Chapter 398 Uranus

Seeing Obelisk’s indifferent expression, Mukuro could also guess what Obelisk was thinking. A smirk of disdain appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Suddenly, he punched directly! ! !

God air strike! ! !

Seeing the dark blue fist hitting him, Obelisk said faintly: “I have already said it. Maybe you didn’t hear it, so I will repeat it to you… I am this world. Lord of the world! So in this world, no power can hit me!”

“If you swallow the origin of the world, you think you are the lord of the world!? You take it for granted… Besides, the last trace of the origin of the world is in my hands… what you are devouring now is the incomplete origin of the world. what!”

Mukuro said contemptuously.

“Sure enough, it’s you!”

Obelisk’s eyes became clear. He said sharply: “Hand over the last trace of the power of the world’s origin, I can make your death not so miserable…”

Obelisk hadn’t finished speaking, but had to stop.

He was surprised to find…


The dark blue fist that hit in front of him did not dissipate, and there was not even a hint of collapse. However, at this time, Obelisk could not tolerate any more thoughts.

Because… this dark blue fist has already banged on his body! ! !

Bang! ! !

A sudden explosion sounded in the air. Mukuro’s full-strength blast hit Obelisk’s body firmly! Suddenly, energy ripples exploded in the air…

And the center of the energy wave is Obelisk, who has endured the divine air strike!

“How is it possible!? How…how!? In this world, there is energy that can hit me!? How could this kind of thing happen!?”

After Mukuro’s attack, Obelisk’s armor made of seastone mothers was broken into pieces. But Obelisk himself did not suffer any injuries.

Looking at Mukuro with a look of astonishment, Obelisk murmured in confusion.

Suddenly, his body suddenly stunned.

Obelisk pointed at Mukuro, and said in astonishment: “Could it be…you are also…nor…”

As the embodiment of half of the world’s will, as long as the power in this world is invalid to oneself. Reverse it, there is only one possibility that can cause harm to yourself…

That is the power that does not belong to this world! ! !

Although what Obelisk said was a little unclear, Mukuro clearly understood what Obelisk wanted to express and sneered and said:

“I am not a group of homeless bereavement dogs…”

Hearing Mukuro’s words, Obelisk’s eyes were stunned, and he stopped verifying anything with Mukuro. He said sharply: “No matter what your status is, or you are like me, who are not in this world. Dare to provoke me so! Today, let me die in this place!”

“Victor… kill him for me!!!”

Instead of doing it himself, Obelisk said to Victor, who was looking aside. Although it has been determined that Mukuro in front of him is the same as his own identity, not an aboriginal in this world.

But Obelisk doesn’t think that Mukuro is qualified enough to let himself go.

The reason why Obelisk shot Whitebeard and Garp was because it was not a shot in Obelisk’s eyes, but only a cat and mouse play.

Now, Mukuro clearly aroused Obelisk’s anger.

Therefore, the angry Obelisk ordered Victor to kill Mukuro directly. As Obelisk’s deputy, Victor clearly heard the anger in his words.


Don’t dare to hesitate, Victor replied. Then, looking at Mukuro, with a grinning smile on his face, he said: “Boy, dare to anger Lisk, you are the first person in eight hundred years! You are also honored… let me end with “Uranus” Give up your life… Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie…”

Uranus! ?

A look of interest appeared on Mukuro’s face.

Watching with interest the black flying machine driving under Victor. If it weren’t for Obelisk, Mukuro really didn’t think this would be the strongest Ancient Weapon in the legend-“Uranus”! ! !

It’s just an aircraft with a diameter of about ten meters, with Victor sitting in the middle.

Just now Mukuro thought that this was just a quirk of the Celestial Dragons, Victor. After all, Celestial Dragons is very interested in things like balls. He wears a spherical bubble on his head, and his body shape eats like a sphere…

Unexpectedly, it was the legendary “Uranus”! !

Just when Mukuro was watching “Uranus” with great interest.

Under Victor’s control, the form of “Uranus” was also rapidly changing. The original black sphere style has been changed to another style-a drop-like style.

The tip of the water drop points towards Mukuro…

Then, the position of the tip gradually brightened. At first, there was a bright white light, and then this light gradually enlarged, and the brightness increased geometrically every moment…

In the end, the light emitted can be said to be dazzling to the limit!

The entire Marin Vandor square, except for Mukuro, who was staring at the tip of “Uranus”. The rest of the people, let alone looking straight, just swept away, and the stinging sensation in their eyes could not be tolerated. Because this is not just a tingling in the eyes, but a tingling sensation deep into the soul!

Even Obelisk couldn’t help but squint slightly.

As for Mukuro, the level of his eyes is not afraid of such a thorny light, even if it is ten times stronger, the same result…

Quietly, there is no sound. The white light at the tip of “Uranus” suddenly burst. A laser beam with a diameter of tens of meters blasted towards Mukuro’s position!


The white light directly swallowed Mukuro…

Then, the beam of light extended… I don’t know how far away the vast sea was pierced! It lasted for a few seconds before the beam of light gradually dimmed…

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