoid the Protoss attack.

Although the Star Spirit King’s attack is fierce every time, it can cause no harm to Mukuro, who is directly moving at the spatial level!

“The human wizard of Damn it! Accept the punishment of the eighty-eight constellations throughout the day!”

The Star Spirit King couldn’t attack for a long time, but he was also extremely angry. No longer do unnecessary slashing, but hold the long sword in your hand on top of your head!

Suddenly, the sky became gloomy…the sky was full of stars!

And the Protoss King stood in mid-air, surrounded by the surrounding stars… as if he was the only king in this bright starry sky!

“The dream of starlight shining on the eighty-eight stars all over the sky… just come here!!”

“Blade of the Galaxy!!!”

The light of silver-white stars shrouded the earth! With the Star King as the center, within a radius of tens of kilometers, all are covered with a layer of silvery white light… And Mukuro in this area is naturally covered by this kind of star power!

Seeing Mukuro’s body covered by the power of stars, the Star Spirit King’s expression condensed!

Then it detonated this endless star power!

The silver-white beam of light piercing through the heavens and the earth broke out on the continent of Ishugar at this moment! Straightly pierced to the endless galaxy!

The entire Fiore Kingdom can see such a scene!

Far in the royal capital of the Fiore Kingdom.

The Hatfield family.

At this moment, Layla Hatfilia who was reading a letter from Lucy in her bedroom. Suddenly noticed the silver beam of light piercing the sky outside the window.

Her complexion suddenly changed…As the most outstanding Astral Sorcerer after Anna Hartfilia, Layla is familiar with the Astral King, and the Astral King is also called Lei in front of Lucy. Pulling is for old friends. She naturally knew this scene outside the window!

The Galaxy Blade of the Protoss King! !

It is not an exaggeration to call it the most powerful attack of the Protoss King! All opponents attacked by the Galactic Blade will be completely petrified! Similar to the fairy law, only those deemed enemies by the Protoss King will be petrified.

“The Star Spirit King was forced to use the Galactic Blade to be able to deal with it! Is there such a powerful magician in the continent of Ishugar!? But… it should have nothing to do with Lucy, after all, with her magic power, even if it is collapsed The key to the bad zodiac is not enough to summon the Protoss King, and Lucy has found the Garden of Quiet Spirits, protected by Mr. Mitarashi Mukuro, and Lucy is unlikely to encounter any danger.” Layla But I thought so.

But she didn’t know that the one who was fighting with the Protoss King… was Mitarashi Mukuro!

Magic Council.

“Sir, Fiore Kingdom has a violent magical reaction! Preliminary estimates…the magical power is about 5.7 billion conceptual magic power!”

“How many did you say!?”

Crawford Sim jumped up instantly when he heard this number. After swallowing hard, he asked again in disbelief.

“The magic of the 5.7 billion concept, Lord Speaker.”

“5.7 billion!?”

“Yes, Lord Speaker.”

Crawford Sim also reacted. Can’t help but shake…the magical power of 5.7 billion concepts? What a joke! ? The magic power of the wizard is nothing but the magic power of the 2.7 billion concept. It is enough to destroy a small country! The magic power of 5.7 billion concepts… but it is equal to the power of two magic wizards! If such a terrifying magic power explodes on the land of the Fiore Kingdom…the consequences, Crawford can’t even imagine!

“What’s going on!? What happened to the Kingdom of Fiore!?” Crawford Sim asked quickly.

“No… I don’t know.”

The frog man in charge of the report said cautiously. But when he saw that Crawford Sim was about to furious. Busily continued: “However, based on the lock of the magic detector, we found the magic reaction of the first congressman…”

Crawford Sim was taken aback. Subconsciously asked: “You said…who is it!?”

“The first member, Mitarashi Mukuro-sama,” said the frogman.

Hearing what the Frogman said, Crawford Sim shut up.

Sit back on the seat again. At this time, all he had left was to pray. Pray that Mitarashi Mukuro will not cause any big troubles… Even if they cause troubles, they must support themselves to continue to serve as the Speaker of the Magic Council!

On the side, Geral’s eyes widened when he heard such a huge magic power. Such a huge magic power… if it were next to the tower of the paradise, it would be great! Then I don’t have to work hard to plan the magic power of the magical wizard power. However, my heart is more afraid of Mitarashi Mukuro, don’t affect your plan!

At this moment, the Galaxy Blade released by the Protoss King is more terrifying than in the plot. After all, at the time of the plot, Lucy, who summons the Protoss King, has exhausted her magic power. Otherwise, the Galaxy Blade will not be able to reach the magic power of the terrifying 5.7 billion concept!

The magic shining on Mukuro instantly turned Mukuro into a stone statue.

And the remaining magic power, under the guidance of the Star Spirit King… But it has returned to the endless galaxy. The Star Spirit King’s move 4.4 made the Magic Council, who had been investigating the magic reaction here, breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking at Mitarashi Mukuro in petrified state, the Protoss King raised his great sword!

He wanted to destroy the stone statue, so that after he returned to the astral world… it was impossible for this human wizard to recover.

But just when the giant sword is about to fall on Mukuro…

Mukuro, in petrified state, moved… one arm raised, and with one hand, he grabbed the giant sword that the Protoss King had slashed out with both hands.

“Well… I can’t let you continue to attack! So next… it’s me.” The voice fell, and the stones on Mukuro’s body fell one after another. He revealed his original appearance, unscathed, if it weren’t for a falling rock in the same place, he wouldn’t be able to tell that he was still being petrified at the last moment.

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