Chapter 716 Swelling Truth-Seeking Ball

“How could…Why didn’t you be turned into the Galactic Edge Stone!? The human wizard can actually resist the power of the stars!? This…how is it possible!?”

The Star Spirit King’s face was stunned.

The history of the astral world can be traced back to the age before the age of the dragon!

The history of the millennium and Ten Thousand Years is absolutely certain.

As the king in charge of the astral world, the age of the astral king can also be imagined. The Protoss King who has experienced such years, but has never seen the flesh and blood life that can use the power of the body alone to carry the blade of the galaxy!

The dragons back then couldn’t do this either!

Or maybe the most outstanding wizard in human history, Jeff, also used magic to resist his Galaxy Blade!

Just when the Protoss King was stunned… a wave of magical power that made him tremble was vented from Mukuro’s body. Immediately afterwards, the Protoss King saw a scene that he would never forget, centering on the 16 human wizards in front of him, a huge skeleton suddenly appeared! Then muscles appeared on the skeleton, and skin was attached to the muscles! Finally put on the ancient armor! Although they are all states of energy, they are so real!

And after the giant formation appeared. On top of it, there was another layer of unknown substance glowing with metallic luster, like a dark demon!

Armament Haki·Wei outfit·Susanoo! !

Although it is bare-handed!

But when the Star Spirit King looked over, there was an inexplicable fear! Reason is telling him, run away! Returning to the astral world immediately is the most correct way. But… As the dignity of the king who is in charge of the astral world, at this moment, the Astral King is not allowed to retreat!

“What is this!?”

He looked up at the pitch-black giant demon god who was almost twice as tall as him. The Star Spirit King asked with some difficulty.

“What!? Of course something that can blow you up!”

Mukuro in Susanoo’s state, the sound is unusually loud and deep! The sound waves radiate out to make the surrounding woods rustle.

The voice falls…

Susanoo’s huge fist banged on the Protoss King’s body, and blasted the Prosperous King with a single punch. It flew heavily and landed thousands of meters away… It was a scene of shaking and shaking the earth once again!

And Mukuro’s offensive naturally did not stop in the slightest, leaping…kick towards the Protoss King!

In fact, if you deal with the Star King, Mukuro has many ways…the power of Tenseigan in reincarnation, the power of Can-Fire Taito in the state of Bankai, and the power of Yin-Yang escape. What’s more, Mukuro can directly use the power of the Eye of Straight Death to take the Protoss Ochoku to the slaughter!

But first, Mitarashi Mukuro has no plans to kill the Protoss King. Secondly, compared to several other powers… Armament Haki·Wei outfit·Susanoo is the roughest. Such a mad beating of the Star Spirit King, I am afraid that for the rest of his life, he will be afraid to hear the words Mitarashi Mukuro. What Mukuro wants is this kind of effect, otherwise how to make him obedient! ?

Suddenly, the Star Spirit King was beaten up and miserable!

The reason why the Protoss King has been able to control the astral world for thousands of years… depends on his own terrifying power and the means to attack opponents with the help of the power of stars! But now, these two are completely useless when confronting the human wizard in front of them!

The power of the stars has been tried… invalid!

strength! ?

Looking at your body, you know that you can’t beat the monster in front of you!

Never! The Star Spirit King has never felt so aggrieved. As the king of the astral world, he had never imagined that he would be beaten by fat like this! ?

The feeling of humiliation rushed to the head of the Protoss King… the Protoss King lost his mind!

“Measure the sky! Open the sky! Finally to the sky! The stars shine! Destroy their brilliance! Do it before me! Tedralus! I am the ruler of the interstellar! With a complete position! Open the door of the wild! Eighty-eight stars in all! Shining-a historical story on star maps!”

The angry Star Spirit King no longer cared about whether it would affect the human world, and poured out all his magic power…

Unleash the ancient super magic inherited from the astral world!

History of Star Atlas! ! !

The super magic that can be used only by infusing information and knowledge with the ancient documents of the Protoss World! Able to use the power of the eighty-eight stars throughout the sky to carry out an all-round locking attack! The same as Geral’s magic, it is celestial magic, but its power is not comparable to the latter!

The historical story of the star map displayed by the Protoss King is not comparable to the story of the star map released by Lucy in the plot.

If Lucy’s history of star maps is to summon star phantoms to strike at enemies!

Then the story of the star map history of the Protoss King is to summon real stars to carry out a terrifying all-round locking attack on objects regarded as enemies!

The Star Spirit King in a state of irrational…but exhausted all his magic power, the scene in the sky can be described as falling stars, it looks like the end of the world!


“Well…it seems to be overplaying!”

Looking at the sky, Mukuro lifted Susanoo’s state.

The Protoss King, who had exhausted all his magic power, was lying on the ground. He did not choose to return to the astral world immediately, because he wanted to see his own history of the star map completely defeat the human wizard in front of him! Even if you will be affected, you will not hesitate!

“Can’t let you fall!”

Mukuro’s expression condensed, and he murmured: “Otherwise Magnolia will also be affected, and it would be bad to scare Wendy… In that case!”

“Let me disappear into the sky…Expand Truth-Seeking Ball!!”

I don’t know when, Mukuro has already entered the state of Six Paths of God! Twelve inky black Truth-Seeking Balls appeared behind him! Standing in the air…but what’s more terrifying is the swelling Truth-Seeking Ball in the air!

Five elements, yin and yang…all the nature is swallowed! Hidden in it is the power that makes the world return to nothingness! It is a huge block of chaos! Although it is the same substance as Truth-Seeking Ball, the qualitative change caused by quantitative change is not half the power of Truth-Seeking Ball!

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