Chapter 399 Chakra Cannon

The white light faded away, and a dark trace appeared in the position originally occupied by the beam of light! Under the bombardment of “Uranus”, even the space was wiped out! ! !

The dark traces swallowed everything, whether it was sea water, light, or other substances. As long as it touches the dark traces, it will be swallowed mercilessly.

This trace of horror requires the power of the world’s origin to correct it.

And, just this blow! ! If you only rely on the unconscious correction of the world’s origin. Not for decades, don’t even think about being able to restore it back to the original state…

What’s more, now ninety-nine percent of the world’s origins have been swallowed by Obelisk. Let him consume the origin of the world to repair this torn space~! ?

Don’t be delusional…

Of course, it is not completely impossible. However, this is possible only when a prerequisite is established…that is, the entire world is transformed into the world of the Dragon of Heaven according to Obelisk’s wishes! ! !

Until the white light dissipated completely, only one trace of pitch black could be seen in the entire space.

As for Mukuro, who had just been swallowed by the white beam of light, it disappeared completely at this moment.

“Ahahahahaha…Idiot, the attack from “Uranus”. But with the help of the whole world! Under the attack of “Uranus”. Except for Lisk, I have never seen anyone who can survive. !”

Victor laughed wildly.

In his opinion, Mukuro’s figure disappeared, which was nothing more than normal. If it’s still here now, that’s not normal! Victor is very confident about the power of “Uranus”!

“Mukuro boy… is he dead!?”

Garp looked solemn, his eyes searched in the sky constantly. After several times, there was no trace of Mukuro! The mood can’t help but heavier.

Whitebeard and Garp are in the same mood…

“Mitarashi Mukuro…for such a terrifying existence, they were hit by a single blow…the one who was directly beaten even the ashes was not left…whether it should be so terrifying!! It seems that we must get away with the time…”

Wearing a pink feather cape, Doflamingo looked sluggish when he saw this scene in front of him. First, he swallowed hard, and then couldn’t help thinking.

“Master Mukuro!!!”

Kaido glared at Victor, the Celestial Dragons driving “Uranus”. The evil spirit energy on his body kept surging outwards. Suddenly, it hit Victor directly.

Although, Kaido is a strong Devil Fruit who has reached the second awakening level, and he is also the real body of the ancient black dragon. But the strength of Kaido, let alone Obelisk, is not worth mentioning in front of Victor!

Even “Uranus” doesn’t even need to be turned on again. Victor’s aura directly condensed a big hand in mid-air, and slapped Kaido, who was attacking him! !

Not the power of Devil Fruit, nor the power of Haki! !

This is a kind of power from the world of dragons of heaven, but it is faintly more terrifying…

The huge palm was drawn directly on Kaido’s body! A slap… directly took Kaido away. I don’t know which corner of the Pirate World has been fanned.

Controls the tip position of “Uranus”. Yingying’s white light lit up again, and Victor adjusted the direction of his attack to the direction of the opponent’s Malinfando Square, with a hideous smile on his face, and he said:

“Next… it’s your turn! Give me the attack of “Uranus”…”

Before Victor finished speaking, he was interrupted by a voice: “Um… I don’t know… Who gave you the confidence!? Make you think I was killed by you!?”

The sound falls…

Mukuro’s figure appeared in the air again, still wearing the uniform of the Marshal of the World Liberation Army, and the cloak of justice behind him hunting in the wind…

“Master Marshal!?”

“Mukuro boy, what is this!?”

A burst of exclamation in the World Liberation Army calmed down. Although in normal times, Mukuro will not handle all affairs in the entire World People’s Liberation Army.

However, at the critical moment, Mukuro is the absolute backbone! !

“How is it possible!? After receiving a blow from “Uranus” head-on, you…how could you be okay!?” Victor looked at Mitarashi Mukuro with a look of astonishment.

Looking at Victor in “Uranus”, Mukuro showed a playful look on his face.

Mukuro opened his mouth and said, “You have already attacked me… You don’t mean to be indecent… Then it’s my turn…” Then, a jet-black cannon full of technological sense. Appeared in front of Mukuro! !

Chakra cannon! ! !

No… It should be said that it is a super terrifying weapon that has surpassed the Chakra Cannon! It’s just that Mukuro didn’t know what name it should be, so it continued to be called Chakra Cannon!

It combines the technological power of the two worlds, and then joins the power of Ancient Weapon “Pluton” in the Pirate World. At the same time, let it eat Devil Fruit… it’s not too extravagant!

“What is this!?”

Victor’s face was full of doubts, and so was Obelisk. Even Garp and Whitebeard are also confused. Where did Mukuro get this weapon! ?

The only person in the People’s Liberation Army who knows the source of the weapon is Sengoku. However, now Sengoku is still lying on the ground without knowing his life or death…

And… What is Mukuro doing! ?

The opponent’s weapon is “Uranus”! The first of the three legendary Ancient Weapon! There is no doubt that it is called the strongest weapon in history, and there is no one…

“Now it’s my turn to shoot…”

With that, the endless Chakra in Mukuro’s body poured frantically into the Chakra cannon. After a few breaths, the energy has been fully charged, and then a blue light blasted towards Victor’s direction…

“Victor, be careful!!!”

Feel the energy contained in the blue light! Obelisk on the side could not help but change his face, exclaiming in exclamation. In fact, without Obelisk Klein’s reminder, Victor has already felt it…

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