Chapter 714 Fierce Fighting Star King

Hear Mitarashi Mukuro’s voice. Although the Star Spirit King could not see any changes in his face, his voice became colder and colder: “Human Sorcerer, do you want to go to war with this king? As a human being, you are absolutely impossible to defeat me! ”

Mukuro looked up at the Star King, with a smile on his face: “Is that so!?”

Protoss King! !

As the king who dominates the astral world, the power of the astral king is beyond doubt!

Although it only appeared a few times in the plot!

But its terrifying strength has been fully revealed…During the first battle of the gate of the underworld, a single blow destroyed the prison beast released by Pluton-Alegria, and even when Lucy’s magic power was about to run out, Smashed Pluton Maldo Gil!

Mukuro didn’t speak any more, and the corners of his mouth curled slightly.

Suddenly… a punch directly blasted towards the Star Spirit King!

God air strike! !

A huge fist of terrifying magic power was condensed in front of Mukuro, and then it struck straight towards the Star King! Even the space was shattered by the bombardment of Shenkong!

Seeing such a powerful attack, the Protoss King’s complexion suddenly changed!

He didn’t expect that this human wizard who seemed incomparably small to him was in front of him. Can actually release such a terrifying magic! In a hurry, he placed the huge sword in front of him to resist such an attack.

Even the Protoss King was huge, but after being hit by the fist of Shenkong. It was still carried by its huge strength, and smashed to the side of the mountain!

Boom! Rumble! !

The body of the Star Spirit King has slid on the ground for a distance of several thousand meters… and it can stop his body! The mountain peak was broken by it, and the falling boulders flooded the surrounding rivers and lakes. With just one blow, Mukuro completely changed the surrounding landscape! The Star Spirit King was also at a disadvantage in the battle.

And Loki on the side was already dumbfounded.

The Protoss King stood straight from the burial of the boulder. Holding a terrifying giant sword in both hands, he looked at Mukuro in a low voice and said, “Dare to do it to me as the master of the astral world! Human Sorcerer!!! This king!!! I will never spare it. yours!!!”

The magic of horror is vented from the body of the Star King!

The surrounding boulders were all overturned into the sky by this magical power! The Protoss King wearing ancient armor is like…no! It is a God of War that emerged from another world!

“As expected to be the Star Spirit King…I have only felt such terrifying magic power on the black dragon of Akunolokia.”

Looking at the already angry Protoss King, Mukuro said with a slight emotion.

Hearing Mukuro’s voice, Protoss King’s complexion became more solemn. The dragon king Akunorokia is a monster, the Protoss King naturally knows. Although it is disdainful that a person has become a dragon. But Akunolokia’s formidable strength… The Star Spirit King can’t help but admit it! Even he is not sure to defeat that black dragon! The human wizard in front of him seemed to have seen Akunolokia.

I have seen Akunorokia incarnate in the origin of evil! If he can survive, then the human wizard in front of him must not be underestimated!

The punch that hit me just now was definitely not an accidental attack!

“No matter what…you will have to pay a terrible price! Meteor Blade!!!” The Protoss King slashed towards Mukuro with both hands in his hands!

The horrible sword light that obscured the sky appeared…attacked Mukuro!

Mukuro didn’t resist, and a god dodged directly. And the attack of the Protoss King extended a length of tens of kilometers! The mountain peaks, rivers, jungles… were all cut off by the strike of the Protoss King, leaving only a bottomless ravine!

“Good skill.”

Mukuro’s complexion remained unchanged, and he praised slightly: “As expected, he is the Protoss King who controls the eighty-eight constellations throughout the sky! It just seems a little clumsy.”

A blow like the Star Spirit King!

The impact was not only felt by Mitarashi Mukuro and Loki.

Not far from the town of Magnolia.

Such a swaying attack had completely disturbed the two magic guilds, Fairy Tail and the Garden of Quiet Spirits.

“Did the earthquake… Or what happened!? Where is the big brother?” Little Loli Wendy asked scaredly. When she was scared… Wendy’s first thought was Mukuro. In the past few years, Mukuro has become Wendy’s dependence. Even Mukuro was a little helpless, because sometimes Wendy had to hug herself to sleep at night. As a result, Mitarashi Mukuro can no longer do his favorite shy things with Ulu.

“Don’t worry, Wendy. Big brother will be back soon.”

Ulu rubbed Wendy’s head and said. As the second strongest player under Mukuro in the Garden of Quiet Spirits, Ulu can naturally clearly perceive that Mukuro is fighting with a certain existence. But there was no sign of worry at all. Because Ulu doesn’t think that there will still be Mukuro opponents in this world! In Ulu’s heart… Mukuro is invincible!

“What happened… Could it be an earthquake!?”

“It doesn’t look like it!?”

“It can’t be an earthquake! Because I used my magic to probe the pulsation of the earth, there is no change, no.”

“It’s not an earthquake!? Then why would I feel the earth shaking!?”

“It’s… Could it be a mistake!?”

In Fairy Tail, the wizards are all talking about it. Obviously, he was a little confused about the sudden shaking of the mountain. But Makarov, who was sitting on the table, looked solemn, and suddenly said, “This is not an earthquake, but a strong man is fighting!”

“Fight!? How could it be…”

As soon as a magician spoke, he didn’t speak. If it were put to death a few days ago… he would not believe that the battle between the wizards would make such a noise. But after the battle with the ghost dominator, his conception changed.

After a long while, he suffocated a sentence: “Who is it!?…so unlucky.”

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